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Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Faculty Board



The Minutes of Ordinary Meetings of the Faculty Board are also available on the Information Gateway for three years after the relevant date.

Minutes of the Third(Ordinary) Meeting of the Faculty Board held on Tuesday 4 February 1997.

                           Professor I C Morison (Chair)                                           
Dr C Antaki                                Mr P R King(ab)                            
Dr J Arnold                                Professor M R A Lister                     
Dr J V Beaverstock (ab)                    Dr M D W Mangan                            
Mr D J Bunker                              Dr M E Nevill (ab)                         
Mr M F Collins (ab)                        Dr E J Pentecost                           
Mr J Costello                              Professor I Reid                           
Professor S J Cox                          Professor P H Roberts                      
Dr P D Dine                                Professor J A Saunders(ab)                 
Mr L M Drake                               Professor M Shaw                           
Ms N D Fenton                              Ms M Threlfall (ab)                        
Professor L Hantrais                       Dr J Vagg                                  
Professor A G Hargreaves                   Mr D R F Walker                            
Professor M R Hill                         Professor D J Wallace (ab)                 
Mr A R Hodgson                             Mr M Wallis (ab)                           
Mr T P Jones                               Professor T G Weyman-Jones                 
Ms A Kanwar (ab)                           Dr P Wild (ab)                             
In attendance:                             Ms P J Rouse                               
Apologies for Absence:                     Dr Beaverstock, Mr Collins                 
                                           Mr King, Dr Nevill                         
                                           Professor Saunders,                        
                                           Mr Wallis, Dr Wild                         
                                           Mr Wilson                                  
By Invitation                              Ms L Dutton,                               
                                           Mr S Hunt (for item 3)                     
                                           Mr H Jones (for item 4)                    
                                           Mr P Wheeler                               
                                           Mr N Wijayaratna                           

1. Minutes

The Minutes of the First (Ordinary) Meeting of the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Board held on 29 October 1996 were confirmed and signed, with the addition of Mr L M Drake to the list of those present.

2. Dean's and Associate Deans' Reports

2.1 Dean's Report

A warm welcome was extended to Mr P Wheeler of Loughborough College of Art and Design.
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
Departments in the Faculty had generally done well in the recent RAE and they were congratulated, in particular those Departments which had achieved a rating of 5.
Strategic Planning Exercise
The Strategic Planning Exercise was about to commence and would be considered by the Directorate at a meeting on 10 February. A report on the evolution of Faculty strategy would be provided at the next meeting of the Faculty Board.

2.2 Report from the Associate Dean (Teaching)

(SSH97-P1 and SSH97-P1a - tabled)
A report from the AD(T) was noted, together with a further paper regarding semesterisation review which was tabled. Attention was drawn to the key issues concerning semesterisation review identified by the Semesterisation Review Group. It was noted that the Group had invited responses from Faculties for consideration prior to the production of a paper for discussion by Boards at their next meetings.
A number of points were made in discussion, including the following:
Flexibility in programme regulations would be helpful to enable varied approaches.
The discontinuation of September resits would ease the workload and generally be welcomed by staff in Departments.
The possibility of students carrying forward a limited number of failed subjects whilst proceeding with the programme and resitting them during the following year, together with the subjects studied during that year, should be investigated.
In some subjects the formal, written examination of students at the end of the first semester was not felt to be beneficial as the students had not had sufficient time to assimilate a reasonable body of knowledge by that stage.
Increased workload pressures experienced by departmental academic and administrative staff resulted from a range of factors including Semester 1 examinations, the speed with which module boards must be held, the very large number of claims of impaired performance and the pace and frequency of recent change.
An inter-semester break of a week or more was necessary to alleviate current pressures. The workload pressures experienced last year had not reduced in the current year.
The importance of a formal mechanism for wide consultation on and contribution to the semesterisation review was stressed.
It was AGREED that:
Mr Walker, a new member of the Steering Group, should circulate a paper to Faculty Board members which he had prepared for the forthcoming meeting of the Steering Group.
Members should pass any further comments they wished to make regarding the semesterisation review to Mr Walker or to Mr Costello directly.

2.3 Report from the Associate Dean (Research)


The following matters were reported.

Postgraduate Supervision and Completion Rates
Extracts from the unconfirmed minutes of the Faculty Postgraduate Research Committee meeting held on 13 January 1997 were noted. The training needs of part-time research students were under consideration and members were invited to pass any comments on this directly to the AD(R).
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE)
AD(R)s had been asked by the PVC(R) to review the performance of their Faculty in the RAE and provide operational and strategic recommendations. The Faculty performance in the RAE was good, with three Departments achieving a rating of 5 and all but one improving their rating. It was hoped that more staff would be returned in the next RAE. Good use of research time and study leave would be vital in preparing for this. A further factor identified as critical in achieving a good performance in the next RAE was a good body of full-time postgraduate research students. There was concern that the current sanctions policy applying to some Departments in the Faculty could limit the ability of those Departments to recruit such researchers. It was noted that some other institutions already appeared to be advertising a significant number of postgraduate research studentships.
A contextual statement on future University research strategy had been circulated to Deans and Heads of Departments for consideration by the Directorate in relation to the key research priorities for the Faculty and how it would support them. It was expected that approximately £2.5M over the next 3 to 4 years would be available from the University's central Development Fund to support research and good bids for funds were encouraged.

3. Continuing Education Strategy and Operational Plan

The Continuing Education Strategy and Operational Plan from August 1996 to May 1997 was presented with commentary from Mr Hunt, the Continuing Education Co-ordinator. The key features of Continuing Education Strategy at Loughborough were to work within the philosophy of life long learning with the main, but not exclusive, emphasis on vocational courses and, where possible, credit bearing courses, utilising mixed mode, flexible delivery methods. As Co-ordinator, his role would be to provide central support for projects and for staff within departments, to promote good practice and appropriate quality assurance procedures, to support planning and monitoring of projects, and assist in the sharing of information and the promotion of continuing education activities. Wider funding sources would be sought and efforts made to achieve greater integration of credit systems. The adherence to good practice across the University would be particularly important in responding to the audits of Continuing Education by HEQC in May 1998 and by HEFCE in 1999-2000.
In answer to a query, it was reported that issues concerning credit accumulation and control were under consideration and recent discussion on this had taken place with representatives of other institutions and at the recent first meeting of the Continuing Education Interest Group. Mr Hunt confirmed that Continuing Education was a core function at Loughborough and would play a role in strengthening the University's non-traditional sources of income. As the Faculty currently had a stronger undergraduate than postgraduate teaching portfolio, continuing education could provide another route into postgraduate or post experience teaching. The pricing of modules to provide stand alone short courses was under consideration and it was suggested that different pricing models might be appropriate across different Faculties.
It was suggested that publicity for Continuing Education at Loughborough could be boosted by posters displayed in local public libraries. Mr Hunt confirmed that a publicity leaflet was being produced and would be available shortly for wide distribution.
Thanks were expressed to Mr Hunt for the presentation.

4. Admissions Strategy

The Board considered an annual report on undergraduate admissions to the Faculty presented by Mr H Jones, Senior Assistant Registrar in the Student Office. Overall recruitment in 1996 was very satisfactory and the sterling work carried out by Admissions Tutors and their colleagues was saluted.
Very satisfactory standards had been maintained in average `A' level scores which, it was noted, did include General Studies. Recruitment planning remained vital at Departmental and Faculty level and careful control of offers and use of concessions was essential. The number of applications received so far in the current year was good, with a number of Departments already close to, or exceeding, the total number of applications received last year. Careful control was again being exercised by Admissions Tutors.
It was uncertain whether entering the clearing procedure in 1996 was the result of a minor blip and this would need careful monitoring in the current year. It was noted that almost all Universities advertised vacancies for Engineering courses at that time and entering clearing was not thought to result in negative publicity, although care would be taken in the use of clearing. Members were reminded that at the forthcoming meeting of the Faculty Directorate recruitment initiatives would be under consideration and £300K was being made available centrally over the next three years to support this.
Thanks were expressed to Mr Jones for the presentation.

5. Annual Review of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes 1995-96

(SSH97-P5, SSH97-P7)
Items 8 and 10 on the Agenda were taken together.
Reports were received from the Associate Dean (Teaching) on Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programme reports received for 1995-96. It was confirmed that reports had been received for all programmes in the Faculty.
The reports had revealed different approaches to information technology across Departments, with some believing it should be subject based within Departments and others preferring external support. All Departments had long established student feedback mechanisms in place and it was necessary to ensure that these were properly documented.
It was noted that some Departments experienced problems with tutorial attendance and it was acknowledged that tutorials took various different forms, making it difficult to apply uniform penalties for non attendance across modules.
The Board AGREED that it was happy to receive reports in this form, with relevant key issues highlighted, and thanked Mr Costello for his role in producing these.

6. HEFCE Quality Assessment Report for Sociology

The Board received and noted comments from the Teaching and Learning Committee on the Report for the HEFCE assessment of the quality of education in Sociology and other programmes in Social Services. It was confirmed that this would be discussed by appropriate committees in the Department of Social Sciences once the AUT boycott of teaching quality assessment had been lifted.
Attention was drawn to the unfortunate phrasing in unconfirmed minute 1 from the Teaching and Learning Committee that "much of the Department's success was based on the employment of part-time staff".

7. Research Interest Database

It was reported that there was a delay in setting up the Research Interest Database as a result of the testing of new systems. The Database would now be up and running in September 1997 rather than at Easter. It was confirmed that data would be entered at Faculty level by Mrs Lawton, Secretary to the Associate Dean (Research).

8. Curriculum Sub-Committee (of Teaching and Learning Committee)

It was NOTED that the following proposals had been approved by Curriculum Sub-Committee for recommendation to Teaching and Learning Committee.

8.1 Revision of the MA in Contemporary European Studies

- (SSH97-P8)

8.2 Revision of postgraduate programmes in the Department of Economics

- (SSH97-P9)

8.3 Introduction of an LPC in Back Care Management

- (SSH97-P10)

9. B.Sc. in Retail Automotive Management (Ford)

It was NOTED that Council, on the advice of Senate, Teaching and Learning Committee and Curriculum Sub-Committee, had approved the introduction of the above programme with effect from Spring 1997.

10. Staff-Student Committees

It was NOTED that reports of Staff-Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as follows:

B.Sc. Mathematics and Education              4 December 1995, 20 February 1996,           
                                             11 March 1996, 13 May 1996,                  
                                             23 October 1996                              
Primary PGCE                                 3 July 1996                                  
Design and Technology                        30 October 1996                              
English                                      22 October 1996, 5 December 1996             
Drama                                        7 October 1996, 11 November 1996             
Economics (Undergraduate)                    26 November 1996                             
Economics (Postgraduate)                     5 December 1996                              
Business School                              7 November 1996                              
Physical Education, Sport Science and                                                     
Recreation Management                        15 May 1996                                  
Physical Education, Sports Science and                                                    
Recreation Management (Undergraduate)        20 November 1996                             

11. Senate

It was NOTED that the Minutes of the 310th (Ordinary) meeting of Senate held on 27 November 1996 are available on the Information Gateway.

12. Reports of Committees

It was NOTED that a report of the following Committee is available on the Information Gateway:

Teaching and Learning Committee of 7 November 1996

13. Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 20 May 1997 at 2.15 pm.

(Closing date for receipt of Agenda items: Friday 2 May 1997.)

Author - P J Rouse

Date - February 1997

Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.