Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities 

Faculty Board



The Minutes of Meetings of the Faculty Board are posted on the Web for three years after the relevant date.



Minutes of the Thirty-Fourth Meeting of the Faculty Board held on Tuesday 29 October 2002.

Members: Professor T J Kavanagh (Chair), Dr P B H Ackers, Mr D J Allen, Dr K M Armour (ab), Dr B M Bagilhole, Mr J Base (ex-officio) (ab), Professor M Bell, Professor S J H Biddle, Mr A Bunkum, Dr C Christie, Dr G A S Cook, Mr J Costello, Professor I R Davidson, Mr D N Deacon, Dr J Demaine (ab), Professor P Golding (ab), Mr R Holman, Professor B M J Houlihan, Mr S Gibson (ab), Mr D R Johnson (ab), Mr R E Jones (ab), Dr R Kinna (ab), Dr G Masselink, Mr W P J Maunder, Professor T C Mills, Dr J Mottram, Mr G Murdock (ab), Mr K Pond (ab), Professor J M Porter, Dr C D Rhodes (ab), Dr J Seaton, Ms R Stubbings, Professor D J Wallace (ab), Professor N P Wood (ab), Mr P W Wormald (ab), Ms M M Wőrsching (ab)

Apologies for absence: Dr K M Armour, Dr J Demaine, Mr S Gibson, Professor P Golding, Mr K Pond, Dr C D Rhodes, Professor N P Wood, Mr P W Wormald

Present: Ms L M Dutton

In attendance: Ms S J McKinley

35. Minutes SSH02-M2

The Minutes of the Thirty-Third Meeting of the Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty Board, held on 21 May 2002, were CONFIRMED and signed by The Dean.

36. Matters arising from the Minutes

SSH02-M2 Item 19 Draft Strategic Plan

The Board NOTED that the University Strategic Plan was now on the intranet and would shortly be going to print.

SSH02-M2 Item 23 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (SENDA)

The Board NOTED that every Department now had a SENDA representative. Departments should familiarise themselves and be made aware of their responsibilities in accordance with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Act.

SSH02-M2 Item 33 Any Other Business

The Board NOTED that Departments had not cancelled as many journals as originally had been anticipated. Subscriptions for new journals would commence in January 2003.

37. Matters Arising from the Minutes not Appearing Elsewhere on the Agenda

The Dean REMINDED the Faculty Board of the statute describing the responsibilities of the Board to the University. It was AGREED that although the Faculty Board was scheduled to meet three times a year it was the Dean's decision as to whether or not a Faculty Board meeting was deemed necessary if there was insufficient business to report or address.

38. Reports from the Dean and Associate Deans

37.1 The Dean

New Faculty Board members, five new Heads of Department and a new AD(R) were welcomed to the Faculty Board.

The Board NOTED that it would be unlikely that the Faculty would face a major audit in the next three years with respect to research or teaching. The financial position of the University and the expected Departmental planning exercise would be made more explicit following the Higher Education Comprehensive Spending Review in November. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor would produce a template to be used by Departments as part of the development planning exercise. The current financial position of the Faculty was encouraging. The aim would be for all Departments in the Faculty to become solvent over a reasonable period of time through increased income generation.

38.2 The Associate Dean (Research)

New research grants and contracts in the Faculty had increased. Performance in research applications and research grants awarded would be mentioned in the AD(R)'s quarterly report.

The quantity and quality of students in every Department had improved. A Research Coordinators meeting had been organised to assess the situation of postgraduate research students and Faculty training. Further consultation and investigation into the organisation of a SSH Faculty Graduate School would be itemised at the December Directorate meeting.

Faculty staff were encouraged to view the HEFCE website which gave its terms of reference on the comprehensive review of the RAE. They should forward their comments on the proposals to Heads of Department. The second consultation of the RAE would be in May.

38.3 The Associate Dean (Teaching)

The Board NOTED that a consultative document proposing an easing of restrictions to year-long modules and a possible reduction in Semester 1 assessments would be discussed at Learning and Teaching Committee and Senate. The Board AGREED that flexibility was required but ramifications of the changes should be identified by Heads of Department and sent to the AD(T).

ACTION: Heads of Department

The Board NOTED that new regulations classifying major and minor offences in academic misconduct had been enforced this academic year. The Board AGREED that more awareness and understanding of plagiarism and its consequences for students was still required.

39. Award of Degrees

The Board CONFIRMED the award of Higher Degrees to candidates whose examinations had been conducted since the last meeting of Senate.

40. Annual and Periodic Programme Reviews

RECEIVED. An oral report from the Associate Dean (Teaching) on the progress of annual and periodic programme reviews.

The Associate Dean (Teaching) reminded members of the Faculty Board that Periodic Programme Review (PPR) took place every four or five years. The Board NOTED that the Departments of Economics and European and International Studies were currently subject to their PPR. The Department of English and Drama's PPR had been delayed due to the departure of several academic members of staff.

41. Loughborough Research and Innovation Centre

RECEIVED. An oral report from the Dean on the Loughborough Research and Innovation Centre. 

The Dean reported that the University's bid for the Advantica site had been accepted in principle. The Board NOTED that there would be an impact on the allocation of Faculty space. The prime usage of the site, however, would be as a research and innovation centre consisting of the research activities of Systems Engineering, British Aerospace, Computer Sciences, Information Sciences and a number of research groups largely from Engineering. This should free up space in Pilkington, John Clements, Heselgrave and Brockington for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. A Space Allocation Group had been set up chaired by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

The Board NOTED that a survey of the re-development of East Park was to be carried out shortly.

42. Award of Research Degrees


The Board NOTED the degrees awarded by Senate at its meeting on 26 June 2002.

43. QAA Subject Review Report


The Board NOTED the Department of European and International Studies response on the QAA Subject Review Report on Politics.

44. Curriculum Sub-Committee

The Board NOTED that Curriculum Sub-Committee had recommended the following new programme proposal to Learning and Teaching Committee, subject to certain requirements being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T), prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee on 7 November 2002:

45. Associate Dean (Teaching) Actions

The Board NOTED the action of the Associate Dean (Teaching) in approving the following:

Further details of the actions were available from the Faculty Board Secretary upon request.

46. Constitution and Powers of the Faculty Board


The Board NOTED the constitution and powers of the Faculty Board.

47. Membership


The Board NOTED the membership of the Faculty Board for the session 2002-2003.

48. Representation on Other Bodies


The Board NOTED representation of the Faculty on other bodies.

49. University Operational Plan


The Board NOTED the University's current Operational Plan.

50. Staff/Student Committees

The Board NOTED that reports of Staff/Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Faculty Board Secretary as follows:


13 Nov 2001, 19 Feb, 7 May 2002

Peterborough MBA 2001-2 Semester 2

7 March 2002

Department of Economics Postgraduate

21 March 2002

Department of Economics Undergraduate

23 May 2002

Department of Social Sciences

8 May 2002

BSc Business Studies, Singapore

18 May 2002

Loughborough University at Peterborough

22 May 2002

Professional Certificate in Management
Sports Industries Federation

11 July 2002

Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Industrial Sales & Marketing (Cohort 3)

1 August 2002


51. Senate

The Board NOTED that the Minutes of the 350th Ordinary Meeting of Senate held on 26 June 2002 were available on the University Web pages.

52. Reports of Committees

The Board NOTED that reports of the following Committees were available on the University web pages:

53. Degree Congregation

The Board NOTED that degrees for programmes and research in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities would be awarded at the Congregation on the afternoon of Monday 16 December 2002.

54. Any Other Business

Heads of Department were reminded to put forward regional, national and international names for honorary degrees.

55. Date of Next Meeting

(Closing date for receipt of Agenda items : Friday 24 January 2003)


Author - Sally McKinley
May 2002
Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.