To:                 Senate


From:             Dr Jennifer Nutkins, Academic Registrar


Review of Committees


Senate has received a revised version of the report, updated in light of debate at Senate and Council in December 2004. The discussions last year suggested that a radical overhaul of the Committee system is not felt to be necessary but that some improvements could be made under the following broad headings (also see section C below):



We now need to agreed a way forward with the specific recommendations bearing in mind these three principles. To facilitate more focussed discussion, the items for possible action (in bold in the paper) have been divided into groups as set out below:


A          Straightforward actions to be taken forward without further detailed discussions at Senate?


2.5              Oral Reports at Senior Committees

Now taking place at the end of the main agenda rather than the beginning. Review the practice at the last meetings of Resources & Planning, Senate and Council in 2004/05.


2.10(b) Paper Numbering and Minute Signing

Refer these issues to the Group which the Academic Registrar has established to make recommendations on committee servicing practice and procedures (see paragraph 2.9).


4.                  The Directorates and Faculty Boards

Discussed at the last Senate meeting and appeared to be general support for twice yearly meetings of the Faculty Boards back-to-back with Directorates. Pilot this arrangement in 2005/06.


5.1              Resources and Planning

Options for changes were discussed at the last Senate and option (b) agreed for trial. This should be reviewed at the last meeting of the Committee in 2004/05.


5.6              Human Resources Committee and its Sub-Committees

Ask Human Resources Committee to review proposals under paragraphs 5.6.1, 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 and report back to Senate and Council, ideally by the end of 2004/05.


6.2              Add Admissions to Remit of Learning & Teaching Committee

Submit appropriate amendment to terms of reference at June 2005 meeting.


7.1 Health, Safety and Environmental Committee

Senate asked the Registrar to examine effectiveness/reporting relationships. Suggest conclusions are reported to Senate and Council by end of 2004/05.


B         Items requiring some further discussion but on which a decision should be possible at this meeting of Senate


5.4              Information Services Committee

General agreement that change is needed but need to decide on a mechanism. Ideally proposals should be submitted to summer term Senate and Council for implementation in 2005/06. New Director of DISS could conduct informal consultations and bring forward proposals or a small working group could be established for the same purpose.


6.3              Ordinances and Regulations Committee

Although limited support for retaining this Committee was expressed at the last meeting of Senate, would Senate be content to see its abolition from 2005/06?


C         Issues on which further work is probably required on an ongoing basis


2.1 and 2.3      Distinction between operational and strategic committees/Representational issues


(a)               A review of individual committees to clarify operational and strategic responsibilities might be desirable although the issue is complex. If agreed, a mechanism needs to be established to undertake the task. This might encompass membership issues (size and proportion of senior managers) at the same time.

(b)               Actions to encourage staff from more diverse backgrounds to participate in committee work need to be considered. Further discussion of the barriers involved might take place at Equal Opportunities Sub-Committee and Academic and Related Negotiating Sub-Committee of Human Resources Committee.

(c)               Principles for incorporating committee work into workload models could be referred to Human Resources Working Group in the first instance.