Ordinances and Regulations Committee



Subject:        Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Engineering


Origin:           Dr B P Vale, Assistant Registrar, Research Student Office




A member of Ordinances and Regulations Committee recently drew attention to an apparent anomaly in the Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Engineering.  Paragraph 17.8 of the Regulations states that the curriculum based element of the programme be assessed in accordance with GRMPA and ARMPA.


Paragraph 17.12 of the Regulations currently states candidates who accumulate 180 credits shall also be eligible for the award of the degree of Master of Science.  GRMPA, however, sets a minimum requirement for the Degree of Master at ‘150 credits and module marks of not less than 40% in further modules with a weight of 30’.  Furthermore it is normally the case that requirements above the minimum threshold are prescribed in programme regulations rather than as here in General Regulations.


Following discussion with the Director of the EngD programme the following revised paragraph 17.12 is proposed:



Candidates who accumulate sufficient credit in accordance with the requirements of GRMPA and ARMPA and the appropriate programme regulations shall also be eligible for the award of MSc.


Student Office, Academic Registry

Telephone: 222036  Fax:  223938

E-mail: B.P.Vale@lboro.ac.uk





To:              Ordinances and Regulations Committee                                   

From:         Dr B P Vale, Research Student Office


Subject :  Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Engineering 



It has recently been agreed that recruitment to the EngD programme be extended to candidates beyond the Department of Civil and Building Engineering, to other departments in the Engineering and Science Faculties.  It is therefore requested that an amendment to paragraph 17.22 of the RHDR be approved whereby reference to Civil and Building Engineering is deleted, extending the applicability of the regulations to all candidates.


The revision to the final sentence of paragraph 17.22 is as follow:


Delete ‘registered in the Department of Civil and Building Engineering’ and add text (in bold) ‘For all candidates registered for the award of EngD competences iii – ix will be demonstrated by successful completion of compulsory taught modules in Management and Professional Development undertaken during the curriculum-based component of the programme’.