Student Experience Committee





Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17 June 2009


Members:  Professor Morag Bell (Chair), Professor Chris Backhouse (ab), Mr Malcolm Brown, Mr David Goss, Mr John Harper, Mr Danny McNeice (ab), Mr Chris Morris (ab), Dr Jennifer Nutkins, Dr Phil Richards, Mr Will Spinks (ab), Mr Nigel Thomas


In attendance:  Marie Kennedy (secretary)


Apologies:  Professor Chris Backhouse, Mr Chris Morris and Mr Will Spinks.



09/17  Minutes


The minutes of the meeting held 11 February 2009 were approved.


09/18  Matters arising from the minutes


18.2 Induction, arrivals and students living in the community:  arrivals dates for 2009 and 2010

The Committee noted that 1,200 freshers would arrive between Tuesday 22 and Thursday 24 September in 2009 and that similar dates would be needed in the next few years.  A list of dates with relevant halls would be circulated to members.



18.2 Communication with students:  responsibility for Learn

This issue had been discussed in the E-Learning Advisory Group and the LUSI Steering Group.  It had been proposed that VLE developments would be reported to Learning and Teaching Committee and to the LUSI Steering Group, and, where appropriate, to this Committee.  The development of a student portal would necessitate a special Steering Group, which would then take oversight of VLE developments.  The proposals were APPROVED.


18.3 Healthy living campaign

Noted that:

i.         At a meeting in March, EMG had supported further investigation of a possible campaign focused on better co-ordination and promotion of existing initiatives, to include staff as well as students, although EMG had some concerns about resourcing issues.  The Director of Student Services had since discussed the possibility with the Director of Human Resources, and it was now expected that a six-month graduate placement, supported by the NHS, would conduct further investigation and develop a webpage. 

ii.       A number of health-related activities were taking place in the local area;  these included an NHS initiative aimed at young people and alcohol abuse, which also covered anti-social behaviour.  The University had argued that this  focus was too narrow and that the project should have a more positive ‘healthy living’ approach.


18.4 Report on hall places

The new University Lodge would be open in late September 2009, and had already generated considerable interest.  34 Singaporean students visiting LUSAD were booked until mid-November, and this number might in future rise to 90, which could be problematic.


09/19  Implementation Plan 2009/10 (SEC09-P9)

            Noted in relation to the Progress Report for 2008/09:

i.         That the Student Barometer surveys had to date been conducted without a budget uplift, and that a Registry bid for funds to continue the surveys in 2009/10 had been unsuccessful.  This was disappointing because the survey had produced some useful results, such as international student perceptions about their multi-cultural experiences, as well as valuable bench-marking data. 

ii.       That there had been a low response rate for the Summer Wave questionnaire, possibly because of survey fatigue. 

iii.      That, in order to get similar feedback, and provide KPIs for Council, consideration would be given to the University joining the two HEA surveys, PTES and PRES, which were likely to run in alternate years, and/or to liaise with the Students’ Union on its annual survey.

iv.     That the Director of Student Services was convening a working group to consider further developments for induction;  the group would concentrate initially on information provided to students for the beginning of the new academic year.  It was unlikely with the limited timescale, and the number of stakeholders involved, that a single leaflet which included both academic and non-academic issues would be produced, but the University should have a tighter, more co-ordinated approach to induction for the 2010/11 session.



Noted in relation to the Priorities for 2009/10:

v.       That any issues identified in the recent LSU annual survey could be followed up together with results from the Summer Barometer survey.

vi.     That the University was in the process of commissioning a web content management system (CMS) and the implementation of this would in future be co-ordinated with LUSI and portal developments.

vii.    That a formal opening of the new Centre for Faith and Spirituality would be appropriate, and that the Marketing and Communications Department should be asked to help plan this.


viii.  That the International Office would include the Centre in its information about facilities available for student use in 2009/10.

ix.     That the Union preferred to have activities and storage space in both the William Morris dining hall and the Mumford Arts Centre, and that costs would have to be realistic, and to take account of DDA requirements.

x.       The evidence that IT Services continually enhanced its provision for students.

xi.     That equality and diversity issues should be kept on the agenda.  A further meeting would be sought with the Chief Operating Officer, perhaps in spring, to clarify his expectations for a single approach for both staff and students.

xii.    That the Priorities would be considered and updated by the Student Experience Team at its next meeting in September, and reported back to this Committee  in November.


09/20 Risk Schedule (SEC09-P10)


Noted that:

i.         ELT had not made any changes  when it recently considered the draft Schedule.

ii.       The highest risks listed were failing adequately to manage a major health incident, poor student behaviour, and failure of governance, financial management or negligence by Hall Committees or the Students’ Union. 

iii.      Regarding student behaviour, one of the disciplinary problems this academic year had resulted in the AU being fined and some offenders being banned from using sports facilities for a year.  Members felt this sent an important message to students about the sanctions the University could and would apply.  During the past academic year, the University and Union had agreed guidelines for the Week 0 hall sing-offs, to avoid any possible issues with the content of songs.  The Director of Student Services would shortly meet Hall Chairs and would remind them that students must abide by these guidelines.  He and the Chief Operating Officer would also meet Hall Committees at the beginning of Week 0 and would again try to ensure that this and similar messages were well understood. 

iv.     The University and Union had recently agreed mechanisms to minimise risks regarding hall finances. 

v.       References to using Student Barometer results to help mitigate risks would now need to be removed, as the University was unwilling to fund the survey in 2009/10.


The changes were APPROVED.


09/21 Amendments to the Terms of Reference of the Residential Provision and

Management Sub-Committee (SEC09-P11)

Noted that:

i.         The amendments had been recommended by the Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee (RP&M) following the reports of the recent Wardens, Damage and Hall Finances Review Group.  RP&M had agreed that its remit  only covered residential provision and that Community Wardens should be overseen by the Student Experience Team.

ii.       The amendments made explicit that RP&M had oversight of Regulation XIX, which should prove helpful both to the University and the Students’ Union.  The situation regarding Hall Committees was complicated because they were not formally a part either of the Union or the University:  their legal status was of independent associations of students.  It was therefore necessary to make clear their responsibilities, especially regarding finances. 

iii.      RP&M would shortly consider all the hall constitutions, with a view to implementing more commonality.  It would also support the Wardens Service in ensuring student compliance with the Regulation. 

iv.     The status of Hall Committees vis a vis the Union and the University was complicated, and would be clarified outwith the meeting by the Academic Registrar and the Chief Operating Officer.


v.       The term “the University’s residential accommodation” was believed adequate to cover the partnerships with private organisations such as Unite.


The amendments were APPROVED.


09/22 Amendments to Regulation XIX (SEC09-P12)

Noted that:

i.         The Wardens, Damage and Hall Finances Review Group had recommended that members of Hall Committees should be residents, but para. 1.2 allowed for the reality that some halls might need a maximum of two members who were not currently resident.

ii.       Amendments to Section 3.1, to clarify the role of Hall Committees in ensuring appropriate student behaviour, whether or not any unacceptable behaviour was premeditated, were considered sensible.  However, both the Union and University wished to avoid any possibility of driving unacceptable behaviour underground. 

iii.      The final sentence of para. 8.2 was intended to cover any unforeseen developments.

iv.     If approved by this Committee, the amendments would be considered by Senate on 1 July, and if agreed there, would be implemented from 1 August 2009.  The Students’ Union had already made the new Hall Chairs aware of the likely changes and would remind them that they should shortly come into effect;  this reminder would also be issued by the incoming President at the beginning of Week 0.

ACTION:  LSU President



(a)   A further amendment that the Hall Chair must be a resident;


(b)   That the Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee would monitor implementation of the amendments to see if any additional or change of wording was required.


09/23 Effectiveness of the Committee (SEC09-P13)

            Noted that:

i.         Although it had been intended that the Committee would have strategic overview and the Student Experience Team would undertake the operational work, there had been occasions, such as when members had reported on the same topic to both, when this line was blurred.

ii.       It would be helpful for Team members to have some indication of likely dates of meetings during the coming academic year, perhaps by agreeing a fixed day and time of week.

iii.      It would be helpful to add dates to the Implementation Plan at which specific actions would be monitored by the Team, and subsequently reported to the Committee.

iv.     Although the ToR had deliberately excluded consideration of sport-related issues because these were understood to be dealt with by the Sports Strategy Group, it would be sometimes be helpful for the Committee to discuss certain aspects of sport, as it was such a key part of many students’ Loughborough Experience, and because students’ concerns had been raised about access to facilities for recreational purposes.



(a)   Some indication of dates of future Team meetings would be provided;

(b)   Dates would be given for monitoring of specific actions in the Implementation Planning Priorities;


(c)   That EMG be asked to consider whether arrangements were currently appropriate to cover the student experience aspects of sport at the University.



09/24. i-graduate/CUBO bounce-back survey, March-April 2009

            Noted that:

i.         85% of the10,000+ students who had responded to the Student Barometer Autumn Wave survey had indicated their willingness to answer further questions.

ii.       The CUBO-commissioned survey involved 26 universities, and covered questions on accommodation, catering and social facilities. 

iii.      38% of respondents were UK students and 62% International (nb i-grad includes EU students with International).

iv.     i-grad had recently presented CUBO representatives with summary results.  These ranked Loughborough and Birmingham Universities at the top, with Loughborough top for social facilities including the Wardens Service.  The lowest scores, for all HEIs, related to costs. 

v.       Although it would have been helpful for the University to continue to benchmark these and other aspects of its provision against other HEIs, this would not be possible if Loughborough did not take part in the Student Barometer surveys.  It was possible that, in the current economic climate, other HEIs would also have to withdraw from participation.

vi.     The Director of imago would circulate the report to members when it became available.


            Further noted that:

vii.    There was good reason for central funding of major surveys that covered the majority of the University’s students, as well as a need for better co-ordination and perhaps even central control of large-scale surveys.  It was inappropriate that decisions about which surveys Loughborough should join were currently made on financial grounds rather than based on strategic planning.

viii.  The Student Experience Team had earlier compiled some useful information regarding the range of both external and internal surveys in which Loughborough students were currently asked to participate, which could be updated relatively easily.



(a)   That it was timely for the University to review current survey procedures and evolve a strategy.  The University needed to agree:

-                      what information the University most needed (including data for KPIs); 

-                      to which groups/ committees the results of each survey should be reported, and how they should subsequently be disseminated;

-                      how surveys should be resourced.   

(b)   That in the meantime, and at its next meeting, the Student Experience Team should re-examine the possibility of better co-ordination of at least some internal surveys.



09/25 Student Experience Team (SEC09-P14 (a) and (b))

            Noted the minutes of meetings held March and May 2009.


09/26  Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee (SEC09-P15 (a)

and (b))

            Noted the minutes of meetings held in March and May 2009.


09/27 Financial Hardship Sub-Committee (SEC09-P16)

            Noted the report.


09/28  Reports from Student Support sections:  Careers Centre (SEC09-P17)

and Medical Centre (SEC09-P18)

Noted the annual reports.


09/29 Wardens, Damage and Hall Finances Review (SEC09-P19)

Noted that the final report was submitted to the Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee in May and a similar report would shortly be submitted to the Audit Committee.


09/30 Student Barometer – Summer Wave 2009

Noted the final response rate of 6% and that summary results would be presented in autumn.


09/31 NSS 2009

Noted the final response rate of 73.75%, and that results would be available in late August/early September.


09/32 Students’ Union elections

Noted that the new LSU members of the Committee for the 2009/10 academic year would be Rob Hulme, President elect, Chris Peel, Vice President (Education) elect, and (probably) Hannah Beasley, Community Action Chair elect.


09/33 Thanks to retiring members

The Students’ Union representatives were thanked for their work on the Committee in the past year, and offered best wishes for their future.


09/34 Dates of the next meetings

Friday 6 November 2009 at 10 am

Wednesday 3 February 2010 at 2 pm

Wednesday 16 June 2010 at 3.30 pm


09/35 Any other business:  2012 graduation ceremonies

Noted that:

i.         The Students’ Union had some concerns regarding the proposed alternative locations for graduation ceremonies in 2012, when the Japanese Olympic team and related support staff would be using some campus facilities.  The alternatives to the Sir David Wallace building, which was currently used for graduation and which might be used by the Japanese at that time, were the rugby pitch near the building, Holywell Park, and the Hazlerigg-Rutland area.  The Union much preferred a central campus location as giving an appropriate degree day experience for graduands.

ii.       Two groups were currently overseeing arrangements for 2012:  the first, chaired by the Chief Operating Officer (COO), aimed to minimise any negative impact of the Games on normal University activities.  The second, chaired by the Deputy Director of Facilities Management, was dealing with the details of graduation arrangements.

iii.      It was at present difficult to make predictions about which facilities might be used by the Japanese at any time, but the University hoped for minimal disruption to normal University activities.

iv.     It was possible that other, smaller, national teams might also use campus facilities.

v.       Consideration of the impact of 2012 arrangements should include postgraduate students, who would still be on campus during the summer period, as well as the local community

vi.     It would be helpful if the group chaired by the COO would allay any concerns by regularly communications on arrangements, perhaps using the VC’s electronic newsletter.


Agreed that the Group chaired by the COO be asked to consider the communication issues for 2012.



Author – Marie Kennedy

Date – June 2008

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