Health, Safety and Environment Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee held on 10 June 2009


Mr J Blackwell

Mr J Bernstein

Mr M Brown

Mr T Burgess

Mr M Clarson

Prof P Conway

Dr J Dearnley

Ms S Ettinger (ab)

Dr R Haskins

Mr R Harrison

Mr A Hodgson

Mrs W Jones

Mr D Jordan

Mr J Kirby (ab)

Mr A Kowalski

Dr J Mckenzie

Mrs C Moore

Mr T Neale

Prof R Parkin (ab)

Prof S Pearce

Mrs L Sands

Dr S Shirreffs

Mr W Spinks

Mr M Stringfellow 

Mr J Thomas (ab)

Prof P Warwick

Ms L Young (ab)


In attendance: Dr B P Vale


09/19  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Sarah Ettinger, James Kirby, Rob Parkin, 

John Thomas, Lorraine Young


09/20  Business of the Agenda

No items were unstarred


09/21  Minutes

            (SAF09–M1 attached)

The Minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2009 were confirmed.


09/22  Matters Arising from Previous Meetings not Mentioned Elsewhere on

the Agenda


.1         Membership of HSE Committee

            It was noted that Senate and Council had approved an amendment to the composition of HSE Committee such that only one of the lay members of the Committee was required to be a member of Council.  It was reported that the vacancy on the Committee for a lay member remained unfilled.


.2         Annual report of the Radiation Protection Officer .

The Committee was pleased to note that, further to Minute 09/14 of the previous meeting, work to replace the  wooden benches in the Graham Oldham Building would commence in July 2009 and that the Environment Agency would be visiting the University in September 2009 to confirm that the work had taken place.


.3         Audit reports

The HSEM reported that there would be three full HASMAP audits per annum and the next one would be the Sports Development Centre. In addition there was a programme of smaller scale audits focussing on implementation of University policies.  Future planned audits would be in SSES in relation to the Blood Borne Viruses Policy and to LUSAD in respect of the Manual Handling Policy.


.4         The Committee noted that a policy on staff overseas travel arrangements would be brought forward to its autumn meeting .  The recently approved policy on Biological Safety and the amendments to the HAV policy had been successfully implemented. The occupational Health Adviser confirmed that she had been in contact with staff in CBE concerning the HAV policy.



09/23  Review Of Committee Effectiveness

At the request of Audit Committee and as part of a regular annual review of Committee effectiveness, members  considered the effectiveness of HSE Committee. In discussion it was felt that the recent changes to the membership of the Committee had limited direct links to departments. This was  because academic staff attendance at the Committee was variable. It was agreed that it would be useful to invite Departmental Safety Officers to attend the Committee on behalf of each of the Faculties and it was recommended to Senate and Council  that the membership be amended accordingly.

Action BPV


09/24  Annual Health and Safety Plan 08/09

The HSEM provided the Committee with an update on the implementation of the  Annual Health and Safety Plan for 08/09.  It was noted that in respect of fire safety 75% of all fire hydrants had been checked for satisfactory pressure; 65% of the second round of fire risk assessments had been undertaken; 90% of all buildings had upgraded fire detection systems installed; and further progress had been made in conjunction with Student Welfare in improving the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs).  A DVD for students on fire safety had been produced, which was shown to the Committee, who warmly welcomed this initiative.  Refresher training for fire marshals was underway and discussions were being held with IT Services regarding e-training on fire safety.  The HSEM was involved in business continuity planning which involved identifying key assets to enable the Fire Service to identity target areas for protection in the event of a fire.

 With respect to improving communications a further newsletter would be produced in July and a DSO forum was also scheduled for July. 

New policies had been introduced in the course of the year and additional policies on overseas travel and on manual handling would be forthcoming.

An audit of Facilities Management in respect of hazardous waste management had been discussed and audit criteria are being drawn up to complement the EcoCampus standards. 

A matrix of training opportunities for all staff was under development by the HSE office .

Considerable progress had been made on the introduction of PEEPs for vulnerable students, however about 25% of students were not coming forward to enable planning to be undertaken.  There remained a concern that in such instances staff may put themselves at risk should an incident occur.  It was emphasised that the proper approach was to place students in a place of refuge then report to the HSE Office, the Fire and Rescue Service would then rescue the individual concerned. 


09/25  University Fire Officer’s Report


The Committee received a report from the University Fire Officer. It was noted that there

Had recently been three fire incidents, two in University managed property and one in a Unite managed hall. In one incident and individual had put themselves at risk by re-entering a building where there was a confirmed fire. This was inappropriate and further training been provided.

It was further noted that substantial amounts of additional heating equipment was coming 

onto campus, and guidance has been issued on its safe use where this occurs.

The Committee considered a report on the number of breaches of fire safety regulations

that had occurred in residential accommodation since October 2009 and the disciplinary

action that had been taken. The data had been collected via a new form that had been

introduced to monitor and report incidents by Wardens. It was noted that there was a range

of penalties of being imposed and that a proportion of them did not comply with the

previously agreed recommended level of fine. The Committee acknowledged that

tampering with fire detection and safety equipment was extremely serious and that these

were offences which were not being committed in any way unconsciously.  It was however

the role of the Committee to monitor such offences, consider trends in activity  and ensure

that they were being addressed. If the Committee was not satisfied with the evidence it

received,  then it could use its own powers to address the issue.  The Committee did not

feel it was its role to monitor the disciplinary action take by Wardens and it was noted that

Student Disciplinary Committee was investigating the consistency of fines imposed for

offences on campus. It was agreed that the Committee would need to receive trend data and regular management information on all such incidents in order to decide what action needed to be taken.  It was felt that the form was a useful recording tool and it was agreed that if the Wardens wished to amend its format, to incorporate other penalties other than fines,  then this should be discussed with the University Fire Officer.

It was further noted that there had been difficulties with the fire safety equipment at Harry

French Hall.  This was a UNITE managed Hall, but the University was trying to assist with

finding a resolution.

Action: RH


09/26  Compressed Gas Safety Policy


The Committee considered and approved a policy on the safe use and storage of compressed gases. It was noted that all University tenants were expected to comply with University policies and could be visited to ensure compliance.


09/27  Student Placements Policy        


            The Committee  considered  and  approved a policy on student placements


09/28  Laser Safety Policy


.1         The Committee  considered and approved a policy on laser safety



.2         Laser Safety Technical Group

            The Minutes of the Laser Safety Technical Group were noted



09/29  Policy on Smoking at Work


The Committee considered a revised policy on Smoking at Work, which introduced a 3 m exclusion zone around buildings for those who wished to smoke outside.  It was felt that it

was not reasonable to make the campus a smoke free zone. It was noted that this

amendment was being introduced following a complaint to the Health and Safety Executive 

by a member of staff. There was some concern about whether the policy was manageable

and practicable, but that would become apparent once it was implemented.

It was considered that smoking shelters were not appropriate and should not be introduced. It  now remained with Facilities Management to introduce the appropriate bins and signage. The Committee approved the amended Smoking at Work Policy.

Action: AB


09/30  University Risk Register

            SAF09 –P18

The University Risk Register in relation to Health, Safety and Environment matters was considered by the Committee as part of a regular annual review process. It was noted that the risk of pandemic flu was being reviewed as part of emergency planning.


09/31  Accident Statistics


The Committee received an analysis of accident statistics for the period 1 January-31 March 2009. The HSEM reported that there  were four potential claims under the employers’ liability insurance . These involved a student pole vaulting incident; an incident

with a contractor in a boiler house; a student head injury and a slip in a car park in snowy



09/32  Matters Raised by Departmental Safety Officers

            No matters were raised under this item


09/33  Annual Report from Ethical Advisory Committee


The Committee received the annual report from the Ethical Advisory Committee


09/34  Schedule of Meetings for Next session

To be confirmed


Author: Brigette Vale

Date June 2009

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