


Subject:      Proposed Revision of Regulation XIX Hall Committees


Origin:        Student Experience Committee



Executive Summary: This paper sets out proposed revisions to Regulation XIX Hall Committees which aim to clarify those eligible for membership of Hall Committees, make more explicit the responsibilities of Hall Committee members and the action the University would take should those responsibilities not be fulfilled. The revisions were discussed in principle at the Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee on 12 May 2009 and the specific changes to the Regulation were recommended for approval by the Student Experience Committee on 17 June 2009.

Senate Action Required: Senate is asked to approve the attached changes to Regulation XIX to take effect from 1 August 2009.




The final report from the Wardens, Damage and Hall Finances Review Group was considered at the meeting of Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee on 12 May. The discussion covered aspects of Regulation XIX including the membership of Hall Committees and the importance of Wardens having powers to enforce compliance with the Regulation. It was agreed that amendments to the Regulation to address these issues should be proposed the Student Experience Committee.


Changes Proposed

A revised Regulation with the “tracked changes” is attached.


Paragraph 1.2 has been amended to indicate that members of Hall Committees are expected to be resident in the Hall. Following consultation with Wardens, it is understood that at least one Hall finds it difficult to form a Committee entirely composed of resident members so limited provision has been made for a maximum of two members to be resident outside the Hall but not to permit these non resident members to hold the position of Hall Chair.


The opportunity has been taken throughout to clarify language, update terminology and strengthen references to the health and safety responsibilities of Hall Committee members.


A new final section has been added to make more explicit that breaches of the Regulation will be regarded as disciplinary offences.


At its meeting on 17 June 2009, the Student Experience Committee recommended the approval of the proposed amendments to Senate at its meeting on 1 July 2009 for implementation from 1 August 2009.



Author: J C Nutkins

Date:   23 June 2009

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