

Subject:        Undergraduate reassessment


Origin:           Learning and Teaching Committee, 5 November 2009



Senate action required:

Senate is invited to note the following report as received by Learning and Teaching Committee, concerning the impact of the recent changes in undergraduate reassessment regulations and increase in reassessment fees.




It was noted that an exercise had been undertaken to ascertain whether the number of module reassessments in the 2009 special assessment period had increased over the SAP 2008, following the change in reassessment regulations and increase in reassessment fees.  It was reported that the increase in the number of reassessments had been marginal, and the number of students involved had increased hardly at all.  The Committee welcomed this report and was also pleased to hear that departmental administrators had found it much more straightforward to handle reassessment notifications under the new regulations, and that the Registry had found it easier to log SAP registrations.