

Subject:        Powers and Functions of Senate


Origin:           Secretary


Charter, para. 13


There shall be a Senate of the University (in this Our Charter called “the Senate”) which shall, subject to this Our Charter and the Statutes and to the general control and approval of the Council, be responsible for the academic work of the University, both in teaching and in research, and for the regulation and superintendence of the education and discipline of the Students of the University.


Statute XIV, section 6


The Senate shall exercise full responsibility over the academic work of the University and shall, subject to these Statutes, take such measures and act in such a manner as shall appear to it best calculated to promote the academic work of the University both in teaching and research and for the regulation and superintendence of the education and discipline of the students of the University. Subject to the Charter and these Statutes, the Senate shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following functions:


(i)         To regulate and control all teaching, courses of study and research and the conditions qualifying for admission to the various titles, degrees and other distinctions offered by the University.

(ii)        To regulate the admission of persons to courses of study or research.

(iii)       To appoint members of the Court as provided for under Statute XII.

(iv)       To elect members of the Council as provided for under Statute XIII.

(v)        To review from time to time the duties of all members of the Academic Staff.

(vi)       To recommend to the Council the establishment of new academic posts in the University and if it thinks fit to recommend that any vacant post be not filled.

(vii)      (a)        To appoint Examiners whether internal or external.

(b)        To regulate all University examinations.

(viii)      To terminate the studies of any student where the work of the student is found to be unsatisfactory.

(ix)       To confer Degrees and grant other academic distinctions to persons who shall have pursued a course of study or research approved by the Senate, who shall have passed the examinations and satisfied any other conditions prescribed in the Ordinances or Regulations.

(x)        To grant Diplomas, Licences, Certificates or other distinctions to persons who have pursued a course of study or research approved by the Senate under conditions prescribed by it.

(xi)       To accept such examinations and periods of study or research at such Universities or other places as the Senate may determine as equivalent to such examinations and periods of study or research in the University as the Senate may determine.

(xii)      To accept courses of study or research in any other institution which in the opinion of the Senate possesses the means of affording the proper instruction for such courses as equivalent to such courses of study or research in the University as the Senate may determine.

(xiii)      To determine what formalities shall attach to the conferment of Degrees and other distinctions.

(xiv)     On what it shall deem to be good cause, to deprive persons of any Degrees or other distinctions conferred on them and to revoke any Diplomas, Licences, Certificates or other distinctions granted to them by the University and to withdraw all privileges connected therewith.

(xv)      To be responsible for the general administration of the University Library and other general academic services.

(xvi)     To recommend to the Council the institution of Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships, Exhibitions, Bursaries and Prizes and other aids to study and research.

(xvii)     To prescribe, subject to any conditions made by the Founders and to any directions of the Council, the terms and conditions of competition for Fellowships, Scholarships, Studentships, Exhibitions, Bursaries and Prizes and to examine for and award the same.

(xviii)    To supervise the extra-mural work of the University.

(xix)     To make recommendations to the Council on any matter of interest to the University.

(xx)      To regulate the use of academic dress in the University.

(xxi)     To promote research within the University and to require reports from time to time on such research.

(xxii)     To regulate the discipline of the University.

(xxiii)    To take such steps as it thinks proper for regulating organisations of Students.

(xxiv)    Subject to the provisions of Statute XXIII, to expel any Student who having been suspended or excluded by the Vice-Chancellor appears to the Senate after consideration of a joint report from the Vice-Chancellor and at least two members of the Senate appointed by the Senate to have been guilty of grave misconduct.

(xxv)    Except as otherwise provided, to appoint representatives of the University on other bodies.

(xxvi)    To report to the Council from time to time as to the expediency of the establishment and dissolution of organs of academic administration and to make recommendations as to their constitution and functions and the modification or revision thereof.

(xxvii)   To review, amend, refer back, control or disallow any act of any such organ of academic administration and to give directions to any such body.

(xxviii)  Generally to exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Senate by the Charter and these Statutes including the power to make Regulations in the exercise of the powers expressly set out in this Statute and of all the other powers of the Senate.

Author – C Dunbobbin
Date – 9 November 2009
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.