Student Services Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 31 October 2007.


Members:                  Professor Morag Bell (Chair), Mr Malcolm Brown (ab), Miss Sophie Driscoll, Mrs Wendy Llewellyn, Dr Jennifer Nutkins, Ms R Wiggans (ab), Mr David Gerty (ab), Mr John Town (ab), Mr Will Spinks, Miss Sabrina Johnson (ab)


In attendance:           Mrs Meredith Coney (Secretary)


Apologies:                 Mr John Town, Mr Malcolm Brown



07/8.   Minutes




The minutes of the meeting held on 30 May 2007 were approved.


07/9.   Matters Arising from the Minutes


The actions from the minutes of the meeting held on 30 May 2007 were reviewed,

i)        The formal procedure for funding for International students with disabilities had not yet be formalised, ongoing action for WEL

ii)       Clarification was made of the terminology relating to pre-sessional activities for international students.  The ‘orientation’ programme constitutes a set of activities lasting for one week which introduces the students to Loughborough University and town.  It was a selection of activities from orientation programme which were proposed to be run at the start of the second semester for new international students joining the University.

iii)      It was also noted that projects designed to bring together home and international students, with possible funding from Development Trust, would be progressed by the Director of Internationalisation Strategy.


07/10  Terms of Reference




The received Terms of Reference were correct, however it was noted that both the Terms of Reference and the Membership of the Committee should be re-appraised after the meeting of the Student Experience Co-ordinating Group.


It was noted that the members on the paper were not correct, that the Registrar was replaced with the Chief Operating Officer, that the Finance Officer would no longer be on the membership, that the Students Union President and Director of International Student Strategy would attend and that the Student Union Vice-President was for Education only.


07/11. Student Experience Implementation Plan



SS07-P27 (tabled)

SS07-P28 (tabled)


The Committee received this updated paper, discussing each of the three strands.  It was noted that the first meeting of the Student Experience Co-ordinating Group was scheduled for 7 November 2007 which would review the progress to date, prioritise the activities and agree the way forward in the priority areas.


1.  Strand 1


It was noted that Strand 1 mostly related to events that had already taken place as a part of the induction programme.


1.1       Explore possible enhancement of international student induction for 2007/08 (decision May 2007).

It was noted that the Vice-President of the Student Union felt that they could have been more proactive with regard to the induction programme and information for International Students, and that more trained staff were needed to provide immigration advice.  It was also reported by the Director of Student Guidance and Welfare that the number of international students with only short term visas (1-2 months) had increased, this had resulted in a more queries than had been expected.


1.3       Agree arrangements to extend coverage of community warden service to as many students in private rented housing as is practicable

It was noted that no appointment had been made.  The post had been re-advertised.


2.  Strand 2


2.2       Review of accommodation and related social and welfare needs of all students.

It was noted that some elements of the Accommodation Review Phases 1 and 2 would be under further discussion, and that the warden structure in halls of residence would be a separate debate which was linked to the review.


2.3       Establish social and welfare arrangements with the providers of purpose-built student accommodation in the town.

It was reported that this element was already under discussion by the Students Union.


2.7       Review the effectiveness of current structures for management and delivery of equality and diversity policies to students in partnership with human resources staff

It was noted that the student element of the delivery of equality and diversity issues would be covered separately from staff strategy and that more expertise would be needed in order to prioritise a suitable strategy.  It was agreed that a review of practise at other universities would be undertaken, alongside a review of guides to good practise published by associated bodies (NUS, HEFCE and UUK) to be reported back to the Committee.



2.8       Joint projects with LSU of the experience of students registered for Loughborough degrees who are based overseas, to explore mechanisms for increasing inclusion in the broader Loughborough Experience

The Vice-President of the Students Union noted that positive communications were ongoing between the Loughborough Students Union Executive and their counterparts at BUE.


3. Strand 3

3.1       Develop improved mechanism to ensure better understanding of the needs of all its students and that service provision is fully co-ordinated and enhanced as student expectations change.

It was agreed that the structure and membership of the Student Services Committee should be reviewed at the Student Experience Co-ordinating Group and be reported at the next Committee meeting.


3.2       A senior appointment (adequately resourced, but not necessarily new) takes explicit responsibility for the student experience with teamwork across departments, the Graduate School, support service sections and the Students’ Union to ensure integrated delivery

This strand would be discussed further between the Vice Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer.


3.4. Co-ordinated mechanisms for obtaining and reviewing student feedback across all aspects of the student experience should be developed and linked to the prioritisation of resources for supporting the student experience on an ongoing basis

It was noted that a review was to take place of all internal and external student surveys, to allow for a review of the information received, gaps and any overlaps.


It was noted that the results of the first International Student Barometer questionnaire had been received.  However the validity of the analysis was questioned due to the small numbers of students in some cases.  It was agreed that the context of the data must be included whenever the figures were used, and that it would be confirmed that that data was suitable for publication.



3.6 Resources for alumni relations should be increased and the mechanisms for determining priorities for their use should be enhanced and integrated with arrangements for delivery of the University’s core strategies, including the student experience.

It was noted that this equated to projects which were often time consuming and therefore not prioritised.  The interaction between all of the elements of the student experience were varied and therefore could not be covered by one group but that interaction was needed between all the areas.


07/12  Priorities for 2007/08                               


It was agreed that the Committee was not in a position to discuss the priorities for 2007/08 until after the first meeting of the Student Experience Co-ordinating Group.  Therefore, another meeting of the Student Services Committee would be held in December 2007 at which the issues would be addressed.


07/13. Any Other Business


13.1 Islam at Universities in England – Siddiqui Report

It was reported by the Director of Internationalisation Strategy that 5-8% of the University’s student population was Muslim and that the findings of the report would be discussed by the Committee.  It was agreed that the Director of Internationalisation Strategy would draft a paper for consideration at the next meeting.


07/14 Date of Next Meeting 2007-08


It was agreed that the Committee would meet again before the next scheduled date in order to discuss the outcomes of the Student Experience Co-ordinating Group, a date would be confirmed for December 2007



Author – Meredith Coney

November 2007

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