Prizes Committee


Minutes of the Prizes Committee Meeting held on Thursday 8 November 2007

Present:               A D Bailey, Dr K Gregory (Chair),  K Hogan, Professor R C F Jones,
Dr R E Kinna, Dr J Lawrence, Dr J Leaman, H Malik

Apologies:            Dr D Gillingwater

In attendance:     M Ashby

07/14    Welcome to New Members

The Chair welcomed new members to the Committee.

07/15    Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 22 February 2007 (P07-M1) were confirmed.

07/16    Matters Arising from the Minutes

07/16.1  Senate and Council Action

It was noted that Senate and Council had APPROVED:

a)           the establishment of the following prizes:

·          ABB Engineering Services Prize –  Chemical Engineering

·          AMEC Shaping the Future Award – Chemical Engineering

·          Arthur Birley Memorial Prize –  IPTME

·          Chemical Sciences Merit Prize –  Chemistry

·          Graduate School Research Student Prizes

·          Loughborough University Development Trust  (Part A & B) Prizes – Com Sci

·          Special Library Association – Europe Student Award – Information Science


b)           amendments to the following prizes:

·          G V Sibley Memorial Prize – SSES

·          Glaxo-Wellcome Prize –  Chemistry

·          Hannah Community Prize

·          Loughborough College of Education Awards

·          Sir Robert Martin Faculty Prizes

·          Sir Robert Martin University Prize

·          T S Shipman Prizes

·          Ursula Lockley Travel Bursary


c)           discontinuation of the following prizes:


·          M J T Smith Prize – Civil and Building

·          Institute of Leisure and Amenity Management Prize – SSES


07/16.2  Chair's Action (2006/07 academic year)

a)           The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in recommending the establishment of the following prizes and noted subsequent APPROVAL by Senate and Council:


·          Accenture Prize – Aero & Auto

·          Ford Final Year Automotive Engineering Prize – Aero & Auto Eng

·          Plant and Equipment Manufacturers’ Award – Civil & Building Eng

·          Psychology with Ergonomics Prize for Academic Excellence – Human Sciences


b)           The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in recommending amendments to the following prizes and noted subsequent APPROVAL by Senate and Council:


·          BP Chemicals Prize – Chemical Engineering

·          Conoco (UK) Ltd Prize – Computer Science

·          Dunn & Wilson (Final Year Prize) – Information Science

·          Dunn & Wilson (Postgraduate Prize) – Information Science

·          Esso Petroleum Company Prize – Chemical Engineering

·          H K Suttle Prize – Chemical Engineering

·          IChemE Book Prize – Chemical Engineering

·          J D White Memorial Prizes – Information Science

·          Jack Harris Prize – Chemical Engineering

·          John S Webber Memorial Prize – Aero and Auto Eng

·          Jonathan Young Memorial Prize – Aero and Auto Eng

·          Michael Edwards Memorial Prize – Chemical Engineering

·          School Merit/IMechE Best Student Award – Wolfson School


c)                      The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in recommending the discontinuation of the following prizes and noted subsequent APPROVAL by both Senate and Council:


·          Finnings UK Prizes – Civil & Building

·          Ford Motor Company Prize – Aero and Auto Eng

·          Polly Woods Memorial Prize – Information Science

·          W O Bentley Prize for Excellence in Automotive Engineering (BEng) - Aero & Auto

·          W O Bentley Prize for Excellence in Automotive Engineering (MEng) - Aero & Auto


d)                      The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in approving the appointment of the  following assessors until 31 July 2009 and noted subsequent APPROVAL by Senate and Council:

Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Awards

Dr Ed Brown (Department of Geography)

Dr Jessica Lee (School of Sport & Exercise Sciences)

Professor Bill Overton (Department of English and Drama)

Mr Paul Wormold (Department of Design Technology)


T S Shipman and Hannah Community Prize

Hillary McNeill (Community Member)


e)           The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in approving the reappointment of the following assessor until 31 July 2009 and noted subsequent APPROVAL by the Academic Registrar on behalf of Senate and Council:

Sir Robert Martin University Prize

Faculty of Engineering representative on the Assessor Panel

Mr Tony Sutton


f)            The Committee ratified the action of the Chair and AGREED to recommend the establishment of the following prizes to Senate:

i)     Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering and

Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

Frederic Barnes Waldron Prize
A prize consisting of a certificate, a medal and £200 to be awarded to the best final-year student on an IMechE accredited degree in the view of the relevant programme board.

To be eligible for consideration, students will also need to be IMechE Affiliate members. The prize will be awarded to a student from the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering in even years and to a student from the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering in odd years.

ii)    Business School


Accounting and Financial Management ICAEW Gold Prize
A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the BSc Accounting and Financial Management final year student with the best academic performance in the view of the programme board.


Banking, Finance and Management Gold Prize
A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the BSc Banking, Finance and Management final year student with the best academic performance in the view of the programme board.

International Business Gold Prize
A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the BSc International Business final year student with the best academic performance in the view of the programme board.

Management Sciences Gold Prize

A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the BSc Management Sciences final year student with the best academic performance in the view of the programme board.


iii)    Department of Information Science


MSc Electronic Publishing Prize (available in 2006/07 only)
A prize to the value of £100 to be awarded to the MSc Electronic Publishing student with the highest overall mark.


iv)   IPTME


Tin Plate Workers Design Prize
A prize to the value of £150 to be awarded to the final-year student with the best individual design project in the view of the programme board.

v)    Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


School Merit Prize
A prize to the value of £100 and a certificate for the best Part B student on a Manufacturing Engineering degree programme in the view of the programme board.


g)           The Committee ratified the action of the Chair and AGREED to recommend amendments to the following prizes to Senate:


Department of Chemistry


AstraZeneca Poster Prizes

Existing wording:
Three prizes, one to the value of £100 and two to the value of £50, to be awarded annually. The £100 prize will be awarded to the candidate who produces the best poster presentation of their research project work as selected by a panel consisting of representatives from AstraZeneca. The two £50 prizes will be awarded to the second and third best poster presentations of their research project work as selected by the panel.

Proposed wording (proposed change appears in bold):
Two prizes, each to the value of £100, to be awarded annually to the candidates who produce the best poster presentations of their Part C research projects as selected by a panel consisting of representatives from AstraZeneca.


h)           The Committee ratified the action of the Chair and AGREED to recommend the discontinuation of the following prizes to Senate:


British Aerospace Prizes Aero and Auto

Business School Final Year Gold Prize Business School
Business School Final Year Silver Prize
Business School

Churchill Prize – Aero and Auto

Rolls Royce Prize Wolfson School


07/16.3  Chair's Action (2007/08 academic year)

The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in approving the establishment of the following prizes:


E.ON Undergraduate Final-Year Research Project Prizes

Up to five prizes to the value of £1,000 each may be awarded to registered undergraduate students who have produced outstanding final-year research projects during the 2007/08 academic year in the view of the assessor panel. Nominated projects must be of general relevance to the issues of low carbon energy demand, supply, low carbon energy technologies, including renewables, and/or the transition towards a sustainable society.

Nominations will normally be sought during the Autumn Term and should be submitted by members of the University’s staff using the Nomination Form (weblink to form). Forms should be sent to Professor Dennis Loveday, Department of Civil and Building Engineering in paper format or via email to

E.ON Taught Postgraduate Research Project Prizes

Up to five prizes to the value of £1,000 each may be awarded to registered taught postgraduate students who have produced outstanding research projects during the 2006/07 academic year in the view of the assessor panel. Nominated projects must be of general relevance to the issues of low carbon energy demand, supply, low carbon energy technologies, including renewables, and/or the transition towards a sustainable society.

Nominations will normally be sought during the Autumn Term and should be submitted by members of the University’s staff using the Nomination Form (weblink to form). Forms should be sent to Professor Dennis Loveday, Department of Civil and Building Engineering in paper format or via email to

07/17 Membership and Terms of Reference of the Committee

07/17.1  PC07-P17

The membership of the Committee was noted, and, in particular, the appointment of members elected by Senate from the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, and two new members nominated by the Students’ Union.

07/17.2  PC07-P18

Terms of Reference
It was noted that Senate had empowered the Committee to make awards itself, rather than recommending them to Senate for approval. Prizes Committee would in future be required to submit an annual report to Senate. This report could include some or all of the following: notable new and discontinued prizes, total number of prizes awarded, summary of expenditure and examples of excellent activities which have been recognised during the year.

The Committee considered whether its terms of reference remained fit for purpose. In the light of Senate’s decision to delegate power to make awards to the Committee, it AGREED to recommend to Senate the following changes to its Terms of Reference to reflect this change (new text in bold):

2.      To advise Senate upon any recommendation it may wish to make to Council fFurther to Statute XIII.6 (xvi) and Statute XIV.6 (xvi) upon the purposes, conditions and value of any prizes that may be and have been instituted, and subject to any conditions made by the founders, to institute, amend or discontinue as appropriate awards detailed in these Statutes on behalf of Senate and Council.

3.      (New section)
To approve on behalf of Senate and Council the appointment of assessors for awards and recommendations of winners of these awards.

34. To review and to report on an annual basis to Senate, and to Council, on the uses to which University Prizes are or may be put.

45. To publicise, promote and raise the awareness of prizes and to encourage the submission of prize nominations and applications.

07/18    Loughborough University Graduate School Prize and
Loughborough University Graduate School Progression Prize


The Committee noted that only three nominations had been received for the Loughborough University Graduate School Prize and the Loughborough University Graduate School Progression Prize. The Committee considered the future of the prizes, noting feedback from the Faculty of Engineering Directorate and the Director of the Graduate School. It AGREED that:


a)         the Loughborough University Graduate School Progression Prize should be discontinued;

b)         the Loughborough University Graduate School Prize should be replaced with three faculty prizes to the value of £250 each. The Loughborough University Development Trust would be informed of the change but would not be asked for additional money to increase the value of the prizes.

c)         in addition to emailing all staff to promote the prizes, the Secretary should contact Master’s programme convenors via departmental administrators in September each year to request that they include the prizes as a standing item on their programme or review board agendas, whichever was more appropriate given the October deadline for the prizes.


07/19    Establishment of New Prizes

Following requests from departments, the Committee AGREED to the establishment of the following prizes:

07/19.1  Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering


Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Prizes
Up to three prizes to be awarded annually to undergraduate students with the best final-year project reports in a field of relevance to their company business, viz. any aspect of the materials, manufacturing, construction and operation of solid oxide fuel cells, including their degradation. The first prize will be worth £750, second prize £500 and third prize £250. Consolation prizes worth £50 each may also be awarded for excellent projects that do not make the top three places. The judgment will be made by Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Prizes (RRFCP) on the basis of quality and relevance.

07/19.2  Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Rohde and Schwarz Prize
A prize of £250 to be awarded for the best final year individual project of any Departmental BEng or MEng programme that is identifiably in the area of RF or wireless communications. The judgment will be made by the relevant programme board who may take into account comments from Rohde and Schwarz.

07/20    Amendment to Existing Prize

Arising from 07/22 below, the Committee AGREED to the following amendment:  

Graduate School Research Student Prizes (new text in bold)

Three prizes, one per faculty, each to the value of £400 may be awarded to full-time or part-time postgraduate research students who have progressed beyond the first in the second or third year of their research student registration, for outstanding academic performance and academic achievement.

07/21    Discontinuation of Prizes


Following requests from departments, and further to 07/18 above, the Committee AGREED to the discontinuation of the following prizes:

Avon Rubber plc Prize – IPTME
Faculty Postgraduate Prize in Computer Science Computer Science
Loughborough University Graduate School
Progression Prize – 07/18 above

07/22    Reports from Assessor Panels 2006/07

07/22.1  Graduate School Research Student Prizes


The Committee received a report from the assessor panel for the Graduate School Research Student Prizes. The Committee noted recommendations within the report and AGREED to the following changes:

a)      the nomination form should be amended to set a maximum length for attached documentation of two sides of A4 paper;

b)      the prize criteria should be amended as noted in 07/20 above.

07/22.2  John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarships


The Committee received a report from the assessor panel for the John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarships. The Committee noted recommendations within the report and AGREED that guidance for applicants on the relevant prizes webpage should be amended to request that, in addition to existing requirements, when making applications for the scholarships students should:

a)      include a breakdown of anticipated costs;

b)      ensure that their application does not exceed two sides of A4;

c)      not include a curriculum vitae;

d)      where they were applying for funding to attend a conference, indicate whether they had had a paper or poster accepted for presentation at a conference and note the title of the paper or poster;

e)      explain what measures they had taken to find funding, eg from their department or from other funding bodies. Note: contributions from other sources would not be seen to be a deterrent.

The Committee considered a recommendation from the Panel that guidance for applicants should be amended to indicate that scholarships would not normally be awarded for core funding a student’s research other than in exceptional circumstances. The Committee rejected this proposal as it considered it appropriate to fund a student’s research in this way if the student was unable to find funds from another source.                     

07/23    Review of Endowment Fund Expenditure

Arising from 07/8 Review of Endowment Fund Expenditure, it was noted that the Secretary had written to departments that had overspent fund income to propose action as agreed by the Committee. The Secretary would provide a report on action taken as a result of this correspondence at the next meeting. ACTION: MA

07/24    University Calendar Prizes Entries

The Committee AGREED to a proposal from the Secretary that the paper version of the University Calendar should no longer list prizes offered by the University as up-to-date information was made available on the University website. Instead, it was proposed that the Calendar should include a reference to the relevant page. ACTION: MA

07/25    Reports from Assessor Panels 2006/07


The Committee received reports from the following assessor panels:

25.1       Ede and Ravenscroft Prize

25.2       Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Awards

25.3       Sir Robert Martin University Prize

25.4       Ursula Lockley Travel Bursary

25.5       T S Shipman Prizes and Hannah Community Prize
It was noted that Adrian Bailey was a member of the assessor panel for these prizes in his capacity as Community Warden and not, as stated in the report, as a member of the Department of Human Sciences.

07/26    Award of Prizes 2006/07


The Committee noted the award of prizes on the recommendation of various assessors.

07/27    Reports from Prize Winners 2006/07


The Committee received reports from 2006/07 winners of the following prizes:

27.1       Ede and Ravenscroft Prize
27.2       John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarship
27.3       Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Award
27.4       Ursula Lockley Travel Bursary


07/28    Any Other Business

07/29    Date of Next Meeting

10.00am  Tuesday 29 January 2008 (Provisional date to be confirmed)
                                                                                                                                                      Author – Martine Ashby
November 2007
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