Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        Terms of reference


Origin:           Learning and Teaching Committee 10 November 2005

1.      To advise Senate on matters of policy relating to learning and teaching.

2.      In the light of agreed institutional aims and objectives, to keep under review and monitor the structures and mechanisms in place for quality assurance and control, to receive relevant statistical indicators, and to promote measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of learning and teaching in the University.

3.      To encourage and monitor good practice and innovation in learning and teaching; and in the assessment of student performance.

4.      To keep under review Regulations relating to the conduct of undergraduate and postgraduate taught programmes.  [Proposed clarification.]

5.      To keep under review the operation of the University's modular, credit-based curriculum framework, the semesterised academic year, and the associated assessment processes, and to advise Senate on potential areas for development.

6.      To oversee arrangements for assuring the quality and standards of collaborative provision.

7.      To receive reports and recommendations from the Curriculum Sub-Committee, the Programme Development & Quality Team, the Student Recruitment & Admissions Team and other groups which it may establish from time to time to address specific issues.  [To reflect the source of reports on recruitment and admissions issues, anticipated in the addition of item 11.]

8.      To receive reports from the Associate Deans (Teaching) on Faculty matters relevant to the Committee, including annual and periodic programme reviews.

9.      To receive reports from the Director of Professional Development on matters relevant to the Committee within his/her area of responsibility.  

10.    With the Research Committee, to receive reports from the Director of the Graduate School on the development and operation of the Graduate School.  [Addition proposed to reflect reporting arrangements envisaged on the establishment of the Graduate School.]

11.    To oversee the setting of policy in relation to the academic aspects of admission to taught programmes.  [Addition approved by Senate 29 June 2005.]

10. 12. To consider such other issues related to learning and teaching as may be referred to it by Senate.

11. 13. To report to Senate and offer advice as appropriate after each meeting.

Author – Robert Bowyer

Date – November 2005

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