

Subject:        Joint Degree Programmes


Origin             Learning and Teaching Committee 10 November 2005 – Unconfirmed Minutes

The Committee considered, on the advice of the PDQ Team, the report of a Working Group on Joint Degrees. 


It was commented that some joint degrees (eg between subject areas located in different parts of the campus) had specific problems with timetabling and room allocations that could adversely affect students’ experience and it was important to keep a watching brief on such matters. 


It was RESOLVED to commend the Working Group’s report to Senate and to RECOMMEND that approval be given to the recommendations contained in section 2.3 of the report, concerning the appointment of a ‘link person’ by the ‘away’ department and what might be encompassed in this role. 


It was noted that these recommendations had been drawn to the attention of the Human Resources Working Group to help ensure that the link person role was properly recognised.  The Committee felt the response of the HRWG indicated that it had not appreciated the fact that, for most joint degree programmes, only the ‘home’ department allocated programme directors and personal tutors, and it was this that needed to be addressed.


Author – Robert Bowyer

Date – November 2005

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