



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Senate on Friday 9 March 2012.






Memis Acar

Steve Austin (ab)

Peter Bailey

Alan Bairner (ab)

Morag Bell

Tracy Bhamra

Richard Bibb

Jon Binner

Natalie Boon

Rebecca Bridger (ab)

James Carroll

Jonathon Chambers (ab)

Jim Chandler

Alistair Cheyne (ab)

Paul Chung

Laurence Clift (ab)

Mike Cropper

Sandra Dann (ab)

Rob Dover


Shirley Pearce


Simon Downs

Phil Eames

John Feather

Jacqui Glass

Russ Harris

Janet Harrison (ab)

Chris Hewitt (ab)

Elaine Hobby

Ruth Jenkins

Terry Kavanagh

David Kerr

Angus Laing (ab)

Paul Leaney

Chris Linton

Julian Mackenzie (ab)

Joe Maguire

Dominic Malcolm

Fehmidah Munir (ab)

Myra Nimmo



Rob Parkin

Ken Parsons

Keith Pond (ab)

Jonathan Potter

Helen Rendell

Peter Render

Chris Rielly

Carol Robinson

Steve Rothberg

Andrew Selby

Mitch Smith

Chris Szejnmann (ab)

Paul Thomas

Tony Thorpe (ab)

Paul Turner

Yiannis Vardaxoglou

Iris Wigger

Jonathan Wright

Huaizhong Zhao


In attendance: Mike Caine (for item 12/24), Chris Dunbobbin, Anne Mumford (for item 12/23.1), Jennifer Nutkins, Jayde Savage, Andy Stephens.


Apologies for absence were received from: Simon Austin, Alan Bairner, Rebecca Bridger, Alistair Cheyne, Laurence Clift, Sandie Dann, Janet Harrison, Chris Hewitt, Angus Laing, Keith Pond, Chris Szejnmann, Tony Thorpe.



The Vice-Chancellor welcomed the University’s new Director of Finance, Andy Stephens, and thanked Paula Powditch for her work as Acting Director of Finance.


12/22   Minutes


Senate RESOLVED to confirm and sign the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 25 January 2012 (SEN12-M1).


12/23   Matters Arising from the Minutes



23.1     Review of the Impact of Students on the Local Community at the Start of the Academic Year  (minute 12/13(ii) refers).

Senate RECEIVED a report of a review undertaken by Dr Anne Mumford, on behalf of the VC and COO, which had been initiated following concerns from local residents about the impact of students on the local community, particularly during the first few weeks of the academic year. There had been significant consultation in preparing the report, including with LSU and with Hall and Community Wardens. It was emphasised that student behaviour was not considered to be any more problematic at Loughborough than at other Universities. Senate welcomed the report, and noted in discussion that issues relating to student behaviour across the whole academic year, and its impact both on and off-campus would continue to be monitored by Student Experience and Student Discipline Committees. 



23.2.    Draft University Marketing Strategy (minute 11/94 refers)

One of the priority areas identified at the Senate/Council Away Day in October 2011 had been to “improve marketing to raise reputation” and the Draft University Marketing Strategy had been prepared to address this priority, with support from Professor Phillip Stern, and other academic colleagues with relevant expertise. The Draft Strategy would be considered by Council before being brought back to for formal approval in July. Members were invited to send comments by email to the COO or the Director of Marketing and Communications.


12/24   Developing an Academic Activity on the Olympic Park



Senate RECEIVED an update on progress since its last meeting.


12/25   Review of Information Science, Information Systems and Information Management



Senate NOTED that a Review of Information Science, Information Systems and Information Management had been initiated, as part of the action plan following the Senate/Council Away Day in October 2011. The Review Panel would consult with all interested parties, including representatives of other Departments and Schools with areas of subject-connectivity. It was intended that the outcome of the review would be presented to Senate in July 2012.


12/26   Student Residential Numbers in Campus Accommodation



Senate RESOLVED to recommend to Council that a continued commitment to accommodating 45-50% of undergraduate students on campus be confirmed.


12/27   Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)



Senate RECEIVED a report. The following points were highlighted:


i)              Research Activity. Pre-award data showed good progress at the six month stage, standing at 50% (volume) and 44% (value) of the record-breaking totals achieved in 2010-11. The figures for new grants and contracts awarded also indicated a creditable half-year performance.


ii)             Policy and Development Team.

·         A spreadsheet model of submissions to Units of Assessment had been made available to Schools to help formulate and enhance REF planning.

·         The University’s new Publications Information Management System (LUPIN) had gone live on 23 November 2011, and had been successfully rolled out to Schools. Thanks were offered to the Research Office, Library and IT Services for their collaboration on this project.

·         The latest advice and guidance on the REF from HEFCE, including Panel Criteria and Working Methods, had been circulated to all Deans, AD(R)s and REF Champions. Further circulations would follow, including additional guidance on the ‘environment’ criteria.


iii)            Post Award. The half year income/overhead recovery position showed good progress towards surplus targets.


iv)           Other. There was a recent trend for pockets of EPSRC funding to become available at relatively short notice, and it was important that the University continued to be responsive to these opportunities as they arose.


12/28   Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)



28.1     QAA Institutional Review – Spring 2012

Senate RECEIVED a briefing paper. The VC thanked all those involved in the process.



28.2     Student Placements

On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve proposals relating to student placements.


It was noted, by way of background, that in July 2011, Senate had considered a proposal from the PVC(T) that all undergraduate students, commencing with the 2012 intake, be provided with the opportunity to undertake a placement (broadly defined, and including academic placements such as study abroad and student international exchanges) during their studies. Senate had agreed that a feasibility study be undertaken, specifically on work placement activity, and this study had resulted in seven key findings/recommendations for action. (The outcomes of a separate study on academic placements would be reported shortly). Anne Mumford was thanked for her work on this project.


The benefits of providing more students with professional work experience opportunities were clear: the offer of a such experience was a powerful recruitment tool, and students who undertook year-long placements tended to perform better academically upon resuming their studies, and enjoyed better employment prospects. However, there was also a recognition that a significant amount of staff time was expended in arranging existing placements, and that an increase in the number of students undertaking placement would result in a corresponding decrease in tuition fees - more detailed modelling would be undertaken in this area. It would be important also to manage student expectations carefully; the University could support and assist students in finding professional work experience, but it was ultimately for employers to select the students they wished to recruit, and Loughborough students would be in competition with those from other institutions.


Other points noted in discussion were as below:


i)              In relation to Key Finding 4: Schools and the Development and Alumni Relations Office also had a key role to play in sourcing a greater range of opportunities for all forms of professional work experience.

ii)             It was suggested that placement opportunities for research students and staff be considered as part of the wider discussion about partnerships.

iii)            It would be useful to be able to interrogate the database described in Key Finding 7 by employer as well as by student.



28.3     Code of Practice on Student Feedback Questionnaires

On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve revisions to the Code of Practice on Student Feedback Questionnaires (Appendix 13 of the Academic Quality Procedures Handbook), and to delegate authority to Learning and Teaching Committee to oversee revisions to the questions, with a view to implementing the revised Code and questions for the Semester 2 module feedback process in 2011/12.  The following comments were noted in discussion:


i)              A number of minor amendments to Appendix 13 were agreed, as below:

·         The sentence: “These comments would be available to a limited range of staff only.” should be deleted from the third bullet point of paragraph 7, as it was rendered redundant by subsequent provisions.

·         Paragraph 12 should be amended to state explicitly that data from questions 1-12, as well as that from 13-18 would be made available, via the Dean of School/Head of Department or their nominee, to the staff member, appraisers, and/or to probationary supervisers.

·         Provision should be made for the questions to be clearer when asking for comments on the lecturer, module tutor, and module leader.


ii)             Concern was expressed that the electronic sharing of reports on the outcomes of the questionnaire analysis with students beyond those who were members of SSLCs would increase the potential for data to be misused. It was noted that the Director of IT Services would report back to L&TC on this issue, and that any further recommendation would be brought to Senate.


iii)            It was agreed that the PVC(T) would liaise with the Director of Human Resources in order to confirm, from a DPA perspective, that data relating to questions 13-18 could be released to the relevant SSLC, with the consent of the relevant staff member. It was noted in this context that any further addition/amendment to Appendix 13, relating to the sharing of data from questions 13-18 beyond a limited range of staff, would be brought to Senate. ACTION: MB, RJA


28.4     Other Matters for Report

            The PVC(T) reported on the following:


i)              Student Recruitment for 2012 Entry. Satisfactory progress was being made. Conditional Firm offers were down only very slightly compared to 2011.


ii)             NSS. The 2012 NSS was underway, and would run until the end of April. The Vice-Chancellor thanked LSU for its help in encouraging students to engage with the survey.


12/29   Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)



Senate RECEIVED a report from the PVC(E), and:


i)              APPROVED the definition for enterprise contained in the report.

ii)             NOTED the key metrics which would be reported to future meetings of Senate and Council. Members were encouraged to send further comments on these to the PVC(E),

iii)            NOTED that a Synopsis of School Development Plans had shown a number of areas of common interest which would be given high priority in the work of the Enterprise Office in the year ahead. Deans of School had been urged to provide further input on the question of key business partners as soon as possible.

iv)           NOTED that thus far, over £20M of collaborative research income had been awarded to the Midlands Energy Consortium (comprising Loughborough, Nottingham and Birmingham Universities). Colleagues with interests in this area were encouraged to contact the Loughborough-based MEC manager, Helen Turner.


12/30   Matters for Report by the Vice-Chancellor


            The Vice-Chancellor reported on the following matters:


i)              David Sweeney, Director Research, Innovation and Skills at HEFCE had been one of the keynote speakers at the University’s recent “Research That Matters” Conference 2012. Thanks were offered to Ken Parsons and other colleagues involved in organising the event.

ii)             Congratulations were offered to Phil Eames and colleagues in CREST who had been successful in bidding to lead a new £5M SUPERGEN PV Technology Hub. 

iii)            Loughborough had been selected by Ford to run, and take part in its prestigious Blue Oval Scholarship programme. Congratulations were offered to all involved.

iv)           The Vice-Chancellor would be holding two open sessions on 26 and 27 March 2012.

v)            Interviews for the posts of PVC(R) and PVC(T) had been held on 2 March 2012, and Myra Nimmo and Morag Bell had been appointed as PVC(R) and PVC(T) respectively. The Vice-Chancellor thanked Ken Parsons on behalf of Senate for his contribution as PVC(R), particularly in relation to research infrastructure.


12/31   Amendments to Regulation XXVI and to the Code of Practice on Research Degree Programmes



31.1     On the recommendation of Research Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve amendments to Regulation XXVI and to the Code of Practice on Research Degree Programmes, to enable candidates for a research degree to register directly for the award of PhD, rather than register initially on an MPhil programme, with effect for students registering from 1 October 2012.


            This item was unstarred to agree a minor amendment to the proposal: That it should be possible to extend the probationary period into Year 2 or Year 3 by up to 6, rather than 3 months. It was noted, however, that the wording of the revised version of Regulation XXVI should make explicit that extensions of up to 3 months would be the norm, and that longer extensions would only be granted in a small number of exceptional cases.



31.2     On the recommendation of Research Committee, to approve amendments to Regulation XXVI to enable the award of posthumous research degrees for introduction with immediate effect.


12/32   PhD with Integrated Studies



On the recommendation of Research Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve in principle the introduction of a four year PhD programme with an integrated taught element.


12/33   Enterprise Committee



33.1     Senate RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 12 January 2012.        



33.2     Senate RESOLVED to approve the abolition of the Enterprise Advisory Board, and related revisions to the Terms of Reference for Enterprise Committee.


12/34   Estates Management Committee



34.1     Senate RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 15 December 2011, and on the recommendation of Estates Management Committee, and RESOLVED to approve:     



34.2     Revised Constitution for Estates Management Committee.


12/35   Learning and Teaching Committee



Senate RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 16 February 2012, and on the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, RESOLVED to approve:



35.1     Amendments to Regulation XIV

Amendments to Regulation XIV to extend the timescale for dealing with appeals to a conclusion, and to allow more flexibility for additional rounds of submissions.


12/36   Programme Proposals



On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, on the advice of Curriculum Sub-Committee, Senate RESOLVED to recommend to Council new programme proposals, strategic changes, and other matters.


12/37   Term Dates



Senate RESOLVED to approve revised term dates for the 2013-14, 2014-2015, and 2015-16 academic years.


12/38   Review of University Strategy 2011 – Action Plan



Senate RECEIVED an update on actions following the Senate-Council Away Day in October 2011.


12/39   Reports from Committees


            Senate RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:


39.1     SEN12-P36     Advancement Committee of 8 February 2012.

39.2     SEN12-P37     Arts Committee of 7 February 2012.

39.3     SEN12-P38     Ethics Committee of 10 November 2011 and 7 February 2012.

39.4     SEN12-P39     Health, Safety and Environmental Committee of 22 February 2012 (to follow).

39.5     SEN12-P40     Research Committee of 9 January and 6 February 2012.

39.6     SEN12-P41     Research Performance Monitoring Committee of 2 February 2012.  

39.7     SEN12-P42     Student Discipline Committee of 14 February 2012.


12/40   Date of Next Meeting


Wednesday 4 July 2012


Author – Chris Dunbobbin

Date – March 2012

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