


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Senate on Wednesday 30 June 2010.





Jo Aldridge

Simon Austin  

Chris Backhouse

Alan Bairner

Morag Bell

David Berry

Richard Bibb (ab)

Jon Binner

Ed Brown (ab)

James Carroll

Jim Chandler

Mike Cropper

Sandra Dann

David Deacon

Jack Demaine (ab)

Phill Dickens

Neil Dixon

John Feather

Neil Halliwell

Daniel Harris

Shirley Pearce


Janet Harrison

Roger Haslam

Elaine Hobby

Tony Hodgson

Phil Hubbard

Ruth Jenkins (ab)

Terry Kavanagh

Ruth Kinna

Feo Kusmartsev

Angus Laing

Chris Linton

Julian Mackenzie (ab)

Graham Matthews

Marsha Meskimmon

Myra Nimmo

Paul Palmer (ab)

Rob Parkin

Brian Parkinson (ab)

Ken Parsons




Chris Peel

Eric Pentecost (ab)

Iain Phillips

Jonathan Potter

Ian Reid

Stephen Rice

Chris Rielly (ab)

Carol Robinson

Richard Stobart

Elizabeth Stokoe

Gerry Swallowe

Tony Thorpe

David Twigg

Yiannis Vardaxoglou

Scott Vickers (ab)

Peter Warwick

Andrew Watson

Mark Webber (ab)

Huaizhong Zhao


In attendance: Rob Allan, Chris Dunbobbin, Jennifer Nutkins, Will Spinks, Ruth Stubbings, Caroline Walker.


Apologies for absence were received from: Richard Bibb, Jack Demaine, John Feather, Ruth Jenkins, Paul Palmer, Eric Pentecost, Mark Webber.



10/49   Minutes

Senate RESOLVED to confirm and sign the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 3 March 2010 (SEN10-M3).


10/50   University Strategy/Planning



            Senate RECEIVED a report on progress against Implementation Plans in 2009/10, and NOTED priorities for 2010/11. It was noted in discussion that the way in which TRAC data was used within the sector was developing and that the University was reviewing the way it employed the data to ensure its optimal use to inform internal decision-making.


10/51   School of Business and Economics



Professor Laing introduced the proposals noting that wide consultation had been undertaken with staff in the proposed School over the last few months. Senate RESOLVED to approve the establishment of the School of Business and Economics from the Department of Economics and the Business School, with effect from 1 August 2010.


10/52   Future Shape and Structure of the University



52.1     Senate NOTED a background paper from the Vice-Chancellor setting out the reasons for reconsidering the academic structure of the University. The Vice-Chancellor emphasised the following points:


i)              It was likely that the University’s public sector income would be cut by at least 20-25% over the next four years. The proposed restructuring would not deliver all of the savings required to address this loss of income, but would help to make the University more resilient in the face of a very difficult external environment. Council would need to be reassured that the University was taking prompt action to address the challenges it faced.

ii)             There were also important internal reasons for restructuring. These concerned the communications, simplicity and other related agendas that were being pursued by the University, with the aim of responding to concerns identified from the staff survey, minimising bureaucracy, and streamlining decision-making processes.

iii)            It was likely that the Browne review would propose an increase in the level of tuition fees, and that Loughborough would benefit from this. However, regardless of the fees situation, the University faced 4-5 years of significant reductions in its income.


The Vice-Chancellor thanked Professor Linton and all of those involved in the University Structure Project Management Board (PMB) for their excellent work in consulting widely, taking into account a large number of comments, and producing a thorough report.


52.3     SEN10-P86

            Senate NOTED the resolution of the meeting of the General Assembly held on 21 June 2010 relating the structure of the University. The Vice-Chancellor commented that she supported many of the general principles expressed in the resolution.



52.2     Senate RECEIVED the final report of the PMB and RESOLVED to recommend to Council for approval the following high level principles:


i)              That the University should restructure its academic management around no more than ten cost centres. (This represented an amendment to the PMB’s recommendation which referred specifically to ten cost centres and their set out their composition).

ii)             That faculties should be removed.

iii)            That a new group, the Academic Leadership Team (ALT), should be created.  All Deans of School would be members of this group, the full membership of which would be determined by the Vice-Chancellor, who would chair the committee.  The ALT would replace the three Directorates and ELT.

iv)           That the new schools should formally begin operation on 1 August 2011.


The following points were noted in discussion:


i)              It was intended that a new PMB would be established as quickly as possible to manage the implementation of the restructuring. It would use the detailed recommendations of the PMB final report as a starting point, but these would be reviewed and further work and consultation on specific issues would take place. Discussion and formal approval of changes to procedures and formal structures would take place through the relevant committees. The composition of the Implementation PMB would be broader than that of the University Structure PMB, incorporating staff from across the institution, including inter alia student members, and representatives from all job families.


ii)             It was emphasised that the groupings of departments into specific schools had not been finally agreed and that there was flexibility for further discussion where departments had expressed reservations about particular groupings. Internal School structures could be designed flexibly, as in the case of Business and Economics, to ensure that discipline identities were maintained. It was acknowledged that Schools composed of diverse disciplines might operate differently to those with greater academic synergy.


iii)            It was noted further that the PMB had thought carefully about the optimal number of Schools under the new structure, and had concluded that it would work most effectively and efficiently with a maximum of 10.


iv)           Reference was made to a number of the risks outlined in the report, as below:


a)    The potential loss of discipline identity.

b)    That notwithstanding the removal of faculties, the restructuring might, for some departments, result in an increase in bureaucracy and less slickness in decision-making.

c)    A possible loss of focus on other important activities, such as the REF, and other initiatives that would be necessary in order to respond to the impending cuts in public funding.


It was emphasised, however, that the Implementation PMB would draw up a detailed risk assessment, and that one of its key responsibilities would be to ensure that these, and the other risks identified, were managed well so that any adverse effects of restructuring were minimised. It would be possible, in this process, to learn from the experience of those departments that had already joined with others to form Schools. It was emphasised further that each School would retain the flexibility to determine the most efficient internal structure - this local flexibility was important, and it was suggested that many operational solutions would evolve organically over time at a local level.


v)            The proposed Schools varied in size, such that there would be an imbalance in representation. It was noted, however, that this position would be no better or worse than that which existed under the current faculty/department structure.


vi)           Concern was expressed about the representation of science-based subjects on Operations Committee in view of the proposal that (a) Deans of School would serve for one year, in rotation, with two or three on the Committee at any one time, and (b) there would be only one School comprised of science-based disciplines. It was agreed that this arrangement would need to be monitored.


vii)          There was support for the suggestion that Deans of Schools should be appointed quickly, in order that they be in post for as much of the 2010-11 academic cycle as possible. It was confirmed that they would be appointed in accordance with existing procedures for appointment of Heads of Departments which included consultation with members of staff in the unit concerned.


viii)         It would be important to maintain effective leadership at departmental/discipline level. Clear terms of reference for these roles within each School would need to be produced as quickly as possible. There were mixed views concerning the likely interest of staff in management roles under the new structure and the necessity or otherwise of honoraria.


ix)           The recommendations had been considered and were supported by the Loughborough Students Union, on the understanding that steps were taken to minimise any impact on the student experience, and to maintain existing levels of student representation. Concerns were noted about the potential impact of the creation of larger Schools on the experience of students currently in smaller departments. The Vice-Chancellor emphasised that the maintenance of the student experience would remain a key concern throughout the implementation and beyond. Reassurances were also given that existing levels of student representation on SSLCs, Senate, and other bodies would be replicated within the new structure.


x)            Reference was made to a number of the benefits referred to in the PMB report:


a)    It was noted that the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering had benefitted from sharing good practices from its constituent departments, and that the formation of the School had given rise to new academic synergies, which had resulted, for example, in the creation of new research groups.

b)    The new structure would be more resilient and smaller units less vulnerable, in the face of significant public spending cuts.

c)    The new structure would encourage more working together in a non-academic as well as an academic sense, for example in helping the University to meet HEFCE’s carbon reduction and space utilisation agendas.


xi)           The restructuring would require a review of the membership of Senate. However, there was no sense in which the proposed ALT was intended to replace Senate.


xii)          It was crucial to maximise staff buy-in during any process of change, and good communication was an important element of this. It was suggested, therefore, that there be further meetings of General Assembly and regular updates by email throughout the implementation process.


A vote on the first three recommendations was requested. It was agreed that the views, submitted by email, of members who had given apologies should be included (all those who had given apologies had been invited to indicate their view on the recommendations and 6 of the 7 had replied by the time of the meeting). The outcome of the vote was:


For:                  35 (including 5 votes cast by members who had given apologies)

Against:           13 (including 1 vote cast by a member who had given apologies)

Abstentions:     4


The fourth recommendation was approved without a vote.


Professor Linton thanked the members of the PMB, and Fidelma Hannah and Tom Orrill for their work in supporting the Board.


10/53   British University in Egypt



Senate RECEIVED a report on the revalidation process, and RESOLVED to delegate authority to the BUE Validation Sub-Committee to reach a decision on revalidation in October 2010.


It was noted in discussion that two of the six stages of the revalidation process had been completed, and that there was evidence of significant progress in a number of areas. However, there were also concerns, particularly in relation to the Economics and Petroleum Engineering and Gas Technology programmes, and Loughborough had asked BUE to establish, and implement rigorously, specific action plans to address these issues over the coming months. A range of issues were due to be discussed at the BUE Board of Trustees meeting on 1 July 2010.


Senate AGREED that it would conduct a full debate on all aspects of the University’s relationship with BUE at the November 2010 meeting.


10/54   Vacation Distribution



Senate RESOLVED to approve a reduction of the student Christmas Vacation from four weeks to three weeks in length.


10/55   Amendment to Regulation XX Undergraduate Awards



On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve an increase in the minimum requirements for passing an undergraduate programme Part. Senate NOTED that consideration would be given to implementing an equivalent increase in minimum progression requirements in respect of the regulations governing Foundation level studies.


10/56   Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)


            Senate RECEIVED a report.


10/57   Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)



57.1     Senate RECEIVED a report on Student Recruitment, 2010 Entry.


57.2     Other Matters for Report.

Senate NOTED that the University’s NSS response rate had been very good, at 76%, and thanks were given to all in the University and Students’ Union who had helped achieve this.


10/58   Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)



            Senate RECEIVED a report. The following matters were highlighted:


i)              emda would have a considerably reduced budget in 2010-11, and was very unlikely to fund any projects that had not already been contracted. It was reducing budgets on contracted activities and clawing back money where activities were in default.

ii)             A call for Loughborough University Enterprise Fellowships would be launched in July 2010. The call would be open to academics and research staff from all disciplines.


10/59   Matters for Report by the Vice-Chancellor


i)              The Chief Operating Officer provided Senate with the following updates.


a)    National Pay Negotiations. UCEA’s final offer of 0.4% had been rejected by UCU and the Education Institute of Scotland. The other unions had neither accepted nor rejected the offer. The JNCHES dispute procedures had therefore been put into place; a first meeting had taken place in June 2010, and a further meeting was scheduled for 5 July 2010.


b)    Proposed Reform of the USS Pension Scheme. The scheme was scheduled to be valued in 2011. The Joint Review Group had been unable to agree on a joint set of revisions to the scheme to be implemented prior to the valuation, and the final proposals of the employers’ and UCU representatives had moved into the public arena. The Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC) was scheduled to meet on 7 July 2010, and it was possible that the independent chair would use his casting vote to resolve the deadlock. The scheme rules were such that recommendations for change could only be taken forward by the USS Trustees Board if they were proposed to the Trustees by a majority of the JNC.


c)    Local Government Pension Scheme. The valuation cycle for the Local Government Pension Scheme was a year ahead of the USS scheme. On the basis of existing and anticipated liabilities, it appeared likely that contributions to the scheme would need to increase very significantly. Further details would be available in the autumn.


ii)             The Vice-Chancellor noted that the University had achieved a good ranking in recent newspaper league tables, and offered thanks to all within the institution for their part in this achievement.


10/60   Committee Effectiveness



Senate RECEIVED a paper inviting it to consider its effectiveness. One member expressed concern that Senate papers had not been circulated to members 5 working days in advance of the meeting, as required by Regulation III. It was noted that a review was due to be undertaken of the procedures for circulating papers for Senate and other committees, with the aim of reducing printing and related costs and improving on the timeliness of circulation, where possible.


10/61   Design School



61.1     Location of the Design School within the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

On the recommendation of Operations Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve a proposal that the Design School be in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, pending any further changes to the structure of the University.




61.2     Establishment of Loughborough University Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre



            Senate RESOLVED to approve the establishment of the Loughborough University Environmental Ergonomics Research Centre.


61.3     Change of Name of Vehicle Safety Research Centre

Senate RESOLVED to approve a change of name of the Vehicle Safety Research Centre to the Transport Safety Research Centre in order to make clear that in addition to vehicle safety research, the Centre also conducted research into infrastructure, road user behaviour, new technologies and other aspects of traffic safety.


10/62   University Ordinances



62.1     On the recommendation of Student Discipline Committee, Senate RESOLVED to recommend to Council amendments to Ordinance XVII (Conduct and Discipline of Students), with effect from 4 October 2010.



62.2     Senate RESOLVED to recommend to Council amendments to Ordinance XXIII (Traffic and Parking in the University), with effect from 4 October 2010.


10/63   Programme Proposals



On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, on the advice of Curriculum Sub-Committee, Senate RESOLVED to recommend to Council as appropriate:


63.1     New programmes (with effect from October 2010 unless stated):

            BSc,DPS Design Ergonomics (October 2011)

            MSc Healthcare Fire Safety Management

MSc Healthcare Emergency Preparedness and Business Continuity Management

MSc Powertrain and Vehicle Engineering


63.2     Award, title or major programme changes (with effect from October 2010 unless stated):

MSc International Relations

MSc Automotive Systems Engineering

MSc Sport Coaching

PGCert Back Care Management (June 2010)

BEng, MEng Product Design and Manufacture to BEng, MEng Product Design Engineering (for all existing students, already applied to 2008 entry onwards)

MSc Sport Nutrition (DL) to MSc Nutrition for Sport and Physical Activity (DL) (April 2010)

MSc Back Care Management to MSc Healthcare Manual Handling Management (September 2010)

BSc Retail Management to BSc Retailing, Marketing and Management (final year students in 2009/10, already applied to October 2009 entry)

MSc Packaging Technology (MfI) to MSc Packaging Technology (MST) (October 2010)

BA Illustration, BA Graphic Communication, BA Printed Textiles, BA Woven Textiles, BA Multimedia Textiles (addition of the award of DIntS) (from 2009-10 session)


63.3     Suspension of programmes

MSc Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (last intake September 2009, programme to be reconfigured during suspension and re-launched for 2011 intake)

MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice (last intake September 2009, next intake October 2011)


63.4     Discontinuation of programmes (last intake shown in brackets):

MSc European and International Studies (September 2009)

BSc/MComp Computer Science and E-Business (October 2010)

MSc Mechatronics (Oct 2009)  


10/64   Learning and Teaching Committee


            On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, Senate RESOLVED:



64.1     Master in Science (MSci) degree

To approve the introduction of the degree of Master in Science (MSci), necessitating an amendment to Ordinance IV.



64.2     Reassessment of undergraduate project/dissertation modules

To approve an amendment to Regulation XX to allow undergraduate students who narrowly fail a project/dissertation module the possibility of revising and resubmitting the original piece of work for the purpose of reassessment.



64.3     Leave of absence/termination of studies

To approve changes in procedures for handling leave of absence and termination of studies, and associated changes to Regulation IX.



64.4     University Admissions Policy for High Performance Student Athletes

            To approve a University Admissions Policy for High Performance Student Athletes.



64.5     Points Based Immigration System

To note actions in response to the new Points Based Immigration System and approve a recommendation for action.



64.6     Code of Practice on Placement Learning

To approve a revised Code of Practice on Placement Learning and associated Health and Safety Documentation for implementation from the start of 2010-11.


10/65   Research Committee


On the recommendation of Research Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve:



65.1     Amendments to the Regulations for Higher Degrees by Research - Regulations for Higher Doctorates



65.2     Amendments to the Regulations for Higher Degrees by Research – Academic Misconduct


Senate NOTED that the report of the meeting of Research Committee on 4 June 2010 (SEN10-P60, marked as ‘to follow’ on the agenda) would be submitted to the next meeting.


10/66   Estates Management Committee



Senate RECEIVED reports of the meetings on 25 March and 13 May 2010, and RESOLVED to approve:



66.1     Amended Terms of Reference for Estates Management Committee.


10/67   Advancement Committee



Senate RECEIVED reports of the meetings on 10 February and 9 June 2010, and RESOLVED to approve:



67.1     Amended Terms of Reference for Advancement Committee.


10/68   Arts Committee – Amended Terms of Reference and Membership



Senate RESOLVED to approve amended Terms of Reference and Membership for Arts Committee.


10/69   Membership of Senate 2010-11



            Senate NOTED the membership of Senate for 2010-11, so far determined.          


10/70   Annual Report on Student Complaints 2008-09



            Senate RECEIVED a report on student complaints in 2008-09.       


10/71   Student Appeals against Programme Board or Review Board Decisions: Report for 2009



            Senate RECEIVED a report on the operation of the Regulation XIV appeals procedure in 2009.


10/72   Ethical Advisory Committee



            Senate RECEIVED the annual report of the Ethical Advisory Committee.


10/73   Careers Centre Advisory Board Annual Report


Senate NOTED the publication of the Careers Centre Advisory Board Annual Report for 2008-09 (available on the web at


10/74   Graduation Ceremonies 2010


            Senate NOTED the dates of Graduation Ceremonies in 2010:


            Summer:         Thursday 15 July 2010 (am and pm)

                                    Friday 16 July 2010 (am and pm)

                                    Monday 19 July 2010 (am and pm)

                                    Tuesday 20 July 2010 (am and pm)


            Winter:             Monday 20 December 2010 (three ceremonies)


10/75   Reports from Committees


            Senate RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:


75.1     SEN10-P72     Enterprise Board of 4 June 2010  

75.2     SEN10-P73     Health, Safety and Environmental Committee of 9 June 2010

75.3     SEN10-P74     Learning and Teaching Committee of 3 June 2010.

75.4     SEN10-P75     Performance Monitoring Group of 9 March 2010

75.5     SEN10-P76     Prizes Committee of 15 March 2010.

75.6     SEN10-P77     Research Performance Monitoring Committee of 19 January, 26 January, 13

                                                April and 8 June 2010

75.7     SEN10-P78     Student Discipline Committee of 9 February and 8 June 2010.

75.8     SEN10-P79     Student Experience Committee of 24 February and 16 June 2010


10/76   Dates of Meetings in 2010-11


            Tuesday 16 November 2010, 9.15am

            Wednesday 26 January 2010, 9.15am (if necessary)

            Wednesday 9 March 2010, 9.15am

            Wednesday 6 July 2010, 9.15am


10/77   Any Other Business


Senate RESOLVED to approve the action of the Chair in approving, on behalf of Senate, the reappointment of Dr Keith Gregory as Chair of Prizes Committee for a further 2 years until 31 July 2012.


10/78   Valedictory


The Vice-Chancellor thanked staff and student members for whom it was their last meeting.


Author – Jennifer Nutkins/Chris Dunbobbin

Date – July 2010

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