


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Senate on Wednesday 19 November 2008.





Jo Aldridge (ab)

Simon Austin (ab)

Chris Backhouse (ab)

Anja Baumhoff

Morag Bell

David Berry (ab)

Jon Binner

Edwin Bowden-Peters

Ed Brown (ab)

Sandra Dann

Ian Davidson

James Dearnley (ab)

Neil Dixon (ab)

Clive Edwards

Peter Golding

Neil Halliwell

Jon Harper

Roger Haslam (ab)

Oli Hiscoe

Shirley Pearce


Elaine Hobby

Tony Hodgson

Ray Jones (ab)

Terry Kavanagh (ab)

David Kerr

Feo Kusmartsev

Fiona Levey

Chris Linton (ab)

Julian Mackenzie (ab)

Danny McNiece

Marsha Meskimmon (ab)

Mary Morley

Myra Nimmo

Charles Oppenheim (ab)

Rob Parkin

Ken Parsons

Chris Peel

Eric Pentecost

Iain Phillips



Jonathan Potter

Gareth Pritchard (ab)

Ian Reid

Peter Render (ab)

Chris Rielly

Steve Rothberg

Dennis Smith

Richard Stobart

Gerry Swallowe

Tony Thorpe

David Twigg

Yiannis Vardaxoglou

Kathryn Walsh

Peter Warwick

Andrew Watson

Mark Webber

David Whalley (ab)

Dominic Wring (ab)


In attendance: Chris Dunbobbin, Jennifer Nutkins, Will Spinks, Caroline Walker.


Apologies for absence were received from: Jo Aldridge, Simon Austin, Dave Berry, Neil Dixon, Roger Haslam, Ray Jones, Terry Kavanagh, Chris Linton, Julian Mackenzie, Marsha Meskimmon, Charles Oppenheim, Peter Render, David Whalley, Dominic Wring.



The Vice-Chancellor welcomed the University’s new Director of Finance, Caroline Walker, and others for whom it was their first meeting.


08/95   Minutes


It was RESOLVED to confirm and sign the Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 2 July 2008 (SEN08-M5).


08/96   Powers and Functions of Senate



            Senate NOTED the powers and functions of Senate.


08/97   University Strategy/Planning         


.1   Senate received a final draft of the Sustainability Implementation Plan. An earlier version had been considered by Senate and Council in July 2008, and the comments made had been incorporated. The Chief Operating Officer drew particular attention to the following:


(i)                  Targets had been established for the reduction of the University’s carbon footprint.

(ii)                A standard for new build on campus of BREEAM “very good” was being recommended.

(iii)               Jo Anne Halsbury had been appointed as Sustainability Manager with effect from the end of November 2008.


            The following points were also referred to in discussion:


(iv)              It was suggested that a reference to energy generation by the University itself should be made in the plan. In this context, it was noted that plans were in train to establish a 2 Megawatt wind turbine in the Holywell Park area of campus, with the intention that it would provide a source of green energy and potential links to related research activities.

(v)                It was acknowledged that there might be some inherent tension between the strategy for internationalisation and sustainable operations. However, it was unclear whether international travel made a significant contribution to the University’s overall carbon footprint.

(vi)              The criteria used to measure the carbon footprint was a key consideration, and the Strategic Group were taking advice on this, based on existing conventions in the HE Sector and in the wider economy. It was considered unlikely that staff and student travel to and from the campus would be included in the definition but this would be checked.

(vii)             Data relating to seasonal differences in the University’s energy usage was available and would be taken into consideration in working towards reductions in energy usage.


            Senate RESOLVED to recommend the Sustainability Implementation Plan to Council for approval and the comments made would be noted for future updating of the Plan.

.2   Senate NOTED that the Human Resources Implementation Plan was under development, and a final draft for Senate approval was expected to be submitted for the March 2009 meeting.


08/98   Staff Survey


            SEN08-P139 (tabled)

Senate RECEIVED a report from the Dean of Engineering.


The response rate for the Staff Survey had been very good (65%), and the University had scored above the HEI benchmark median in respect of 98 of the 148 questions, including 23 top scores. Included in the highlights were that 95% of respondents agreed that the University was a good place to work, 98% were aware of diversity issues, and 71% felt that the current pace of change was about right. However, within the context of a positive set of results overall, five particular areas of concern had been identified: Managing workload and reducing bureaucracy, supporting staff through change, improving communication/cooperation, career development and progression, and health and safety. It was intended that feedback sessions for all departments would shortly be arranged to deliver scores, and to instigate two-way discussions of local and institutional issues in order to “get behind” the raw responses, and inform subsequent actions. An institutional level and local level action plans would be developed in light of the results of the feedback sessions.


Members welcomed the generally positive feedback from the survey. It was considered  important, however, to examine those areas where results indicated that there was scope for improvement; to listen carefully to the concerns raised by staff in feedback sessions; and to deliver improvements wherever possible. The responses to questions on health and safety were of particular concern, and immediate actions would be taken in this area. The Vice-Chancellor encouraged all members, and particularly Heads of Department, to consider their responsibilities in relation to health and safety.


There was some discussion on how the results of the survey would be disseminated. The Dean of Engineering noted that the preferred approach was for the departmental feedback sessions to be the point at which detailed information was provided to staff, so that it could be presented in the correct context. There was a meeting of the Steering Group later on 19 November 2008, and further clarification on the dissemination process would be provided thereafter.


08/99   Research Schools



Senate RECIEVED a summary, ahead of a later full report, of the processes undertaken in conducting a review of the Research Schools. The initial conclusion was that the Schools had been a success and that all should continue. The following points were noted in discussion:


(i)                  In the longer term, the PCV(R) would review the performance of all of the Research Schools on an annual basis, against a set of agreed Key Performance Indicators.

(ii)                The Acting PVC(E) noted that the Research Schools had been very successful in contributing to the University’s Enterprise agenda.


08/100 Honorary Bachelor Degree Awards



Senate RESOLVED to recommend approval the following to Council:


(i)                  That Honorary Bachelor degrees be offered to all former students who studied at the University’s constituent Colleges, received a higher education qualification below the level of a Bachelor degree, and completed their studies in or before 1979.

(ii)                That certificates be issued in absentia; that family members be invited to accept awards on behalf of deceased candidates or those too unwell to travel; and that those whose DLCs were converted to Bachelor degrees under the former academic arrangements also be awarded Honorary Bachelor degrees.


08/101 Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)



.1         RAE 2008 Results.

Senate received a timetable for publication, in December 2008 by HEFCE, of the results of the 2008 RAE. Further fine detail in relation to Research Office and University actions would follow, and feedback, particularly from Heads of Department, on the proposed process was invited. It was noted that HESA did not now intend to publish information on 18 December 2008 about the number of eligible staff in each RAE 2008 UoA and the proportion of total student FTE contributed by FE students, as indicated on the timetable.



.2         Research Outputs.

The PVC(R) presented a brief summary of some recently completed research from across the University. Members were encouraged to alert the PVC(R) to examples of research activity in their area, through their AD(R)s.          



.3         Research Applications – Quarterly Analysis by Department.

Senate RECEIVED data on research applications for the period 1 August 2007 – 31 July 2008. Compared to the previous year, there had been a rise in the number of applications by 9%, and in the total value of applications by 14%. This was welcomed, but it was noted that the success rate of applications was of critical importance.



.4         New Research Grants and Contracts.

Senate RECEIVED data on new research grants and contracts for the period 1 August 2007 – 31 July 2008. Clarification was given that the figures presented showed the value of all research grants received, even where some or all of the money was passed on to other institutions.


.5         Other Matters.

            The PVC(R) noted that:


(i)                  Funding towards the cost of imago hospitality facilities remained available for staff who wished to hold events to promote the outcomes of Loughborough-based research activity. The deadline for applications was the end of November 2008.

(ii)                A programme of Research Forums, which aimed to promote cross-departmental collaboration, was ongoing. Forums on digital economy/digital society, and disability, had been held in 2008, and a Forum on Visual Analysis was scheduled for 9 December 2008. Those interested were encouraged to contact Angela Crawford in the Research Office.


There was some discussion about the processes operated by the Research Councils in considering initial grant applications, and it was emphasised that it was critically important for applications to address all aspects of the call to ensure that they were not filtered out at the first stage. The PVC(R) noted that arrangements were being made for a number of the University’s academic staff to receive a briefing from the ESRC on the consideration of applications, and information gleaned from this would be disseminated as appropriate. Loughborough was also participating actively in staff exchange schemes initiated by the Research Councils.


08/102.Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)




.1         Student Recruitment.

Senate RECEIVED a report on full-time undergraduate and taught postgraduate recruitment outcomes for 2008-09. The following points were highlighted:


(i)                  The target for undergraduate recruitment had been exceeded as noted in the paper. Senate welcomed the proposed additional measures to ensure a more rigorous and measured management of the sequence of decision-making on concessions, change course offers and clearing activity during Confirmation Week.


(ii)                A number of external factors including the global recession and the introduction of tighter visa application processes had the potential to impact in an adverse manner on international recruitment in 2009-10. Balanced against these, the value of sterling against other currencies had fallen significantly in recent weeks, and this had the potential to make study in the UK more attractive. These factors were outside the University’s control but a number of initiatives were noted in the paper in support of achievement of target international intakes for 2009.


The following points were also noted in discussion:


(iii)               The reference in the paper to difficulties in international PGT recruitment being a ‘sector wide trend’ disguised apparent variations in performance between departments. It was important for the reasons behind these to be considered.

(iv)              Population count figures would shortly be released by the Planning Office, and these would indicate whether the University was close to exceeding the 5% tolerance in relation to its HEFCE grant for teaching.



.2         National Student Survey 2008.

For the fourth year, the University had achieved a very good result. The PVC(T) and the Vice-Chancellor expressed their thanks to Deans and Heads of Department for their commitment to the survey, and to the Students’ Union for its work in encouraging students to participate. It was noted in the context of individual departments, and the University as a whole, that other institutions were taking the survey extremely seriously, and were endeavouring to catch up. It was important, therefore, that the University worked as hard as ever in the coming year. It was noted finally, that some Loughborough departments were ranked against a greater number of competitor departments across the sector, and it was therefore more challenging to achieve a high ranking.



.3         Loughborough University International Foundation Programme (IFP).

Senate RESOLVED to approve the validation of the IFP, in accordance with the report of the Validation Panel, on the understanding that the IFP Project Group and the PVC(T) were satisfied that the outstanding actions were being addressed, and subject to confirmation of their completion in due course.


08/103 Matters for Report by the Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise)



Senate RECEIVED a report from the PVC(E). It was noted that heading 2.5 should have referred to the Manufacturing Technology Centre.


08/104 Matters for Report by the Vice-Chancellor



.1         Report of the first meeting of Advancement Committee held on 29 October 2008.

The Vice-Chancellor highlighted the role of the new Advancement Committee in helping the University to co-ordinate advancement activity and embed it across all Departments and Support Services. Two specific points from the minutes were noted:


(i)                  It was important that advancement was integral to all Departmental Development Plans during the 2008-09 planning process.

(ii)                The co-ordination of departmental alumni events should involve close liaison with the centralised services in the Development & Alumni Relations Office.


.2         Other Matters.

            The Vice-Chancellor reported on the following:


(i)                  Thanks were given to all who had contributed to the University’s success in being named University of the Year in the Sunday Times University Guide 2008-09.

(ii)                Members were reassured that senior management was giving serious consideration to the existing national and global economic climate, and its likely impact on the University. It would be more important that ever for the University to ensure that it was as efficient as possible, and it was noted that the Director of Finance was considering a number of value-for-money initiatives.


08/105 Programme Proposals



On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, on the advice of Curriculum Sub-Committee, Senate RESOLVED to recommend to Council as appropriate:


.1         New programmes (with effect from October 2009 unless stated):

BSc(DPS) Web Development and Design

MA Studio Ceramics: Methodologies and Practice

MA Cultural Analysis

MSc Cultural Sociology

MSc Management and Leadership (Association for Consultancy and Engineering) (with effect from January 2009)

MA/MSc Product Design in Business

MSc Research in Analytical Chemistry (with effect from October 2008)


.2         Discontinuation of programmes (last intake shown in brackets):

            MEng, MEng (DIS) Wireless Communications Engineering (Oct 2003)


08/106 Learning and Teaching Committee


On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, Senate RESOLVED to approve:



.1         Credit values of Loughborough University awards.

            Recommendations concerning the credit values of University awards.



.2         Assessment flexibility policy for elite athletes.

            An assessment flexibility policy for elite athletes.


Apologies were given for the late notice of a request to unstar this item, and it was emphasised that there was no intention to detract from the hard work that had gone into the development of this policy. However, concerns were expressed that in approving an assessment flexibility policy for elite athletes, but not for other groups (particularly those with strong religious beliefs), the University might be considered to be treating students in an unequal manner, and/or acting unlawfully. Reference was made to an incident in Summer 2008 in which a student who benefitted from flexible assessment arrangements in view of their sporting commitments was perceived to have been treated more favourably than a student from the same department who had initially been advised that no flexible arrangements could be made in respect of his religious observance.


It was noted that at Loughborough, the demand for flexible assessment arrangements from those with high-level sporting commitments was significantly higher than that from other groups, and that the intention of the proposed policy was simply to tighten-up and formalise the existing arrangements that had been made for elite athletes for a number of years. On this basis, Senate RESOLVED to approve the policy.


However, Senate also AGREED that the University’s existing policy on assessment flexibility in the context of religious observance, as referred to in the Student Handbook, should be amended as soon as possible to indicate that in exceptional circumstances, special arrangements could be made for reasons of religious observance. This wording would stand pending a full debate of the issues and preparation of revised policies on special examination arrangements more generally. This debate would be conducted through Programme Quality Team and include consultation with departments, with the intention that final proposals would be submitted to Learning and Teaching Committee in February 2009 and Senate in March 2009, so that arrangements were in place for Semester 2 2008-09.



.3         Regulation XVIII Academic Misconduct.

            Amendments to Regulation XVIII.



.4         Validated programmes at Loughborough College.

The introduction of a new version of the Honours ‘top-up’ degree to lead to the degree of BSc in Applied Sports Science (Management) for validation with effect from session 2009/10.



.5         End of programme feedback.

A lifting of the University requirement on departments to collect end of programme feedback.



.6         Terms of Reference.

Amendments to the terms of reference of Learning and Teaching Committee, with immediate effect.


08/107 Performance Monitoring Group



Senate RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 3 October 2008, and RESOLVED to approve:



.1         Amendments to the terms of reference of Performance Monitoring Group, with immediate effect.


08/108 Enterprise Board



Senate RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 17 October 2008, and RESOLVED to approve:



.1         Amendments to the terms of reference of the Enterprise Board, with immediate effect.


08/109 Health, Safety and Environmental Committee



Senate RECEIVED a report of the meeting held on 30 October 2008, and RESOLVED to approve:



.1         Amendments to the membership of reference of Health, Safety and Environmental Committee, with immediate effect.



.2         Annual Health, Safety and Environmental Office Plan.


08/110 Term Dates



            Senate RESOLVED to approve term dates for the 2010-11 academic year.


08/111 Senate Appointments on Other Committees


Senate RESOLVED to approve a proposal that the power to appoint Senate members on other Committees be delegated to the Secretary of Senate.      


08/112 Review of Court


Senate NOTED recommendations from the Review Group.


08/113 Membership of Senate 2008-09



            Senate NOTED the membership of Senate for 2008-09.


08/114 Librarian’s Annual Report 2007-08



            Senate NOTED the annual report for 2007-08 from the Librarian.


08/115 Reports from Committees


            Senate RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:


.1         SEN08-P120   Costing and Pricing Committee of 2 July 2008.  

.2         SEN08-P121   Estates Management Committee of 22 July and 10 September 2008.

.3         SEN08-P122   Learning and Teaching Committee of 6 November 2008.  

.4         SEN08-P123   Prizes Committee of 6 November 2008.

.5         SEN08-P124   Research Performance Monitoring Group of 22 September 2008.

.6         SEN08-P125   Student Discipline Committee of 4 November 2008.

.7         SEN08-P126   Student Experience Committee of 29 October 2008.


08/116 Dates of Future Meetings in 2008-09


            Wednesday 28 January 2009, 9.15am (if necessary)

            Wednesday 4 March 2009, 9.15am

            Wednesday 1 July 2009, 9.15am


Author – Chris Dunbobbin

Date – November 2008

Copyright © Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.