
Minutes of the 376th (Ordinary) Meeting of Senate on Wednesday 29 June 2005.




Serpil Acar (ab)
David Allen
Chimay Anumba
Chris Backhouse (ab)
Jonathan Beaverstock

Morag Bell

David Berry (ab)

Matt Best

Stuart Biddle

Russell Bowman
Ed Brown (ab)

Paul Chung (ab)

Sandra Dann

Ian Davidson

Lesley Davis (ab)

Helen Drake (ab)

John Feather (ab)

David Wallace


Maurice Fitzgerald

David Gillingwater (ab)

Neil Halliwell
John Harper

Roger Haslam (ab)

Tony Hodgson (ab)

Sarah Holloway (ab)

Tom Hook (ab)

Terry Kavanagh         

Feo Kusmartsev

Mark Lansdale

Jeremy Leaman (ab)

Chris Linton

Ruth Lister (ab)

Geoff Mason

Mario Minichiello (ab)

Mary Morley



Ken Parsons
Iain Reid
Peter Render

Colin Rhodes
Phil Roberts
Steve Rothberg

Fytton Rowland (ab)

Jason Scott

Peter Smith (ab)
Tony Thorpe (ab)

Rob Thring
Richard Wakeman
Peter Warwick

Tony Westaway

Tom Weyman-Jones

Nigel Wood (ab)

Bryan Woodward (ab)

Martha Wőrsching (ab)


By invitation:



In attendance:


Jon Binner

Keith Gregory (for Minute 05/54)


Chris Dunbobbin

Jennie Elliott

Jennifer Nutkins

John Town


Apologies for Absence were received from Chris Backhouse, David Berry, Ed Brown,

Paul Chung, Lesley Davis, Helen Drake, John Feather, David Gillingwater, Roger Haslam, Sarah Holloway (Maternity Leave), Ruth Lister, Mario Minichiello, Fytton Rowland, Peter Smith, Tony Thorpe, Nigel Wood and Bryan Woodward.



05/45  Business of the Agenda

Item 16 and 27 had been unstarred.


05/46  Minutes

It was RESOLVED to confirm and sign the Minutes of the 374th meeting held on 2 March 2005 (SEN05-M1).


05/47  Matters Arising from the Minutes

.1         Minute 05/03 – Matters Arising – Tuition Fees Strategy and Access Agreement

            Senate noted that the University’s Access Agreement had received formal approval from the Office for Fair Access (OFFA).


.2         Minute 05/07 – Loughborough Experience Award

Senate noted that the Chair of Prizes Committee had approved the criteria for the award.


.3         Minute 05/17 – Annual Report of the Student Discipline Committee 2003/04

Senate noted that the analysis of student offences would be discussed by the Student Discipline Committee at its meeting on 5 July 2005.


05/48  Strategic Review Group


Senate received a report from the Deputy-Vice-Chancellor.  Senate was informed that Charnwood Borough Council were currently exploring a number of possible sites for a proposed Science Park and would be publishing a site-specific preferred options consultation paper in September. The Deputy-Vice-Chancellor emphasised the final comment in his report on the attention to the relations between risk, staffing and resource provision, and future development and long-term stability, that would be needed in Departmental or Support Services’ Development Plans.

05/49  School of Mathematics


Senate considered a proposal for a School of Mathematics, comprising the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Mathematics Education Centre (MEC), and received a tabled unconfirmed minute of the Strategic Review Working Group’s discussion on the proposals held on 22 June 2005.  The Group had supported the proposal for the School of Mathematics on condition that this would be the first stage of an incremental progression towards the formation of a larger school and that research in mathematical education would be developed within the MEC via the CETL.  The Group had not agreed the proposal within the paper to fund the Mathematics Learning Support Centre (MLSC) as a support service, and would be initiating a review of current funding arrangements for MLSC which it considered were inequitable.  The driver for the proposal for a School of Mathematics had been the growth of the MEC particularly with the recent CETL award.  Departments were assured that Mathematics service teaching would not be adversely affected by the change and could be enhanced. The Head of the Department of Physics expressed his Department’s strong concern at the suggestion in the SRWG Minute of the possible incorporation of Physics within the School, based on past experience of a School of Mathematics and Physics within the University.


On the recommendation of the Science Faculty Board, it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council the creation of a School of Mathematics with effect from 1 August 2005, subject to the conditions specified by the Strategic Review Group.

05/50  Establishment of University Graduate School


Senate considered proposals from the Strategic Review Working Group for the establishment of a University Graduate School with effect from 1 September 2005.

The Deputy-Vice-Chancellor reported that the proposals were the outcome of extensive discussion and consultation.  They provided an outline only at this stage but an important first step for the institution.  There was no intention to duplicate existing support staffing and mechanisms in the University and it had been felt that the best way of achieving this, particularly in relation to matters of Quality Assurance, was by evolution under the leadership of the Director whose appointment would be critical.  The SSH Faculty was keen for the Graduate School to be operational by October 2005.  Members commented in support of the proposals, with the potential for greater visibility particularly internationally, and for the strengthening of the postgraduate experience.  It was noted that the membership of the Operational Group had been extended to include the Director of Professional Development, and was suggested that a member of the University’s Marketing Team should also be included.


It was RESOLVED to approve and recommend to Council as appropriate:


·         The establishment of a University Graduate School, as described in Annex A of paper SEN05-P26, from 1 September 2005 for a three year period in the first instance.


·         The arrangements for the appointment of the Director of the Graduate School as outlined in Annex B.


·         Amendments to the membership of Research Committee as outlined in Annex C.


·         Amendments to the membership of Learning and Teaching Committee as outlined in Annex C.


05/51  Establishment of Research Schools


Senate considered proposals from the Strategic Review Working Group for the establishment of the following Research Schools with effect from 1 September 2005 or the earliest practicable date thereafter:


(i)         Research School in Health and Life Sciences

(ii)        Research School in Materials Science and Engineering

(iii)        Research School in Systems Engineering

(iv)               Research School in Sustainability


The Deputy-Vice-Chancellor reported that the proposals were the outcome of widespread discussion and had received wide support, including from the incoming Vice-Chancellor.  The four proposed Research Schools were intended to add value to existing areas of strength in which informal networks already existed.  Effective dates for each would be dependent upon the crucial appointment of the Directors.  There were no proposed changes to existing structures but the Research Schools would provide co-ordination and greater momentum in those areas of research.  Examples of how such structures could facilitate more effective collaboration with external partners were discussed.  In response to queries, Senate was advised that monitoring of the Research Schools would take place via the Research Performance Monitoring Group and was likely to evolve over time but would aim to avoid bureaucracy.   The need to publicise the Research Schools widely both within and outside the University was emphasised.  The Research Schools were likely to evolve; the Research School of Sustainability in particular could have a much wider relevance across the campus than was currently envisaged.


Some areas might not need the co-ordination of a Research School in due course and other areas for a School might emerge from the bottom up.


It was RESOLVED to make recommendations to Council for:


(i)            the establishment of the above four Research Schools with effect from
1 September 2005 or the earliest practicable date thereafter


(ii)           the arrangements for the appointment of the Director of Research Schools as outlined in Annex E of paper SEN05-P27.


05/52  Strategic Review: Review of Committees


Further to Minute 05/06 of Senate’s 374th meeting on 2 March 2005, Senate received an update on the review of Committees and RESOLVED to approve recommendations or make recommendations to Council as appropriate in regard to:


(i)         Student Services Committee

(ii)        Human Resources Committee

(iii)        Terms of Reference of Learning and Teaching Committee

(iv)               Discontinuation of Ordinances and Regulations Committee


In regard to the proposal from Human Resources Committee that it be delegated the authority to award Personal Titles, it was noted that Personal Titles would in future be reported to Senate as an item of information.  The Registrar was asked to confirm that no changes were required to the Charter, Statutes or Ordinances as a result of the proposed delegated authority.


            ACTION: Registrar


It was noted that the view of Human Resources Committee that there was no benefit in rectifying the anomaly resulting from its not reporting via Resources and Planning Committee to Senate and Council had been based on the Committee’s position as a joint committee of Senate and Council dealing with critical Human Resource issues.


05/53  Changes in Academic Regulations


.1                     Further to Minute 04/67 of Senate’s 368th meeting on 23 June 2004, Senate considered a summary of further proposals for the restructuring of Academic Regulations. (The proposed revised Regulations were included in a later item on the agenda.)

            The Academic Registrar outlined the proposed main changes to the Regulations, which had been the subject of wide consultation and would result in streamlined and simplified Regulations.  Chris Spendlove was thanked for his considerable effort in developing the proposals.  Senate RESOLVED to approve the principles within paragraphs 1, 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), 2(e) and 3 of paper SEN05-P29.


.2         In regard to the proposal in paragraph 2(a) that only the mark achieved at the first attempt at a module would contribute to Part and Programme marks, Senate was informed that data for 2003/04 indicated that only 35 of approximately 3000 students would have received a lower class degree under the proposed new rule and this assumed no change in their behaviour or that of Programme Boards.  As a consequence of the new rule, Programme Boards would be able to condone failed modules without resit.  Senate’s view on the proposal was polarised.  In support of the proposal views were expressed that it would help address the increasing resit culture and was fairer to students who passed modules at the first attempt.  In opposition to the proposal views were expressed that the proposal was punitive and could affect the weaker or under-performing students and would result in a larger number of failures or pass degrees.  The existence of a resit culture was also questioned.  After much discussion, it was AGREED that a decision on this difficult issue be deferred for a year pending further analysis of the impact of the proposal on degree results on a departmental basis over more than one year.  It was suggested that further consideration also be given to other possible ways of reducing the burden of the Special Assessment Period on staff and students.  The proposed Regulations included under item 16 on the agenda would require revision in the light of Senate’s decision.  Members were invited to send any further comments to the Academic Registrar.


            ACTION: Academic Registrar


.3         In regard to the proposals in paragraph 2(c) on Sanctions for Failure to Participate, a member sought and was given reassurance that implementation of the proposals would be sensitive to the situation of students with particular health problems which prevented them from meeting specified deadlines.  In regard to the proposal in paragraph 2(e) on Membership of Programme Boards, it was commented that the list of staff able to serve as independent Board members should be clearly defined to ensure that all eligible staff were included.  It would be up to Departments whether they wished to change the independent Board member each year.


05/54  Use of 15-Credit Modules in Undergraduate Programmes


Further to Minute 04/66.2 of Senate’s 368th meeting on 23 June 2004, Senate considered a report from the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering on its ‘pilot’ year of operating undergraduate programmes with 15-credit modules, and the minute of Learning and Teaching Committee thereon.  Learning and Teaching Committee had resolved to inform Senate that it was persuaded by the case for allowing the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering to continue exceptionally to use 15-credit modules in its undergraduate programmes, and extend their use to Part C.  This had been on the basis that the department’s programmes were in effect self-contained.  The Committee had also recommended that Senate reaffirm that the structure of the University’s undergraduate programmes generally should continue to be based on the 10-credit module and multiples of 10.  Keith Gregory, author of the Department’s report, explained that the Department was not proposing the demise of 10-credit modules, but was seeking the freedom to use 15-credit as well as 10/20-credit modules, for ease of teaching over the year and to permit reasonable optional choice.  Views aired by members were that:


·         the view of students that learning over the whole year was preferable was an important conclusion of the report


·         if Senate was convinced that 15-credit modules worked in certain situations such as self-containment they should not be exceptional to one department


·         care was needed to avoid a confusing modular system.


It was RESOLVED to approve the recommendations of Learning and Teaching Committee as presented in the final paragraph of the Committee’s minute.  Senate congratulated Keith Gregory on his recent award of Lecturer of the Year by the Students’ Union.


05/55  Matters for Report by the Director of Business Partnerships, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer


Senate received a report from the Director of Business Partnerships, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer.  Senate was advised that the first sentence of paragraph 1.4 of the report would be better worded as:


‘emda have seconded a person to work half-time on developing a collaborative agreement between the University and emda over the development of, especially but not only, Holywell Park.  This is intended …..’


05/56  Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)


(i)         New Research Grants and Contracts

2005/06 was expected to be a record year for new grants and contracts, with the total at 31 May being £35M.  This included a £12M grant from the EPSRC Grand Challenge Scheme.  The increase in awards to the Science Faculty and particularly Chemistry was pleasing.



(ii)        Research Grants and Contracts Applications

Applications as at 31 May totalled 522 for £63M, compared to 583 worth £71M in the previous year.  The success rate in EPSRC applications had improved and was above the national average.  A formal mechanism to review research applications in departments had been pioneered by Jon Beaverstock in Geography and was being adopted in some other departments.  All departments were urged to use such an approach.


(iii)       RAE 2008

In addition to the five Sub-Panel Chairs, the University had three representatives as Sub-Panel members.  Consultation was imminent on the Panel Criteria and Working Methods, which would be finalised in the Autumn.  Research plans should now be reviewed for this year, with the emphasis on esteem.  First drafts of statements on environment and esteem would be sought next year allowing a further year for these to be refined.  It was suggested that whilst esteem would be specific to discipline, best practice should be sought across the University concerning environment.  Steps were being taken to minimise the bureaucracy relating to full economic costing.  The support of Research Office Staff in this was commended.


05/57  Matters for Report by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching)



            (i)         Student Recruitment

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching) was confident that the UK/EU undergraduate target would be met.  Though international undergraduate and UK/EU postgraduate taught applications and offers were down, recruitment was expected to be close to target.  International taught postgraduate recruitment was very uncertain.  Conversions were down and applicants from the countries from which an increasing number of applications were coming had not converted well last year.  The importance of responsiveness by departments in achieving conversions was emphasised.  The reduction in conversion rate to first choice for UK/EU undergraduates was likely to be a transitional sensitivity to raised entry requirements in a number of departments across the University and had been anticipated.  This was not a concern but would be monitored.


            (ii)        Additional Student Numbers

The University had submitted a bid to HEFCE for 80 additional students over 2 years; 50 in Engineering, 20 in Science, and 10 for a programme for engineers to improve employability.  The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching) emphasised that this was not intended to increase the undergraduate population overall.



            (iii)       TQI and NSS Update

Senate noted development on the TQI website.  In the recent National Student Survey 75% of the University’s final-year students had responded and LSU were to be thanked for their encouragement which had helped in achieving this.  The results, and subsequently the University’s comments, would be published on the TQI website in September.  Departments might wish to produce their own statements for promotional purposes.  A preview of the results would be received in July and Departments would be alerted to this.  The survey would be repeated in 2006.


05/58  Matters for Report by the Vice-Chancellor


(i)         League Tables: The Guardian and The Times

The University’s position in the Guardian League Table had dropped from 24 in 2004 to 36 in 2005.  This was not surprising as the 2005 analysis had excluded TQA results, but the Vice-Chancellor had raised with Universities UK the technical flaws in the Guardian League Table methodology.  In The Times, the University’s position had dropped from 10 in 2004 to 14 in 2005.  The reasons for this appeared to be a worsening staff:student ratio and a drop in graduate employment.  It was encouraging, however, that over half of the University’s departments featured in The Times top 10.  The Vice-Chancellor had instigated a study on staff categories to understand why the University’s SSR appeared in the bottom quartile, and the latest employment data showed some improvement.  The Vice-Chancellor would approach Universities UK with concerns over the recent trawl for information from admissions tutors by the Sunday Times.


ACTION: Vice-Chancellor


(ii)        Review of order of Senate agenda items

            It was agreed that the new arrangement whereby Officers’ reports followed substantive items on the Senate agenda worked well and should be continued.


(iii)               The Vice-Chancellor drew attention to the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the University's Charter in 2006 and the Centenary of the Loughborough Technical Institute, its ancestor, in 2009.  A Working Group had been established led by the Director of External Relations to determine the most appropriate ways to celebrate these anniversaries.


(iv)       The Vice-Chancellor informed Senate of the very successful Z-card initiative which had been started in the Engineering Faculty.  Cards were being provided on A-level Mathematics and Physics and GCSE Mathematics and were proving extremely popular in schools, with for example more than 450,000 of the GCSE cards requested this year.  Andrew Cooney in the Engineering Faculty was thanked for his work in this marketing success.


(v)        The Vice-Chancellor thanked the LSU President and his team for a very successful year, the highlight being a record fundraising total by Loughborough Rag of £0.5M gross for local and national charities.


05/59  Programme Proposals


On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee, on the advice of Curriculum Sub-Committee, it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council as appropriate:


(i)           New Programmes for introduction in the 2006/2007 session:


BSc/MComp (DPS) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

BSc (DIS/DPS) Chemistry and Information Technology

BSc (DPS) Information Technology and Mathematics

BSc (DIS,DIntS) Information Technology and Physics

BSc (DPS) Financial Mathematics

BSc (DPS) Product Design and Technology

MSc Internet Computing and Network Security

MSc Citizenship, Identity and Globalization 


(ii)        Title or Award Changes


MA Security Management – change of award to MSc with effect from April 2006 entry but for all students who graduate as of July 2006

BSc (DIS/DPS) Quantum Information and Computation – change of title to Information Networks and Physics, with effect from October 2006 entry.


(iii)       Discontinuation of the following programmes (last intake shown in brackets):


MBA Engineering Management (October 2003)

Prof Dip/Cert Retail Automotive Management (April 2003)

Prof Dip/Cert Automotive Retailing (November 2002)

PGCert Continuing Professional Development (October 2002)

05/60  Ordinances and Regulations Committee


.1           In accordance with the proposals included under Minute 05/53, on the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee and Ordinances and Regulations Committee, it was RESOLVED to approve the following revised/new Regulations, with effect from 3 October 2005 (though in some cases not applying to existing students) subject to revision in relation to Senate’s comments in Minute 05/53:



(i)       Conversion of GRUA (2004) and ARUA (2004) to Regulation XX: Undergraduate Awards



(ii)      Conversion of GRMPA and ARMPA to Regulation XXI: Postgraduate Awards



(iii)     Revisions to Regulation IX: Registration, Attendance, Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Transfer



(iv)     Revisions to Regulation XVII: Impaired Performance and Project Extensions



(v)      New Regulation XXII: Taught Programme Internal and External Examiners and Review and Programme Boards

          A member questioned the need for an External Programme Assessor to be physically present at a Special Assessment Period Programme Board, as required by paragraphs 13 and 14 of the proposed new Regulation XXII.  This was not always practical and other forms of communication with the External Programme Assessor had shown themselves to be workable.  It was, however, considered crucial that the External Programme Assessor was able to contribute to decisions and was not presented with a fait accompli.  It was AGREED that the wording of Regulation XXII be revised such that telephone/video conferencing be deemed as attendance at the SAP Programme Board where attendance could not be waived by the Head of Department under the provisions of paragraph 14 of Regulation XXII.  The physical presence of the External Programme Assessor would remain a normal requirement for the main final Programme Boards in June.


.2           Consequent on .1(v) above, and on the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee and Ordinances and Regulations Committee, it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council the following with effect from 28 October 2005:



              Repeal of Ordinance XIX: Assessment


.3           On the recommendation of Residential Provision and Management Sub-Committee and Ordinances and Regulations Committee it was RESOLVED:



              Regulation VIII: Residence of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students in the University


To approve amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.


.4           On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee and Ordinances and Regulations Committee it was RESOLVED:



(i)       Regulation XIV: Student Appeals against Programme Board or Module Board Decisions

To approve amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.



(ii)      Regulation XVIII: Academic Misconduct

            To approve amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.


.5           On the recommendation of Ordinances and Regulations Committee it was RESOLVED:



(i)       Regulation XI: Diplomas in Industrial Studies, Professional Studies, International Studies and Professional Development (Graduate Professional Development Award)

                        To approve amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.



              (ii)      Ordinance XXXVIII: Student Complaints Procedures

                        To recommend to Council amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.



            (iii)     Ordinance III: Substantive Awards and Honorary Degrees

To recommend to Council an amendment to para 1.2 with effect from 3 October 2005.



              (iv)     Ordinance XVII: Conduct and Discipline of Students

                        To recommend to Council amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.



              (v)      Ordinance XX: Standing Committees of Senate

To recommend to Council the repeal of Ordinance XX, with effect from 28 October 2005.


.6           On the recommendation of the Human Resources Working Group and Ordinances and Regulations Committee, it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council:



              Ordinance VI: Appointment of Academic and certain Academic Related Staff


The following amendment to Ordinance VI, with effect from 19 July 2005, to reduce the burden of chairing Selection Committees on the Deputy-Vice-Chancellor, Bursar and Registrar:


              Amend second paragraph of 4(i) to read


‘The Senior Executive Manager with responsibility for the section/department in which the appointment is based, or their nominee, who shall be its Chair.’


.7           On the recommendation of Research Committee and Ordinances and Regulations Committee it was RESOLVED:



            Regulations for Higher Degrees by Research: Appeals

            To approve amendments with effect from 3 October 2005.


05/61              Learning and Teaching Committee


On the recommendation of Learning and Teaching Committee it was RESOLVED:



            (i)         Year-long Modules

To approve a proposal to remove the 80-credit restriction on year-long modules for undergraduate programmes.



(ii)        Six-month Pre-sessional course

            To approve a six-month pre-sessional course to operate from February 2006.



(iii)       Schemes for allowing Programme Boards to move candidates out of rank order as defined by their Programme Mark

            To approve a proposal that the current degree classification rules should continue to apply across the institution.



            (iv)       Procedure for handling External Examiners’ Reports

                        To approve revised procedures.



            (v)        Criteria for External Examiner Appointments

                        To approve proposed criteria.



            (vi)       Employment of Postgraduate Students for Teaching and Marking

                        To approve a Code of Practice.


05/62  Research Committee


Notes for the Guidance of Research Students, Directors of Research, Supervisors and Examiners

On the recommendation of Research Committee, it was RESOLVED to approve amendments to the Notes for Guidance with effect from 3 October 2005 in respect of the role expected from Examiners and Supervisors where corrections were required post-examination.


05/63  Prizes Committee


On the recommendation of the Chair of Prizes Committee, it was RESOLVED to recommend to Council the establishment of new prizes, amendments to prizes and the discontinuation of prizes.


05/64  Membership of Senate 2005/06


            The membership of Senate for 2005/06 so far determined was noted.


05/65  Ethical Advisory Committee


            The Annual Report of the Committee was received.


05/66  Careers Service Advisory Board Annual Report

The publication of the Careers Service Advisory Board Annual Report for 2003/04 was noted.  (The report was being circulated to Heads of Departments and further copies would be available for consultation in the Careers Service and on the web).


05/67  Teaching Prizes, Academic Practice Awards and Mini-Projects



Awards made in the current session were noted.


05/68  QAA Review of Foundation Degrees

            FD in Leisure Management at Loughborough College

            FD in Sports Science with Sports Management at Loughborough College

            It was noted that the reviewers had expressed confidence in the standards and achievement of students and in the quality of learning opportunities.


05/69  Graduation Ceremonies - 2005

            The dates of graduation ceremonies in 2005 were noted:


Thursday 14 July 2005 (am and pm)
Friday 15 July 2005 (am and pm)
Monday 18 July 2005 (am and pm)
Tuesday 19 July 2005 (am only)


Monday 19 December 2005 (am and pm)


Overseas Degree Celebrations:


28 August 2005


4 September 2005


05/70  Reports from Committees


Reports from the following committees were received:


*.1        SEN05-P64       Ordinances and Regulations Committee of 27 May 2005

*.2        SEN05-P65       Learning and Teaching Committee of 2 June 2005

*.3       SEN05-P66       Resources and Planning Committee of 11 March & 3 June 2005

*.4       SEN05-P67       Research Committee of 28 April 2005

*.5       SEN05-P68       Student Services Committee of 2 March & 1 June 2005


05/71  Any Other Business: Office of the Independent Adjudicator

The Academic Registrar informed Senate that the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education had become operative from January 2005 and had replaced the University Visitor as the final port of call for student complaints which had not been satisfied by a University’s internal complaints system.  To date there had been four complaints to the OIA in relation to the University, two from the same student.  The one OIA judgement received so far had been in favour of the student with the University required to pay £300 in compensation.  In this case the student claimed that they had not been notified of changes to a programme before they arrived at the University.  Departments were alerted to the importance of ensuring that all programme information on their websites was completely up to date.  The Programme Development and Quality Team would be looking at any implications for the programme approval procedure.  Senate and Council would in future receive an annual report on student complaints including cases taken to the OIA.


05/72  Dates of Meetings in 2005/06

Wednesday 26 October 2005 at 9.15am (if necessary)

Wednesday 23 November 2005 at 9.15am

Wednesday 25 January 2006 at 9.15am (if necessary)

Wednesday 1 March 2006 at 9.15am

Wednesday 28 June 2006 at 9.15am


Author – Jennie Elliott

Date – July 2005

Copyright © Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.