

Title:               Department Representative Proposal


Origin:            Loughborough Students Union



The new system hopes to adopt a programme rep from each department to act in a leading and co-ordinating capacity, improving the efficiency of the present system, increasing personal development opportunities and help the Students’ Union better represent all its students at all levels (particularly institutional level)


Disadvantages of present system


-          Programme reps, due to a lack of guidance, are often unsure of what to do or how to do it

-          Some programme reps don’t even fulfil their role

-          Students are unrepresented in the early stage of the year before elections

-          This is a critical time of year especially for Freshers

-          At present the 403 programme reps are solely managed by one member of the union executive


What would the new system involve?


-          Programme reps would still be elected at the start of the year (week 4)

-          A departmental rep would be elected by the entire department in February; they would be a present programme rep and would have to be at university for the following year. Key elements of the role would be:


o        Being aware of the system of programme reps and helping ensure that all places are filled.

o        Assist with programme rep elections at the start of the year i.e. make sure the department does them quickly

o        Encouraging training.

o        Signposting support facilities from the Union and elsewhere.

o        Playing a leadership and planning role, supported by the Union staff member and VP Education.


-          The elections could take place by E-voting, meaning no inconvenience for students or staff


Why the new system?


-          The programme rep scheme would improve through better management, better recognition and better feedback mechanisms

-          Create a better framework within the institution for student development

-          There would be some form of student advice and guidance at department level at the start of the year

-          Would improve the channels of communication between students and departments

-          Better representation at faculty level i.e. student faculty board members would most likely be department reps/programme reps and therefore have a better understanding of the issues

-          The union would better represent its students


Proposals for Senate


-          To support and approve the above new system to commence in 2004/05

-          Encourage departments to adopt this system and support it through the trial period (Semester 1 04/05)