
The Centre for Olympic Studies seeks to promote, facilitate and conduct academic research into Olympism and the Olympic movement. Drawing on the field of social sciences and the humanities, the Centre for Olympic Studies is concerned to generate and disseminate a better understanding of, and appreciation for, the ideals expressed through Olympism.


Aims and Objectives


Specifically, the Centre for Olympic Studies seeks to:

·       co-operate with the British Olympic Association, and the various UK sport organisations in academic, cultural, educational and social scientific fields

·       undertake research into Olympism, specifically drawing on the fields of the humanities and the social sciences

·       develop educational initiatives involving Olympic education

·       facilitate, via seminars, conferences and publications, the dissemination of knowledge relating to Olympism.

·       act as a repository for documentation and archives relating to Olympism and, to allow access to students, visitors and academics

·       articulate with organisational elements of the wider Olympic movement, including the International Olympic Committee, the International Olympic          Academy and other nationally based Olympic Studies Centres

·       foster the analysis of policy and governance in relation to Olympism

·       develop the evaluation of management processes in the bidding and staging of the Olympic games and the Olympic movement more broadly.




The Centre for Olympic Studies draws on the existing international expertise located in the Sociology of Sport group and the Institute of Sport & Leisure Policy in SSES. The Centre will comprise two co-directors, Professor Joseph Maguire and Professor Ian Henry. The directors will be responsible for the management and academic direction of the Centre. A steering committee will provide guidance on achieving and fulfilling the mission of the Centre. This committee will meet three times in the first year to establish and monitor core business, and twice each year thereafter and will comprise of the following:


The Steering Committee:


Co-Director                                                                 Professor Joseph Maguire     

Co-Director                                                                 Professor Ian Henry               

Honorary President (ex-offico)                                    tbc

Head of SSES                                                             Professor Stuart Biddle

BOA Representative                                                   tbc

British Olympic Studies Research Group                  Dr Jim Parry

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research),

Loughborough University                                       Professor Neil Halliwell

Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities,                 Professor Peter Golding

Loughborough University


The Centre will also seek advice from and collaboration with colleagues in the UK and abroad. This will take the form of an advisory committee which we anticipate will comprise of:


Advisory  Committee:


Professor Richard Cashman                         Centre for Olympic Studies

(University of New South Wales).


Professor Jay Coakley                                    Centre for Study of Sport and Society

(University of Colorado, Colorado Springs)


Professor Peter Donnelly                               Centre for Study of Sport Policy

(University of Toronto)


Professor Kari Fasting                                    Norwegian University of Sport


Professor Barrie Houlihan                              Loughborough University


Professor Miquel de Moragas                         Centre for Olympic Studies/Sport Studies

(University of Barcelona)


Professor Gudrun Doll-Tepper                       International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education  (ICSSPE)


Representative                                                International Olympic Academy


Nominee of the Director of the IOC Museum, Lausanne


Professor Kevin Warmsley                            International Centre for Olympic Studies (University of Western Ontario)




Internal links will be established within SSES, the faculty of SSH, colleagues within the UK, and abroad. The Centre will consolidate links with the BOA, IOA, and the IOC. Collaboration will be developed with other research Centres of Olympic Studies, including those at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, University of Barcelona and the University of Western Ontario.


Location and Facilities


Existing facilities within SSES will be used in the first instance. It is anticipated that additional  teaching, research and archive space will be needed as the Centre develops but this should not preclude initial creation of the Centre.