Research Committee

RCO2 - M1



Minutes of the fifty-fifth meeting of the Research Committee held on Thursday 7 February 2002 at 10.30 am in Committee Room M01.03, Administration Building 1.


Members:                   Professor N.A.Halliwell (Chair), Professor D.J.Hourston, Professor A.Thorpe,

                                    Dr C.Rhodes, Professor D.J.Wallace, Mr J.M.Town

Apologies:                  Dr D.H.Clark

In Attendance:                        Mr P.A.Townsend



02/01   Minutes



The Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed as correct and the revised Terms of Reference were also accepted.


02/02   Matters Arising


No matters were arising, apart from those which would form part of the Agenda.


02/03   Postgraduate Report



Dr Vale's intake data report dated 1 February 2002 was received by the Committee, and it was noted that the number of students has decreased by 70 compared with the statistics provided in April 2001.  However, it was further noted that 38 of these related to overseas students which had been a particularly successful area of recruitment last year following the Engineering Faculty's scholarship scheme to attract 45 students, which is not being repeated this year.  Overall it was noted that the number of registrations for the period October 2001 through to July 2002 is expected to be stable compared to the previous year.


The Committee then discussed the merits of providing data on standard dates throughout the academic year, and it was agreed that in future information should be provided as at 30 November, 30 April, 31 July and 30 September for comparative purposes.


The Committee requested that the Department of Education be removed from the tables as this Department no longer exists.


ACTION:        Dr Vale to take forward.


Dr Vale then provided provisional submission rate data which she explained was calculated historically using EPSRC criteria (i.e. excludes Year 1 non-completers, deaths, but includes all others).  She explained that there was increasing variability between Departments and Faculties with little change between the 1995 and 1996 starters, which was disappointing because the 1997 cohort were subject to the new Regulations which require submission within four years.  Hence an emerging picture of non-performing Departments was becoming clearer.  There is an opportunity to compare data on an anonymised basis with other universities via the Research Administrators Group network jiscmail discussion list, which Dr Vale is pursuing.


ACTION:        Dr Vale


The Committee expressed their extreme disappointment in the level of completions which may have been the norm in the past but which is no longer acceptable.  Such low completion rates are not only bad for the individuals concerned but also jeopardise Loughborough's reputation.  It was felt strongly that Departments can no longer deny the situation, and that Dr Vale is to circulate data to Departments via AD(R)s to get the HoDs' feedback and clarification of the data prior to deciding on further action.


ACTION:        Dr Vale to circulate information as quickly as possible to Departments and to seek urgent responses.  Research Team then to take forward.


02/04   Review of the RAE 2001 Results



The PVC(R) introduced the recent analyses and projections of QR income which basically showed a break-even position in cash terms.  The figures which had been gleaned from HEFCE, THES and Research Fortnight all varied and until HEFCE have undertaken their final statistical run and the various subject profiles have been taken into consideration, it will be very difficult to determine the exact outcome, however it was the Committee's view that at best we can hope for a cash-neutral position with some significant resource changes in some units.


It was also noted by the Committee that many of the RAE metrics placed Loughborough in the top 20 research-led universities, implying that the reason why we are not in the actual top 20 is clearly down to other quality issues, and the creation of a strategic research investment fund (as has been the case with other competing institutions) was considered to be extremely important in preparing for 2006.  In comparison with LU's strategic RAE targets it was noted that we are approximately one quarter of a grade below the desired average.


02/05   Planning for RAE 2006



The PVC(R) emphasised the need for Loughborough University to manage the research process with a much higher profile and explained that as an integral part of this process the concept of Personal Research Planning had now been introduced.  He set out the rationale behind the first pro forma for which the Research Office will provide benchmarking data to Departments as asterisked.  Final pieces of information will then be completed by HoDs before the form is returned to the Research Office.  This will be used in conjunction with the Personal Research Planning document (pro forma 2) which will show details of research output, research studentship provision, external funding applications and external funding held, as well as evidence of international profile and esteem. The PVC(R)'s version of this form will be used from 2002/2003 onwards for consistency.  Faculty versions will be used during the current year and the system will be reviewed in due course.  The level of detail provided with this form will be extremely useful for Operations Sub-Committee and also the Research Performance Monitoring Group.  The PVC(R) reported that Deans have confirmed that completion of Personal Research Plans should now be in place. 


Lastly, the PVC(R) explained the rationale behind the annual monitoring cycle which was to ensure that objectives are being achieved, as detailed in his paper entitled "Research Enhancement/Monitoring at Loughborough University".  He further explained that a critical part of this monitoring will be undertaken by a new Research Performance Monitoring Group (RPMG) which will meet quarterly and identify and examine the performance of those Departments which it feels are underperforming against planned activities.  This group will be charged with ensuring the implementation of the University's research strategy is taken forward in a timely and coherent way.  It is anticipated that the establishment of a Development Fund and its allocation will fall under the remit of this group. 


The Committee also learned from the PVC(R) that certain Departments have been identified as being "RAE challenged" following the 2001 results it is an appropriate time to formulate more imaginative returns to various Units of Assessment within the RAE.  From his discussions with HoDs the PVC(R) confirmed that some natural alliances are already beginning to form.  It was also acknowledged that some serious institutional issues will need to be addressed and some uncomfortable trade-offs may be required in order to protect Loughborough's strengths and develop upcoming areas.  


It was also confirmed to the Committee that the University's long-term aspiration is to achieve 100% return into the RAE, although it was acknowledged that this would be achieved in stages.



ACTION:        The PVC(R) is to provide information in his next report to Senate on the introduction of research planning, its monitoring and the creation of the Research Performance Monitoring Group.


02/06   Research Scholarship Scheme



The PVC(R) explained the cost implications of investing QR under the new scholarship scheme.  He further highlighted the fact that, from a marketing perspective, it has been agreed to seek scholarships of £5k per annum for 3 years.  In order to explicitly show the institutional scholarship investment cost against the externally-generated income, it has been agreed with the Management Accountant that business plans will in future show the income from the scholarship as a separate line to the expenditure. The PVC(R) explained that he hoped to launch the scholarship scheme at Easter and that the total financial costs are not great especially when compared with the potential advantages.


02/07   Application Home Initiative


The Research Manager provided the Committee with a resume of activity since his report at the last meeting.  The University is now a fully paid-up member of the Application Home Initiative Limited, and Professor Roy Kalawsky has been accepted on to the board of the company in order to represent LU's research interests.  Other board members represent IBM UK Limited, Marconi plc, Centrica plc, Advantica Limited, to mention but a few of the key players.


Initial funding from the DTI had been received by various industrial consortium members in order to undertake work on the Mark of Conformity and the Trials and Pilots which are planned over the forthcoming months.  Loughborough has been represented on two of the working groups by Professor Kalawsky and Magdalen Galley.  At the last General Assembly meeting of 5 February, it became clear that the University should now consider making its own bid to the DTI before end March to take advantage of funding which may be available in order to develop the specific area of ergonomic research within the first trials.  Magdalen Galley is to attend the control trial group meeting on 11 February in order to pursue this further with the working group chairman before reporting back.


It was also noted that the DTI's Next Wave Technologies call has yet to be announced, and again the University may well consider submitting its own outline proposals showing its own expertise in addition to any activity which may take place within the consortium itself.


ACTION:        Research Manager to keep the Research Team advised as matters develop.


02/08   Health-Related Research Working Group


The Research Manager provided the Committee with a synopsis of activity since the Working Group meeting of 14 September 2001 up to the latest meeting of 31 January 2002.  Particular items to note were as follows:


·         Professor Peter Smith has now taken over Chairmanship of the Group.

·         A new centre for Ethnicity Research is being established in Leicester which the Group fully support and which hopefully will lead to further research collaborations.  A Loughborough response has been mailed to Dr Shukla, the Acting Director of Public Health, to this effect.

·         The development of institutional policies and procedures in relation to the Department of Health, the Research Councils and the Wellcome Trust's requirements relating to research governance, safeguarding good scientific practice and a statement on the handling of allegations of research misconduct are being considered by the Group in conjunction with the Ethical Advisory Committee (EAC).  Peter Smith is now a member of the EAC, and Peter Townsend is a member of the EAC Review Group.

·         LU's attendance at various NHS Trust meetings in Leicester has allowed us the opportunity to discuss a potential TCS scheme between the Department of Information Science, the Business School and the Trust, which is to be discussed with the Director of Information Management and Technology at the Royal Infirmary on 14 February 2002.

·         It was noted that members of the Working Group, Professor Kevin Morgan and Professor Peter Smith, are to submit two outline proposals in connection with the Health Technology Assessment Centres call under the EPSRC Innovative Manufacturing Programme. 

·         The next meeting of the Group will be 8 March 2002.


ACTION:        The Research Manager will keep the Research Team advised of developments.


02/09   Review of the Operational Plan 01/02



The Committee noted the half-yearly income figures, and acknowledged that post-RAE 2001 the levels of income appear to be going through a period of consolidation.  To 31 January 2002 the half-year accounts show that total income is currently 45% of last year's total of £24.59 million.  It was also acknowledged that the expenditure levels tend to be higher in the latter six months of the financial year and it is thought that we will match last year's level of performance.  It was noted that industrial income is 41% of last year's levels and that Government income is down to 27% of last year's income at the half year.  Some of this effect will be explained by the distortion caused by the receipt of a large CRSP Government contract last year which included large subcontractor payments which will not be repeated in this financial year.  It was also acknowledged by the Committee that the levels of future Research Council income will be potentially affected by the advent of the five year funding for the IMRC which will, by its very nature, prevent staff covered by that £14.4 million block grant applying to EPSRC under responsive mode.  Growth of EU income under Framework 6 will also play an important role in development of LU's portfolio, and it was noted that the recent approval of a post within the Research Office which would be dedicated to supporting European funding opportunities has been sanctioned.


Finally, it was noted that the number of TCS schemes currently stands at 14 compared with the July 2002 target of 15, which is expected to be achieved if not exceeded, given prospects in progress.  


The level of PhD completions at 58% was noted by the Committee and following earlier discussion on this topic, the Committee agreed that Dr Vale should endeavour to provide benchmarking data with other institutions, and that PhD students should within their first two years develop a thesis plan which should facilitate the completion of the thesis during the third year.  The Committee were unanimous in agreeing that this would be a key part of the solution to increase the level of submissions.


ACTION:        Dr Vale to obtain as much benchmarking data as possible and the AD(R) for Science to circulate details of his Faculty's reporting system.


01/01   Research Performance Monitoring Group


The PVC(R) explained that the formation of this group is still in its embryonic stages, although he stated that the new group is to have the same type of profile as the current Performance Monitoring Group but with even more emphasis being placed on the monitoring and reporting of research activity.  He envisaged that the Group would play a crucial role in facilitating the University's strategic goals and objectives.  The creation of a Development Fund was also seen as the initial step linked to the formation of the Group.


ACTION:        PVC(R) to take forward.


02/10     Date of Next Meeting


It was agreed that the meeting of 28 March 2002 will not be required and that the next meeting will take place on Thursday 23 May 2002 in M01.13, Administration Building 1, at 10.30 am.




Author – Peter A. Townsend

Date - 18 February 2002

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