


Subject:      Establishment of Prizes


Origin:       Unconfirmed Minutes of the 58th Meeting of the Prizes Committee held on 31st January 2002



The Prizes Committee met on 31st January 2002 and agreed to make the following recommendations to Senate

1.       Establishment of New Prizes

1.1       Civil and Building Engineering

At the request of the Department of Civil and Building Engineering, the Committee considered the establishment of the M J T Smith Prize to the value of £100 to be awarded annually to the best student on the MSc Airport Planning and Management programme.

It was AGREED to recommend the M J T Smith Prize to Senate.

1.2       Electronic and Electrical Engineering

At the request of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, the Committee considered the establishment of the TRL Technology Prize to the value of £200 to be awarded to the best final year individual or group project in one of the following topics:

·        Wireless/mobile communications

·        Bluetooth

·        FPGA/reconfigurable systems

·        Microprocessors


It was AGREED to recommend the TRL Technology Prize to Senate.


Secretary's Note: The funding for this prize is for 3 years until 2003/04

1.3       IPTME

At the request of the Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering, the Committee considered the establishment of the Professor D R Gabe Prize to the value of £250 to be awarded annually to the best student on an MSc programme.


It was AGREED to recommend the Professor D R Gabe Prize to Senate.


1.4       Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

It was noted that the Chair of Senate, on behalf of Senate had approved the establishment of the Ford Prize to be occasionally awarded to students undertaking a final year in Total Product Design.  It would be awarded for an exceptional group design project in conjunction with Ford and the value was between £100 and £200. As funding was dependent on Ford, and therefore not always available, it was agreed that the prize should not be advertised to students.

2.       Amendments to Existing Prizes

2.1              University Prize


It was AGREED to recommend to Senate that the TS Shipman Prizes be increased from £200 (in total) to £300 (in total) per year.


2.2       Business School


At the request of the Business School, the Sub-Committee considered amendments to the 3M UK Prize and AGREED to make a recommendation to Senate.


2.3       Chemical Engineering


It was AGREED to recommend to Senate that the Michael Edwards Memorial Prize be increased from £60 to £200 per year.

2.4        European Studies


It was AGREED to recommend to Senate that the Frank Carter Memorial Prize be increased from £150 to £250 per year.

2.5       Physics


At the request of the Department of Physics, the Sub-Committee considered amendments to the Siemens Prize and AGREED to make a recommendation to Senate.



3.       Discontinuation of Prizes


3.1       Physics


The Committee noted that the Department of Physics no longer awarded the GE Lighting Prize.


3.2       IPTME


The Committee noted that the Institute of Polymer Technology and Materials Engineering no longer awarded the Professor R J W Reynolds Prize, the Morgan Matroc Prize or the Cabot Carbon Prizes.



3.3       Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


The Committee noted that the Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering no longer awarded the Alan Booth Memorial Prize.





Author - Miranda Whyte
Date - February 2002
Copyright © Loughborough University. All rights reserved.