Subject: Timetable for Elections to Senate

Origin: Unconfirmed Minutes of General Assembly on 29 September 1999

A paper (attached as Annex A) was presented by Shelagh Wheelans, Manager of the Academic Registry, for the revision of the timetable for election to Senate, in the light of the disappointing number of nominations and appointment to positions in the previous session. Members' suggestions to improve the situation included the following:

It was agreed to take these points on board for consideration, and members of the meeting were thanked for their co-operation. Suggested amendments to the procedure which require a change in Ordinance will be brought to the November Senate meeting.


General Assembly


Subject : Timetable for Elections to Senate

Origin: D L Wolfe

The suggestion has been made that the timetable for the conduct of elections to Senate be reviewed so that it does not take place at such a busy time of year for academic staff as at present. The current timetable for nominations is determined by Ordinance XXX and for the year 2000 will be as indicated below:-


on the first Monday, except when this is a Bank Holiday, in which case on the first Tuesday in the Teaching period after the Easter Vacation, nominations for the election of Academic Staff from the Faculties to the Senate:

8 May 2000


Closing Date: Eight working days later

18 May 2000


on the sixth Monday ....... nominations for the election of Academic Staff by the General Assembly to ........... the Senate

12 June 2000


Closing Date : Eight working days later

22 June 2000

In so far as any ballot is concerned, it shall be arranged in a manner approved by Senate.

The five week gap between the two sets of nominations allows the outcome of the first ballot to be known before nominations from General Assembly are opened.

Alternative timetables might include:


Bringing forward the start of the election process to before Easter, allowing a longer period for receiving nominations


Delaying the start of the election process until later in the Summer


Defining the process in terms of weeks within the Semester, irrespective of when Easter falls, with the first set of nominations being sought in Week Seven, and the second in Week Twelve, so that any ballot can be completed by the end of Week Fifteen.


Any other suggestions

Members of the General Assembly are invited to consider whether they would welcome any rescheduling of the election process.
