Faculty of Science

Faculty Board



Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty Board held on 20 May 2010

Members: Professor Chris Linton (Chair), Professor Jon Binner, Professor Paul Chung, Professor Ray Dawson, Dr Eran Edirisinghe, Dr Anne Goulding (ab), Dan Harris (ab),                 Dr Martin Harrison, Professor Roger Haslam, Dr Rebecca Higginson, Professor Barbara Jaworski, Dr Karima Khusnutdinova, Professor Feo Kusmartsev (ab), Peter Lund (ab), Dr Neil Mansfield, Dr Simon Martin, Professor Graham Matthews, Ian Murray (ab),  Professor Shirley Pearce (ab), Dr Iain Phillips, John Richardson, Dr Carol Robinson,    Dr John Samson, Dr Sergey Savel’ev, Dr Martin Smith (ab), Dr Alexander Strohmaier, Professor Peter Warwick, Dr George Weaver, Professor Huaizhong Zhao.

Observers: Jo Corlett (ab), Dr Sandie Dann (ab), Shirley Horner,
Professor Rachel Thomson (ab).

Apologies for Absence: Professor Feo Kusmartsev, Peter Lund, Dr Martin Smith.

In attendance: Martine Ashby (Secretary), Susan Reed (for 10/4), Dr Gerry Swallowe (in place of Professor Kusmartsev).



10/1     Welcome

Members were welcomed to the meeting. Professor Paul Chung was welcomed back to the Board in his new role as Associate Dean (Research). Professor Dawson was congratulated on being appointed Associate Dean (Teaching) from August 2010.

10/2     Minutes

The minutes of the Meeting of the Science Faculty Board (SCI09:M2) held on 12 November 2009 were confirmed.

10/3     Matters arising from the Minutes

09/31 Matters Arising: Dean’s Report: Loughborough Design School: The proposal to create Loughborough Design School had been approved by Senate and Council, and the School would come into existence in August 2010.

10/4     Career Destinations


Susan Reed, Careers Advisor, attended for this item

Susan Reed summarised the key findings of the 2008/09 Graduate Destinations Survey. She noted that, when viewing the report and making year on year comparisons, members needed to bear in mind that Human Biology and Psychology provision had moved to the School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and thus were no longer included in the destination information for the Faculty of Science.

The survey had revealed that the employment rate for the Faculty’s graduates was lower than in the previous year, but this could be due to a larger proportion (over a quarter) opting to enter postgraduate study. The unemployment rate was down on the previous year and was lower than that for the rest of the University. A greater percentage of those who had found employment were in graduate level roles, and those who had undertaken an industrial placement had had greater success in finding employment. The median salary for the Faculty’s graduates was similar to the previous year, and the average salary for those who had undertaken placements continued to be higher than for those who had not.  

Ms Reed outlined the schemes which were run by the Careers Centre. She noted in particular the success of the University’s Employability Award Programme, the Employer Mentoring Scheme and the longstanding Insight into Management scheme. She urged departments to encourage their students to make use of the Alumni Careers Mentors Database which contained details of alumni who could provide them with valuable advice and support.                                                                                              ACTION: HODs

Staff did not appear to be aware of the employment internship schemes which were open to graduates. These were advertised to students, but departments were not necessarily made aware of them in order to promote them further.


The 2008/09 Graduate Destinations Survey report is available on the Careers Centre’s website at  http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/careers/section/reports/reports.html.


10/5     Dean’s Report

i     University Financial Position: The University’s HEFCE grant letter had revealed that its total recurrent grant for 2010/11 would be 1.2 per cent higher than in 2009/10. This was better than had been expected but represented a cut in real terms. The recently-elected government had announced that an emergency budget would take place in June, and it was anticipated that this could be used to announce further cuts to HE funding. The University would continue to aim to cut its costs over the following three years or to increase its income sufficiently to avoid some cuts.

ii   University Structure


     Members noted the interim report of the University Structure Project Management Board and a tabled paper detailing an alternative proposal for the structure consisting of seven schools, one of which was a School of Science. The interim report and alternative proposal were to be considered by ELT, and a final report would be prepared for consideration by Senate in June.

     The Project Management Board had received comments from staff on its first report. Most objections to the new structure were from individuals who were not persuaded by the financial case for change and/or who were opposed to changes which would affect the Engineering brand or the services provided centrally by the Faculty of Engineering. The Dean noted that the new structure was intended to place the University in a position to protect its core business at a time when universities were facing significant financial cuts, rather than to make savings per se, and therefore it would be difficult to provide evidence of benefits of the structural changes at this stage.

     It was noted that the tabled alternative proposal put forward a single Engineering school which could satisfy those who wished to retain an Engineering entity in place of the existing Faculty of Engineering.

     The alternative proposal met with some support. However, a number of members voiced their reservations about the proposed new structure. Their primary concern related to the different sizes of the schools presented in the alternative proposal which, they believed, would result in smaller schools receiving the same level of representation as significantly larger ones.

 iii  Carbon Emissions: The University had been challenged to reduce its carbon emissions by 48 per cent by 2020.

iv  Graduation 2012: It was noted that the main 2012 graduation ceremonies were to take place in September rather than in July.

10/6     Associate Dean’s (Research) Report

i    REF Update: The University had obtained some feedback following the REF consultation process. It was anticipated that the census date would be in, or around, August 2013. Returned staff would be asked to provide details of up to four publications. Esteem would no longer be used as a measure. However, impact would be. The AD(R) would provide departments with further details of the REF as soon as they were made available.                           ACTION:AD(R)

ii   Postgraduate Research Student Issues: Departments had been set PG(R) student recruitment targets and would be the subject of reviews of PG(R) provision. They would in future need to monitor the engagement of their international students. The University would be required to report any who had not been in touch with their department for a period of two months to the Immigration Service.

iii   Other Issues

a)  Graduate School: Since the last meeting, Professor Feather had been appointed Dean of the Graduate School.

b)  Studentships: The University had advertised 50 Development Fund studentships in the THE. Departments would be asked to forward applications from suitable candidates to the AD(R) after the 11 June closing date for applications.

     Summer studentships had been awarded to five students in the Faculty. It was hoped that the scheme would be repeated in 2011.

     The Faculty had been allocated two half Centenary Studentships for students entering in October 2010.

c)  Publications Management System: The University had put out to tender for a publications management system. It was hoped that the new system would be in place after the summer.

d)  EPSRC Demand Management: EPSRC had introduced its demand management process. Individuals who had had three unsuccessful bids would be required to go through a cooling off period.

     EPSRC was making use of Turnitin software to identify resubmitted applications. The AD(R) was to make the Research Team aware of this and seek clarification on what EPSRC classed as a resubmission.                          ACTION: AD(R)


10/7   Associate Dean’s (Teaching) Report

i    Recruitment 2010


a)  Targets: Members noted targets and application statistics for the 2010 intake. It was anticipated that the Faculty would find itself in a similar recruitment position, generally, to the previous year.

b)  UG UK/EU: The Faculty had made more offers and had received more replies from applicants than in the previous year. However the number of firm acceptances received and the conversion rate had gone down.

c)  UG International: Applications and acceptances were down on the previous year. As a consequence, the Faculty may find it more difficult to meet its target than in previous years. Departments may wish to refer applications from individuals with borderline English qualifications to the AD(T).    ACTION: HODs

d)  PGT UK/EU: The number of applications continued to be relatively small. It was noted that the number of PGT applications received could be higher than indicated in the statistics. It was possible that some applications might not have been logged yet due to delays in the processing of applications caused by the loss of three members of staff in the PGT Admissions Office. The Academic Registry was aware of concern within the Faculty about delays in the processing of PGT applications and had taken steps to address the situation.

Departments were encouraged to promote their postgraduate programmes to their finalists.                                                                         ACTION: HODs

e)  PGT International: The number of applications had increased, and the number of UFs was a little higher than in the previous year. However, the number of offers was down on the previous year. It was noted that the exact number of applications was not yet known due to delays in the processing of applications.

f)   International Recruitment: Departments were encouraged to continue to focus on international recruitment.                                            ACTION: HODs

          ii  Other Issues

a)  National Student Survey: The University’s response rate of 76 per cent compared favourably with the national rate of 63 per cent. This was an improvement on the previous year when the University’s response rate was    74 per cent.

b)  Teaching Quality: There had been no major teaching quality issues within the Faculty during 2009/10. The Department of Information Science had been the subject of a periodic programme review.

10/8 Award of Research Degrees

SCI10-P4 (tabled)

Faculty Board APPROVED the award of Higher Degrees to candidates whose examinations had been conducted since the last meeting of Senate.

10/9     Personal Titles

Faculty Board NOTED that the following members of the Faculty had been awarded personal titles since the last meeting:

Dr Mo Song      Chair in Polymer Science and Nanotechnology (From 1 Jan 2010)

Dr Uwe Thiele   Chair in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (From 1 Dec 2009)

They were congratulated on their new titles.


10/10   Curriculum Sub-Committee

It was NOTED that Curriculum Sub-Committee had recommended to Learning and Teaching Committee approval of the following subject to certain matters being agreed to the satisfaction of the AD(T):


i    New Programme Proposals
BSc, DPS Design Ergonomics (from Oct 2011)

            MSc Internet Computing and Networking (from Oct 2010)*


       ii   Changes to Programme Titles

MSc Materials for Industry to MSc Materials Science and Technology (from Oct 2010 entry)*


iii   Discontinuation of Programmes (subject to approval of Directorate and Operations Committee)
BSc/MComp Computer Science and E-Business (last intake Oct 2010)

*    Later approved by Learning and Teaching Committee

10/11    Annual Programme Review


A report from the AD(T) was NOTED.

10/12   Associate Dean (Teaching): Actions between meetings

It was NOTED that the AD(T) had taken action between meetings as detailed in the agenda.

10/13   Staff-Student Committees

It was NOTED that reports of Staff-Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as detailed in the agenda.




10/14   Faculty IT Support Report



10/15 Faculty e-Learning Officer Report



10/16 Faculty Quality Enhancement Officer Report



10/17 Faculty Board Membership

Members NOTED that there were eight vacancies for co-opted members and a vacancy for an elected departmental representative from the Department of Information Science.


10/18 Valediction for Retiring Members

Faculty Board thanked the following retiring members of the Board for whom this would be the last meeting: D Harris, Dr M Harrison, Professor R Haslam, Dr N Mansfield,         J Richardson, Professor P Warwick.

Professor Haslam and Mr Richardson were congratulated on the part that they had played in the development of Loughborough Design School and were thanked for their considerable contribution to the University as heads of departments.

Professor Warwick, who was to retire later in the year, was thanked for his significant contribution both to his department as its head and to the Faculty generally.

Dr Harrison, who was also to retire later in the year, was thanked for his sustained contribution to the Faculty in his role as Associate Dean (Teaching) over six years.


10/19 Dates of Future Meetings

To be advised


M Ashby

June 2010
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