Faculty of Science

Faculty Board



Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty Board held on 12 November 2009

Members: Professor Chris Linton (Chair), Professor Jon Binner, Professor Ray Dawson, Dr Eran Edirisinghe, Professor John Feather, Dr Anne Goulding, Dan Harris,                 Dr Martin Harrison, Professor Roger Haslam, Dr Rebecca Higginson, Professor Barbara Jaworski (ab), Dr Karima Khusnutdinova, Professor Feo Kusmartsev, Peter Lund,          Dr Neil Mansfield, Dr Simon Martin, Professor Graham Matthews (ab), Ian Murray (ab),  Professor Shirley Pearce (ab), Dr Iain Phillips, John Richardson, Dr Carol Robinson,    Dr John Samson, Dr Sergey Savel’ev (ab), Dr Martin Smith, Dr Alexander Strohmaier, Professor Peter Warwick, Dr George Weaver, Professor Huaizhong Zhao.

Observers: Professor Paul Chung (ab), Jo Corlett (ab), Dr Sandie Dann (ab),         Shirley Horner, Professor Rachel Thomson (ab)

Apologies for Absence: Professor Paul Chung, Jo Corlett, Professor Barbara Jaworski, Professor Graham Matthews.

In attendance: Martine Ashby (Secretary), Susie Cattermole and Ron Gray (for 09/27),  Phil Richards and Carys Thomas (for 09/28) and Charles Shields (for 09/29).



09/24   Welcome

Members, and in particular those attending their first meeting of the Board, were welcomed to the meeting.

09/25   Minutes

The minutes of the Meeting of the Science Faculty Board (SCI09:M1) held on 21 May 2009 were confirmed.

09/26   Matters arising from the Minutes

09/03 Matters Arising: imago Presentation: The Chief Executive of imago at Burleigh Court and Holywell Park had provided the Secretary with details of short-term accommodation for international visitors in University Lodge and Burleigh Court.

09/27   Fundraising Project identification

SCI09-P15 and tabled paper

Ron Gray, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, and Susie Cattermole, Development Executive, attended for this item.


Ron Gray provided an update of DARO activities and summarised the work of the Advancement Committee. Members were reminded of the Government’s matched-funding scheme for higher education which would run until 2011.

DARO was keen to receive ideas from the Faculty for new initiatives which needed funding, particularly those over £100,000. Ideas should be forwarded to Ron Gray via HODs. Susie Cattermole, the Faculty’s main contact in DARO, would be able to help in honing ideas.                                                                                                           ACTION: All

Members were reminded to make DARO aware when they were contacted by alumni seeking transcripts.                                                                                              ACTION: All   


09/28   IT Services Consultation 2010/11


Dr Phil Richards, Director of IT Services, and Carys Thomas, Assistant Director of IT Services, attended for this item.

Dr Richards provided details of the University’s new Desktop and Laptop policy. The policy would guarantee appropriate desktop IT access to all categories of staff and safeguard departmental bespoke arrangements. It would invite greater standardisation in all other areas, which would bring a number of benefits including a reduction in costs. Members noted that non-standard hardware and software would be permitted if there was a legitimate academic reason for using them. The Board confirmed its support for the policy.

Dr Richards outlined progress on other major University IT projects which had been approved by Operations Committee and significant IT-related projects which were underway. Individual members highlighted the importance of projects to introduce central timetabling and the new Publications Management System.

The Board acknowledged the support provided to the Faculty by IT Services. Members were reminded to channel IT-related issues to IT Services via the Faculty IT Coordinator, Shirley Horner, and HODs.      ACTION: All

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ACTION: All

09/29   Recent Developments in e-learning

Charles Shields, Head of E-learning, attended for this item.

Charles Shields provided an update of e-learning activity at the University. The support structure for e-learning had recently changed. Support was now provided by a Library central e-learning team and an IT Services e-learning systems team, together with the Teaching Centre, CETLs and academic librarians. Strategic e-learning issues were overseen by the E-Learning Advisory Group which reported to the Learning and Teaching Committee.

It was noted that the membership of the E-Learning Advisory Group did not include a student representative. The Head of E-Learning agreed to convey to the Group the Board’s proposal that the Group’s membership should include a student member in future.                                          ACTION: Charles Shields

Recent successes had included implementation and take-up of Learn and the University winning the JISC-funded ExPOUND project. Issues facing e-learning staff included the desire to encourage academic staff to move from minimum presence on Learn to more effective practice and the need to establish an institutional approach to Web 2.0 services. There would also be a need to develop an e-learning vision aligned with the University’s strategic plan.

Members had mixed views on the use of lecture capture and streaming. It was noted that the facility would be available to staff to use as they wished, and they would be able to maintain control over content and timing of publication.

09/30   Constitution and Terms of Reference of the Faculty Board

i    SCI09-P17a, SCI09-P17b

The Board received the constitution and powers of the Faculty Board and a briefing note for new members. It agreed that they remained fit for purpose.

ii   SCI09-P18

     The Board had been asked to include the subject of committee effectiveness on its agenda. It confirmed that its purpose was clear and that it had fulfilled its purpose effectively in the last year. It believed that it operated in an effective way in practical terms and that communications and operations relating to the Committee worked effectively. However, it was noted that the activities of the Board would be enhanced if HODs reported its activities back to their departments.               ACTION: HODs

The Secretary would forward this minute to the Academic Registrar for information.    ACTION: MA


09/31   Dean’s Report

i     Strategic Issues: The Dean noted that the University may face cuts in 2010 and in subsequent years due to a likely decrease in the size of the HEFCE block grant.

     The University had set itself a very challenging carbon-cutting goal and would need to make substantial changes to meet it.

ii   Loughborough Design School: Senate was to receive a proposal to create Loughborough Design School. If approved, the new School would come into existence in August 2010 and would bring together staff within the Department of Ergonomics (Human Sciences), ESRI and the Department of Design and Technology.

09/32   Associate Dean’s (Research) Report

i    REF Consultation and Planning: The University intended to make a response to HEFCE’s REF consultation exercise. Key features of the REF which would affect HEIs included the introduction of a form of measurement of impact of research, maximum use of metrics and fewer units of assessment. It was noted that it was likely to be up to individual panels to decide which metrics they wished to make use of.

Departments would be asked to provide examples of the impact of their research prior to the forthcoming Deanery visits. Good examples would be included in a portfolio which would be shared across departments in the Faculty.

ii   Research Studentships: HODs had been asked to put forward for studentships outstanding applicants who would be able to register by                1 December 2009.

iii   PGR Student Issues: A working group had been set up to improve access to research student data held on LUSI.

PGR targets were to be introduced at departmental level for 2010 entry onwards.





09/33 Associate Dean’s (Teaching) Report

i    Intake 2009

   a)  UG UK/EU


Recruitment in the Faculty had been severely controlled to ensure that the University as a whole did not over-recruit and incur financial penalties. As a result the Faculty had not entered Clearing and had made very few concessions. The Faculty recruited slightly under target as required.

b)  UG International


                   The Faculty had exceeded its overall target.

c)  PGT UK/EU full-time


The Faculty had exceeded its target. A significant number of the 2009 intake were Loughborough graduates. Departments were encouraged to promote their postgraduate programmes within the University as well as outside.                                                 

                                                                                                  ACTION: HODs

d)  PGT International full-time


The Faculty had exceeded its target. Most departments had produced an excellent result. Those that had not may need to review their recruitment strategy.          ACTION: HODS

e)  PGT UK/EU part-time



f)   PGT International part-time



ii   Recruitment 2010: Applications were down slightly overall on the previous year, though some departments were revealing marked increases.

Departments were invited to make bids for recruitment initiative funds

                                                                                                            ACTION: All

iii   NSS: The Faculty had achieved a very good result in the 2009 NSS, with only one department not appearing in the top ten in subject listings. Departments needed to analyse their results and gauge where they could make improvements. Members were encouraged to do all they could to achieve an excellent result in 2010.                                                                          ACTION: All

iv Minimum A Level Score: An increase in A level requirements was planned for 2011 entry. The AD(T) would establish whether A* and Advanced Diploma requirements had been set.                                                              ACTION: MH

09/34   Periodic Programme Reviews


Members received a copy of the report and departmental response from the Periodic Programme Review for the Department of Human Sciences. It was noted that outstanding issues would be followed up at APR.

09/35   Award of Research Degrees

SCI09-P26 (tabled)

Faculty Board APPROVED the award of Higher Degrees to candidates whose examinations had been conducted since the June meeting of Senate.

09/36   Membership 2009/10



09/37   Programme Proposals

i    It was NOTED that Curriculum Sub-Committee had recommended to Learning and Teaching Committee approval of the following:


Changes to Programme Titles

BSc Information Technology and Mathematics to

BSc Applied Computing and Mathematics (Oct 2007 intake)


MSc Mathematical Processes in Finance to

MSc Mathematical Finance (Oct 2010 intake)


Discontinuation of Programmes

BSc Publishing with E-Business (October 2009)


Major Changes

MSc Information and Knowledge Management (later approved by Senate)

ii   It was NOTED that Curriculum Sub-Committee had recommended to Learning and Teaching Committee approval of the following new programmes, subject to certain matters being agreed to the satisfaction of the AD(T):


MSc Efficient Fossil Energy Technologies (Curriculum-based component of the EngD)

BSc, DPS/DIntS Mathematics with Mathematics Education

MSc Road and Vehicle Safety (later approved by Senate)

09/38   Associate Dean (Teaching): Actions between meetings

It was NOTED that the Associate Dean (Teaching) had taken action between meetings as detailed in the agenda.

09/39   Staff-Student Committees

It was NOTED that reports of Staff-Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as follows:




Computer Science

Information Science

Mathematical Sciences


6 May 2009

6 May 2009

6 May 2009

13 May 2009

09/40   Mathematics Education Centre Report



09/41 SEFS Report



09/42 Faculty e-Learning Officer Report



09/43 Faculty Representatives on University Committees

i    It was NOTED that the following would serve as Departmental Safety Officer representing the Faculty on the University Health, Safety and Environment Committee:

Shirley Horner, Department of Information Science

ii   It was NOTED that the Dean had taken action to approve the appointment of the following as the Faculty representative on the University Prizes Committee:

            Dr Alexey Bolsinov, School of Mathematics

09/44 Prizes


Members NOTED University prizes awarded to students within the Faculty in 2008/09.


09/45 Date of Next Meeting

20 May 2010


M Ashby

December 2009
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