Faculty of Science

Faculty Board



Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty Board held on 19 November 2008

Members: Professor Ken Parsons (Chair), Professor Jon Binner, Professor Tony Croft (ab), Dr Chris Dawson (ab), Ray Dawson (ab), Professor John Feather (ab), Dr Anne Goulding, Richard Grice (ab), Professor Jerry Griffiths, Dr Paula Griffiths, Dr Diane Gyi (ab), Dr Martin Harrison, Professor Roger Haslam (ab), Dr Rebecca Higginson, Oliver Hiscoe, Dr Steven Kenny, Professor Feo Kusmartsev, Professor Chris Linton (ab), Peter Lund, Dr Simon Martin, Professor Graham Matthews, Ian Murray (ab), Professor Charles Oppenheim (ab), Professor Shirley Pearce (ab), Dr Iain Phillips, Dr Louise Reyner (ab), John Richardson, Dr Carol Robinson, Dr Sergey Savel’ev, Dr Martin Smith, Professor Peter Warwick, Dr George Weaver.

Apologies for Absence: Jo Corlett, Professor Tony Croft, Dr Chris Dawson, Ray Dawson, Professor John Feather, Dr Diane Gyi, Professor Roger Haslam, Professor Chris Linton, Ian Murray, Professor Charles Oppenheim, Dr Louise Reyner.

Observers: Professor Paul Chung, Jo Corlett (ab), Dr Sandie Dann,
Professor Rachel Thomson.

In Attendance: Martine Ashby (Secretary), Kay England (for 08/28), Dr Phil Richards and Carys Thomas (for 08/29) and Caroline Smith (for 08/30)



08/25   Welcome

Members were welcomed to the meeting and were asked to introduce themselves.

08/26   Minutes

The minutes of the Meeting of the Science Faculty Board (SCI08:M1) held on 22 May 2008 were confirmed.


08/27   Matters arising from the Minutes

 08/5 League Tables: The Director of Planning had intended to supply HODs with HESA data for their subject areas. It was agreed that she should be asked to supply this information after the latest data had been received. ACTION: MA




08/28   imago Presentation


Kay England, Chief Executive of imago at Burleigh Court and imago at Holywell Park, attended for this item.

Kay England provided details of the two arms of imago, imago Services, which provided campus services for staff and students, and imago @ Loughborough Ltd, which catered for commercial conferences and events. She outlined the services and products which imago offered and its main objectives. She noted how imago brought clear benefits to the University, both financial and otherwise, and also to the local community as a major local employer. She gave examples of how imago was responding to customer wishes by expanding its services and by making services more accessible to academic staff. A newly recruited Events Manager was now available to support academics wishing to arrange conferences at the University.

Ms England was keen to find ways for the University and imago to work together to benefit the University. She wanted to find out from departments what their needs were and indicated that she would be happy to visit them to discuss their particular requirements.

A member expressed an interest in imago providing short-term accommodation for international visitors. Ms England agreed to provide them with details of available options. ACTION: KE


08/29   IT Services Consultation: Change Priorities for 2009/10


Dr Phil Richards, Director of IT Services, and Carys Thomas, Assistant Director of IT Services, attended for this item.

Dr Richards provided details of IT Services work which had been agreed for the next year and noted that there was capacity to undertake additional work under the steer of stakeholders. He invited views from the Board on their priorities for this additional work and noted a number of ideas which had been put forward for 2009-10. Members were also invited to reflect on how the LUSI programme could give greater benefit to academic staff.

A number of members expressed their personal preferences for project priorities and these were noted. It was noted in particular that the proposal for a centralised timetabling and room bookings facility was seen to be an institution-wide project and was currently being considered by a number of committees. Dr Richards was encouraged to support this initiative. ACTION: PR

The need for departments to be able to generate APR and PPR reports via LUSI was noted. The introduction of the reports would be of particular benefit to departmental administrators who currently produced this information using a number of sources.      Ms Thomas would check progress on the development of these reports. ACTION: CT

Ms Thomas invited the small number of staff who were experiencing difficulties with their email accounts to contact IT Services so that their problems could be resolved.

It was noted that the IT Total Cost of Ownership exercise had been time consuming but very worthwhile. It had provided the University with a basis to work from in the future and given it greater knowledge of spending on IT which would allow savings to be made. The exercise had demonstrated the need for departments to code purchases appropriately so that similar reviews in the future could be as effective as possible.

Dr Richards and Ms Thomas were thanked for providing members with the opportunity to give their views on priorities. They indicated that they would be continuing to refine their requirement list, so members were encouraged to contact them about new priorities as these emerged. ACTION: All


08/30   National Student Survey


Caroline Smith, Faculty Quality Enhancement Officer, attended for this item

Caroline Smith provided feedback from the National Student Survey for departments in the Faculty. The data which had been made available following the 2008 survey was more detailed than that which had been generated following previous years’ surveys. The Faculty had achieved excellent results, confirming that departments were providing a very good student experience. Nevertheless it was noted that other universities were making much greater efforts to achieve higher NSS scores and there was no room for departments to be complacent.


08/31   Constitution and Terms of Reference

Tabled Paper



08/32   Dean’s Report


The Dean thanked the Director of the MEC, the SEFS Programme Director, Dr Steven Kenny and the Faculty OLDO for their excellent reports (see 08/44-47).


i    Director of RSI: The Dean congratulated Professor Chung on his appointment as Director of the Research School of Informatics.

ii   Director of MEC: Professor Croft was congratulated on receiving a National Teaching Fellowship.

iii   Staff Survey: The results of the staff survey had been outstanding at University level. The Dean and Faculty Personnel Advisor were in the process of discussing results for each department within the Faculty with individual HODs. They would be attending staff meetings in each department to understand the context of the results and to find out what could be done to resolve issues identified by the survey. They would also invite individuals to provide feedback in confidence after the meetings.

iv  Internationalisation: A number of overseas visits were being planned by individuals in the Faculty. Members were reminded that staff could bid for Faculty funding for 50 per cent of the cost of recruitment-related initiatives.

v   Promotion to Senior Lecturer Criteria: The University had developed a common set of principles to be applied in the consideration of applications for promotion to senior lecturer. Faculties had been asked to devise their own criteria linked to the principles. The Faculty’s criteria had yet to be agreed. Therefore HRWG had agreed that the existing criteria would be used in the 2008/09 academic year.

vi  Faculty IT Representation: The Faculty Directorate had agreed to the appointment of a 0.5 FTE to act as Faculty IT Coordinator. The position would be advertised internally.

vii  TRAC: The TRAC exercise was continuing and was likely to influence how much the University received per student for various cost centres. The exercise was likely to inform consideration of vulnerable subjects.

viii Financial Climate: There would be a number of meetings in the New Year to consider the impact of the global financial climate on the University.


08/33   Associate Dean’s (Research) Report

Tabled Paper

In the absence of the Associate Dean (Research), the Dean presented a report on his behalf.

i    RAE/REF: Staff within the Faculty had worked extremely hard to prepare returns for the 2008 RAE. The results were to be made public on 17 December. The format of the Research Excellence Framework (REF), which would be the successor to the RAE, had yet to be determined, though it was anticipated that the REF would make more significant use of metrics.

ii   Research Grants: The Faculty’s performance in 2007/08 had been excellent and needed to be repeated in future years. The new Faculty Research Support Officer would be able to support staff in making grant applications.

iii   Amendments to Research Degree Regulations and Code of Practice on Research Degree Programmes:
Members considered proposed amendments to the Regulations for Higher Degrees by Research and Notes for the Guidance of Research Students, Directors of Research, Supervisors and Examiners. There was broad support for the proposed amendments. However, a number of members were unhappy with the proposal to remove the role of Director of Research as existing Directors of Research were seen to be very effective in some departments, having taken on the role of personal tutor for research students.  It was acknowledged that the role was currently ill defined, and it was believed this had led to variation in responsibilities from department to department. It was noted that the title itself could be misleading, as the director of a student’s research was in fact their supervisor.

It was proposed that the terminology used in the new regulations and code of practice should be checked to remove inconsistencies.

Members were invited to send additional comments to the Secretary by the end of Monday 24 November. ACTION: All

iv  PGR Student Issues: The Faculty had recruited well at PGR level in Autumn 2008. Departments were encouraged to continue actively recruiting at this level. 


08/34   Associate Dean’s (Teaching) Report

.1  Recruitment 2008:

Departments had been successful in recruiting undergraduate students and had exceeded their UK/EU targets. A number had also exceeded their targets for international undergraduate students. The postgraduate taught market had proven more challenging, and both UK/EU and international targets had been more difficult to meet.

Admissions Tutors, the Associate Dean (Teaching) and his secretary were thanked for their excellent work in the 2007/08 session.

.2  Recruitment 2009:

Early application statistics were now available, but more reliable figures would be released in the New Year. Undergraduate targets for 2009 had been set, and postgraduate targets would be made available in due course. Departments were encouraged to meet their 2009 targets.

Departments were encouraged to promote their postgraduate taught programmes more proactively and were invited to make recruitment initiative bids for funds to allow them to do so. Departments may wish to consider the introduction of part-time versions of existing postgraduate taught programmes. ACTION: All

Departments were to be given their own SEFS allocation in future. The SEFS Programme Director was congratulated on her successes since taking over the role.

It was noted that departments were reviewing A level score requirements for 2010 entry.

.3  Teaching Centre: The Teaching Centre had been established on 1 August and would be charged with enhancing support given to all levels of academic staff in their teaching.

08/35   Periodic Programme Reviews



Faculty Board received copies of reports and responses for PPRs which had taken place for the School of Mathematics and the Department of Physics. The outcomes of the reports had been positive. Both the School of Mathematics and the Department of Physics were addressing issues raised within the reports.


08/36   Award of Research Degrees


Faculty Board APPROVED the award of Higher Degrees to candidates whose examinations had been conducted since the July meeting of Senate.


08/37   Membership


Faculty Board NOTED its membership for the session 2008/2009.


08/38   Personal Titles

Faculty Board NOTED that the following members of the Faculty had been awarded personal titles since the last meeting:


Dr Eran Edirisinghe, Reader in Digital Imaging

            Dr Paul Kelly, Reader in Inorganic Chemistry


They were congratulated on these awards.


08/39   Programme Proposals

.1           i    It was NOTED that the following programme proposal had been circulated to members for approval: 

                   BSc (DPS) Web Development and Design (from October 2009 intake)

              ii   It was NOTED that the Dean had taken Chair’s action to approve the following programme proposal:

                   MSc Research in Analytical Chemistry (from October 2008 intake)      Learning and Teaching Committee had approved both proposals.

.2           It was NOTED that Learning and Teaching Committee had approved the following programme proposals:

i    New programmes
MSc Information Management and Business Technology (from October 2008 intake)

ii   Major Changes
BSc Financial Mathematics (from October 2008 intake)
MSc Mathematical Processes in Finance (from October 2008 intake)

08/40    Associate Dean (Teaching):  Actions between meetings

It was NOTED that the Associate Dean (Teaching) had taken action between meetings as detailed in the agenda.


08/41    External Examiners’ Reports

It was NOTED that reports of External Examiners, and departmental responses, had been deposited with the Secretary, and were available for consultation on request. 

08/42    Staff-Student Committees

It was NOTED that reports of Staff-Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as detailed in the agenda.

08/43    Chair’s Action: Appointment of Prize Assessors

It was NOTED that the Dean had taken Chair’s Action to approve Prize Assessors for the Faculty.


08/44    Mathematics Education Centre

A report from the Director of the MEC was NOTED.

08/45    SEFS
A report from the SEFS Programme Director was NOTED.

08/46    Faculty IT Support
A report from Dr Steven Kenny was NOTED.

08/47    On Line Learning Development Officer Report


A report from the Faculty OLDO was NOTED. It was agreed that the new Director of     e-learning, Charles Shields, should be invited to give a presentation at a future meeting of the Board. ACTION: MA


08/48    Prizes


University prizes awarded to students within the Faculty in 2007/08 were NOTED


08/49     Date of Next Meeting

2.15pm Thursday 21 May 2009.


M Ashby

November 2008
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