Faculty of Science

Faculty Board



Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty Board held on 22 May 2008

Members: Professor Ken Parsons (Chair), Professor Jon Binner (ab), Professor Tony Croft (ab), Dr Sandie Dann (ab), Simon Darvill (ab), Dr Chris Dawson, Professor Roy Faulkner (ab), Professor John Feather, Richard Grice, Professor Jerry Griffiths (ab), Dr Paula Griffiths (ab), Dr Diane Gyi (ab), Dr Janet Harrison (ab), Dr Martin Harrison, Professor Roger Haslam, Dr Tom Jackson, Dr Steven Kenny, Professor Feo Kusmartsev (ab), Professor Chris Linton, Peter Lund, Professor Roger Mortimer (ab), Professor Charles Oppenheim, Professor Shirley Pearce (ab), Dr Iain Phillips (ab), Dr Gareth Pritchard (ab), Dr Louise Reyner, John Richardson, Professor Sameer Singh (ab), Judy Smyth (ab), Dr Gerry Swallowe, Professor Peter Warwick

Apologies for Absence: Professor Jon Binner, Professor Tony Croft, Dr Sandie Dann, Simon Darvill, Professor Roy Faulkner, Professor Jerry Griffiths, Dr Paula Griffiths,         Dr Diane Gyi, Professor Feo Kusmartsev, Professor Roger Mortimer, Professor Shirley Pearce, Dr Iain Phillips.

In Attendance: Martine Ashby (Secretary), Jo Corlett, Shehab Hashem.


Note: The meeting was inquorate.



08/1     Minutes

The minutes of the Meeting of the Science Faculty Board (SCI07:M2) held on               15 November 2007 were confirmed.


08/2     Teaching Centre


Professor Morag Bell, PVC (Teaching) and Jan Tennant, Head of Academic Practice and Enhancement, attended for this item.

A University Teaching Centre was to be established primarily as a resource for academic staff in their teaching role. The Centre would seek to meet the professional development needs of staff and to support them in meeting the challenges arising from strategic priorities, department-based initiatives and developments in learning and teaching practice. It would also be a professional development resource for other staff whose role encompassed learning and teaching responsibilities.

The Centre was being created for a number of important reasons. The University already had a strong reputation in learning and teaching and needed to ensure that it maintained this reputation. One of the themes of the University’s strategic plan was to value high quality teaching. The Centre was being created to support staff whilst they worked to meet this objective. The recent QAA review had tested the University’s quality enhancement mechanisms. The University needed to ensure that these were maintained, and the Centre would contribute to this aim.

The Board was provided with details of the new areas of work covered by the Centre. Faculty Boards were being invited to comment on the objectives for the Centre and to offer suggestions as to other priorities for inclusion in the final version of the plan. A member noted that the 2016 strategy included an intention to build on the University’s strengths in pedagogical research. However, this was not made explicit in the Centre’s stated aims and scope. It was proposed that more mention could be made of links with CETLS, and it was also noted that the Centre would need to provide information about its services to staff.

The Centre would have clearly defined objectives and its performance would be assessed. One of the criteria which it would be judged upon would be whether staff valued the service which it provided. The Centre would be staffed primarily by the Academic Practice and Enhancement team in Professional Development. Two additional posts had been requested. In response to a question on the cost of running the new Centre, the PVC(T) agreed to forward further details to members. ACTION: MB

08/3    Development and Alumni Relations

Ron Gray, Director of Development & Alumni Relations, attended for this item.

The Board was given an introduction to the structure and work of the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO). DARO’s overarching mission was to develop relationships to support the University’s strategic goals. This included maintaining a good relationship with the University’s alumni. It was noted that DARO could not do this alone and needed the help of academic staff to sustain and build upon existing relationships.

Departments could help DARO by informing it when they received visits from academics from overseas or had contact with alumni. They could also help by promoting the Alumni association to students and by providing material for the alumni magazine and other forms of communication with students.

The Director of DARO responded to members’ questions on methods of keeping in contact with students, DARO’s priorities and a recent Government initiative to match charitable giving in higher education.

08/4   Centenary Celebrations for 2009

Dr Anne Mumford, Director of Change Projects, attended for this item. 

Dr Mumford summarised plans to celebrate 100 years of tertiary education in Loughborough in 2009. The celebrations would have three major strands: a prestigious lecture programme, an open day and celebratory events for staff in departments. These strands would be supplemented by a range of other activities. Departments were invited to propose world-renowned individuals who might be invited to participate in the lecture programme. Proposals should be forwarded to the Dean by the end of May. Dr Mumford also welcomed comments from members on the timing of the open day, which would take place on a Saturday, ACTION: All

08/5    League Tables

Fidelma Hannah, Director of Planning, and Dr Sophie Crouchman from the Planning Office attended for this item. 

Members were informed of the origins of HEI league tables, the characteristics of the major tables and changes made since their introduction. There were four major UK league tables in existence, all of which focussed on undergraduate provision and used official data sources. The University’s position in the tables had improved overall in recent years. In 2007 it took 12th place in the Times table and 13th place in the Sunday Times table, and in 2008 it appeared in 10th place in the Guardian table and 13th place in the On-line Good University Guide.


The methodology used to compile subject table data was problematic for some subject areas. For example, student data calculated using JACS codes was combined with SSRs and financial data, which were calculated using cost centres, and were therefore difficult to map across. Similarly RAE results were linked to units of assessment which did not correspond directly with any of these. The complexity of HESA data also sometimes led to confusion. Some compilers appeared to be sympathetic to these concerns and allowed institutions to do a limited amount of mapping and to submit data corrections. However, they were unable to guarantee that corrections would be accepted.


The Planning Office took action to mitigate problems as far as possible by ensuring consistency of HESA staff, students and finance returns and by reviewing league table data in advance and checking for inconsistencies. However, these previews did not allow them to see in advance how other institutions had performed, and they were unable to take account of standardisation and other changes that might be introduced.


It was noted that ‘value added’ criteria in one table, which was calculated using entrance qualifications and degree classifications, could give higher scores to institutions with lower entry qualifications and was in danger of ignoring data for qualifications other than A levels.


The Director of Planning responded to questions on the way in which spending was attributed in HESA returns. She agreed to supply HODs with HESA data for their subject areas so that they could see how the expenditure was recorded. ACTION: FH


08/6     Career Destinations


Susan Reed and Sally Western from the Careers Centre attended for this item.


The Faculty Board received a presentation on first destination statistics for UK and EU students who had graduated from departments in the Faculty in 2007. The proportion of students in employment had decreased while the number entering further study had increased and was now the highest of the three faculties. However figures for both employment and further study varied significantly from department to department. Of those in employment, a very high proportion entered graduate level occupations.

A summary of the 2007 First Destination statistics for the Faculty’s graduates is available at:



08/7     Dean’s Report

i    Faculty Financial Position: The Dean noted the Faculty’s sound financial position drawing attention, in particular, to those departments which might experience difficulty in meeting their income targets.

ii   Staff Survey: Departments were reminded that the University was to carry out a survey of all staff. It was anticipated that the survey would be repeated biennially. Members were encouraged to attend associated presentations and to complete the survey.

iii   Larger Cost Centres: The Dean noted that larger cost centres would be introduced within the University if there was seen to be good academic reason for doing so. A Design Centre was to be created which would bring together individuals from various departments who had a design focus.

iv  Grants and Contracts: The Faculty was to make applications for grants and contracts a very high priority in 2008/09. A Faculty Research Support Officer had been recruited to assist staff when making grant applications, and departments were encouraged to take advantage of the service which he could offer to them.

08/8     Associate Dean’s (Research) Report

i    EPSRC Grants and Contracts:


A presentation on grant and contract applications made to the EPSRC and grants and contracts currently held had been included in the agenda papers for information. It showed the University’s ranking as compared with other institutions in terms of number and value of grants held and revealed that there was room for improvement. Departments were encouraged to take note of the figures and to review their strategy for making applications accordingly. They were also encouraged to take advantage of the technical support service which would be provided by the new Faculty Research Support Officer. ACTION: All

ii   Postgraduate Research Student Issues: The postgraduate research student regulations and associated codes of practice were to be revised in response to comments made in a recent QAA review.

iii   Review of Research Degree Programmes: The QAA review had also resulted in the establishment of a new round of reviews of research student provision in departments the first of which, a review of the Department of Computer Science, had confirmed that provision in the Department was appropriate.

iv  RAE/REF Update: Results of RAE 2008 would be published on 18 December in the form of a profile of the University’s performance for each unit of assessment. It was not clear how long the existing funding mechanism would remain in place.

The introduction of the Research Excellence Framework (REF) had been delayed by a year and would be in operation from 2009. However details of the criteria which the REF would make use of were still being devised. Departments were encouraged to continue their efforts to generate good quality research and to maintain present levels of research postgraduate recruitment. ACTION: All


08/9     Associate Dean’s (Teaching) Report

.1  Recruitment 2008:

i         Recruitment Targets


            Undergraduate and postgraduate taught recruitment targets, as agreed with HODs, were NOTED. 

ii        Application Statistics


            There had been a decrease in the number of UK/EU undergraduate applications for 2008 entry, reflecting the reduction in the number of choices on the UCAS application form. However, the overall number of firm acceptances in the faculty had increased compared with last year, and it was hoped that it would meet its target in August.  By contrast, international undergraduate applications and firm acceptances were down on the previous year.

UK/EU postgraduate recruitment was becoming more difficult and both applications and offers were down, even for relatively new programmes which had recruited well in the previous year.  International postgraduate applications were also down. This could be due in part to filtering of potential applications by agents.

International recruitment could receive a boost generally with the introduction of a number of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Departments were encouraged to continue efforts to meet international student targets and to put forward ideas for new recruitment initiatives.

Admissions tutors were congratulated on their successes to date.

.2  National Student Survey: The 2008 NSS had finished and the University’s response rate was up slightly on the previous year. The results would be published in August.

.3  QAA Institutional Audit: The University had received an interim letter and report following the recent institutional audit. They had indicated that the auditors had confidence in the University’s management of the academic standards of its awards and of the quality of the learning opportunities available to students. They had acknowledged a number of the University’s strengths such as the prioritisation of students in the organisational structure and the impact of the CETLs on related departments. The University had been asked to review a small number of aspects of its activities.


08/10   Award of Research Degrees


Candidates for the award of Higher Degrees were NOTED.                                      


Secretary’s Note: As the meeting was inquorate the Dean took Chair’s action to approve the award of Higher Degrees to candidates as detailed in SCI08-P8.


08/11   Personal Titles

It was NOTED that the following member of the Faculty had been awarded a personal title since the last meeting:


Dr Steven Kenny, Reader in Mathematical Modelling


Dr Kenny was congratulated on this award.

08/12    Job Specification for Faculty Research Support Officer


08/13  Programme Proposals

.1       It was NOTED that the following programme proposals had been circulated to members for approval and no comments had been received: 

i    (major changes) BSc Financial Management/MSc Mathematical Processes in Finance

ii   (new) MSc Information Management and Business Technology

iii   (new) BSc Physics with Cosmology


The BSc Physics with Cosmology programme had subsequently been approved by Learning and Teaching Committee.

.2       It was NOTED that Learning and Teaching Committee had approved the following programme proposals:

     i    Changes to Programme Titles
From: MSc Occupational Health
To: MSc Workplace Health (from October 2008 intake)

     ii   Discontinuation of Programmes
BSc Information Networks and Physics (no intake)
BSc Information Technology and Physics (Last intake: October 2008)                 

08/14  Annual Programme Review


A report from the AD(T) was NOTED.


08/15  Associate Dean (Teaching):  Actions between meetings

It was NOTED that the Associate Dean (Teaching) had taken action between meetings as detailed in the agenda.


08/16  External Examiners’ Reports

It was NOTED that reports of External Examiners, and Departmental responses had been deposited with the Secretary and were available for consultation on request. 

08/17  Staff-Student Committees

It was NOTED that reports of Staff-Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as detailed in the agenda.

08/18  Chair’s Action: Appointment of Prizes Assessors

It was NOTED that the Dean had taken Chair’s Action to approve Prizes Assessors for the Faculty.

08/19  Faculty IT Support

A report from Dr Steven Kenny was NOTED.

08/20  On Line Learning Development Officer Report


A report from the Faculty OLDO was NOTED.


08/21  Quality Enhancement Officer Report


A report from the Faculty Quality Enhancement Officer was NOTED.


08/22  Faculty Board Membership

It was NOTED that 9 vacancies existed for elected members (2 in Chemistry, 2 in Computer Science, 1 in Information Science, 1 in IPTME,  2 in Mathematics and 1 in Physics) and up to 8 vacancies for co-opted members in the 2008/09 session. The Secretary would contact HODs regarding the appointment of elected members. ACTION: MA


08/23  Valediction for retiring members

The Dean thanked retiring members


08/24  Date of Next Meeting

To be advised.



Martine Ashby

June 2008
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