Faculty of Science

Faculty Board




Minutes of the Meeting of the Faculty Board held on 10 November 2005.

Members: Professor Ken Parsons (Chair), Dr Helmut Bez (ab), Professor Jon Binner, Dr Katherine Brooke-Wavell (ab), Dr Steve Brown (ab), Professor Paul Chung, Dr Tony Croft (ab), Dr Holger Dullin (ab), Professor Roy Faulkner, Professor John Feather (ab), Dr Anne Goulding (ab), Dr Martin Harrison, Professor Roger Haslam, Professor George Havenith (ab), Dr Tom Jackson, Professor Feo Kusmartsev, Professor Chris Linton, Peter Lund, Liam McGuire, Dr Roger Mortimer, Ian Murray, Dr Les Mustoe (ab), Professor Phil Page, Dr Iain Phillips (ab), Dr Gareth Pritchard, Professor Clive Pugh, John Richardson, Professor Sameer Singh, Judy Smyth, Dr Gerry Swallowe (ab), Dr John Terry, Professor Sir David Wallace (ab), Professor Peter Warwick

Apologies for Absence: Dr Helmut Bez, Dr Katherine Brooke-Wavell, Dr Steve Brown, Dr Tony Croft, Dr Holger Dullin, Professor John Feather, Dr Anne Goulding, Professor George Havenith, Dr Les Mustoe, Dr Iain Phillips, Dr Gerry Swallowe, Professor Sir David Wallace

In Attendance: Miranda Routledge (Secretary)


05/38   Welcome

The Dean welcomed new members to the Faculty Board.

05/39   Minutes

The Minutes of the Meeting of the Science Faculty Board (SCI05:M2) held on 19 May 2005, were confirmed.

05/40   Matters Arising

i.      Strategic Review Group: Recommendations to Senate and Council: It was NOTED that the proposals for the establishment of Research Schools and a Graduate School had been approved by Senate and Council.  The appointment of Directors was in progress.

ii.     School of Mathematics: It was NOTED that Senate and Council had approved the creation of the School of Mathematics.  Professor Chris Linton had been appointed as Head of School.

iii.   Name Change: IPTME: The proposed name change for IPTME had been put on hold until after the 2008 RAE.

iv.   Job Evaluation: Discussions were ongoing with the Unions to reach agreement on the new grading structure. 

05/41   National Student Survey, Top-Up Fees and Workload

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching) attended for this item.

05/41.1  National Student Survey

The University, and especially the Science Faculty, had done extremely well in the first ever National Student Survey.  The results would influence future league tables and therefore it was essential to maintain the high scores achieved in 2005.  As a marker of quality, the results would also be likely to influence recruitment, particularly international students.

The next survey would take place in early 2006 and the University was working closely with the Students’ Union to mount an awareness raising campaign. Departments were also asked to start raising awareness with finalist students as soon as possible.  It would be important to keep the lines of communication with students open through Staff-Student Committees, Personal Tutorials and Departmental Committees.

The area in which the University (and the entire sector) had scored least highly was assessment and feedback.  Departments were being encouraged to develop checklists for all modules outlining the form of assessment, the marking criteria and the type of feedback that students could expect to receive.  It was hoped that this would help to improve the scores by managing student expectations in this area.

Programme level analysis of the survey would be made available to departments but it was not permitted to use this information in publicity.  It would, however, help the University to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement on a more detailed basis.

It was acknowledged that some areas were beyond departmental control, for example, availability and quality of teaching space.  However, if HoDs felt factors beyond their control would significantly affect the student experience, they should bring them to the attention of the PVCT. 

05/41.2  Top Up Fees

The LSU representative agreed to provide feedback on the Students’ Union position regarding the introduction of Top Up Fees at the next meeting.  ACTION: LM

A member queried how the additional income would be spent by the University.  Departments did not feel that they had received reassurance that additional income would come to them.  The PVCT confirmed that 26% would be spent on student bursaries and widening participation activities - this was a requirement of the University’s Access Agreement, approved by OFFA.  Detailed discussions regarding how the remainder of the additional income would be spent had not yet taken place but priorities were expected to be: more academic staff (and related support staff), rewards for academic staff, accommodation for students and teaching facilities/accommodation.

05/41.3  Workload

The PVCT was exploring ways to reduce the administrative workload of academic staff.  A pilot scheme had been run in Economics where administrative processes associated with UG admissions had been completed by the Academic Registry rather than the department.  Chemistry was piloting a similar scheme for PGT admissions.  The PVCT was keen to roll this out to other departments where it was possible to set admissions criteria.  Difficult cases requiring academic judgement would continue to be referred to the department.  Faculty Board was generally supportive of the suggestion, so long as the current flexibility with regard to quotas was maintained.  HoDs who wished to be considered for central support should contact either the PVCT or Howard Jones.

Anyone with suggestions for other processes that could be centralised should contact the PVCT.

05/43   Faculty Board: Briefing Note & Formally Constituted Powers


05/44   Dean’s Report

i.      Faculty Successes: The Faculty had had an excellent year in 2004/05 for research income and had exceeded its UG targets for 2005 entry.  It was not yet known what impact top-up fees would have on 2006 entry.

ii.     Faculty Events: Adam Hart-Davies was due to present a Lecture in November as part of the Prestigious Lecture series.  As usual, the Faculty would be organising a number of events for National Science Week in March 2006.

iii.   Structural Deficits: The Department of Physics had been declared out of structural deficit.  Chemistry and Computer Science remained in structural deficit but the HoDs were working closely with senior management to address the situation.

05/45   Associate Dean’s (Research) Report

i.      Research Income: The final figure for 2004/05 stood at £9.87M which was an excellent achievement.  250 applications for funding had been made in 2004/05.

ii.     Studentships: The ADR had allocated 22 half funded Faculty studentships in 2004/05.  A similar allocation was expected for 2005/06 although the final number was yet to be confirmed.

iii.   Faculty Small Grant and Travel Fund: The ADR had issued a call for bids, the deadline was in December.

iv.   Research Links with China [late paper – no paper number]: The ADR drew attention to a paper that had gone to Research Committee, detailing various research links with China.  The VC had emailed the Minister Counsellor for Science and Technology, Chinese Embassy, detailing contacts for Systems Engineering, Sport and e-science/grid computing.  No-one from Science had been identified as a point of contact but this was probably because of the research areas covered.  Members were asked to send comments to the ADR which he would forward to the PVCR.

It was further noted that none of the contacts were Chinese members of staff yet anecdotal evidence repeatedly showed the success of using Chinese members of staff to build relations with Chinese Universities.  This was potentially restrictive as not all departments had a Chinese member of staff and it was suggested that the University might create a pool of Chinese staff to help build collaborations.

v.    Research Fellowships: The ADR had recently issued a call for nominations for Research Fellowships.  The conditions were slightly confusing regarding who would be eligible but departments wishing to nominate staff had to be in a position to offer a permanent job at the end of the Fellowship.  The Fellowships (if awarded to the University) would have to be advertised even if an internal member of staff was nominated.

05/46   Associate Dean’s (Teaching) Report

05/46.1  Intake Statistics


The Faculty had exceeded it targets for both UK/EU and international UG students.  Admissions Tutors worked extremely hard to reach the targets after the A-Level results and the Faculty relied heavily on concessions and changed course offers.  This was a potentially vulnerable position for some departments.

UK/EU PGT was below target but this was reflective of the national trend.  Disappointingly, despite significant effort, and increased applications, international PGT had fallen below target and intake was actually lower than the previous year for the Faculty. 

All departments were encouraged to share best practice, especially with regard to international recruitment.  For instance, IPTME had established links with several Chinese universities which recruited final year students, many of whom continued on to PGT programmes.  However, the HoD warned that collaborations of this type, although potentially lucrative, were extremely time-intensive to establish.

05/46.2  Other Learning & Teaching Issues

i.      Teaching Capital Fund: £542K had been allocated to the Faculty for refurbishing laboratories.  Departments who had successfully bid for funds were in the process of commissioning improvement works.

ii.     Open Days: The 3-Day event would continue.

iii.   Personal Development Planning: It was now mandatory to offer all students opportunities for Personal Development Planning. 

iv.   Teaching Rooms: Some departments were reporting increasing tensions/difficulties with room bookings particularly with regard to the size of rooms and timetable clashes on joint programmes.  The ADT had discussed the problems with the Director of Media Services and the PVCT who acknowledged the situation but could not immediately solve the problems.  It was hoped that the new postgraduate teaching space provision would ease the situation.

v.    Occupational Health Programmes: The ADT drew attention to a number of new MSc programmes being introduced by Human Sciences in the Occupational Health arena.  This was seen as an important development for the department. 

vi.   UK Degree Classification System: UUK had issued a consultation paper proposing changes to the degree classification system.  The University had to respond by 18 November and was progressing this through Learning and Teaching Committee.

05/47   Research Assessment Exercise 2008

The ADR gave a brief update on the RAE 2008.  Guidance for the sub-panels had been issued and sub-panels had met to discuss feedback on their draft criteria and working methods, the final version of which would be published in December 2005.  Further details of the RAE were available on the web at: www.rae.ac.uk/

05/48   Learning Technology Developments

The Faculty Online Learning Development Officer (OLDO) attended for this item

The Faculty Board RECEIVED a presentation from the OLDO outlining various developments in learning technologies.  The University was keen to encourage more active use of Le@rn and the OLDO had created a number of templates to help academic staff, and to make sure that material on Le@rn was SENDA compliant.  It was commented that requiring academic staff to make use of Le@rn would simply add to already unacceptably high workloads.  The OLDO was willing to show staff how to use the templates which were designed to make it easy to publish on Le@rn.

Further to discussions regarding the National Student Survey, a member suggested that it might be useful to build in some sort of Feedback provision into Le@rn.  The LSU representative wondered whether it would be possible for the Students’ Union to make use of Le@rn to disseminate Departmental Committee material.  There may be a license issue.

05/49   Periodic Programme Reviews


Faculty Board RECEIVED a copy of the report and departmental response from the Periodic Programme Review of the Department of Information Science. The report was generally favourable and the department was addressing a number of issues that had been identified as possible areas for improvement.

05/50   Award of Degrees


Faculty Board APPROVED the award of Higher Degrees to candidates whose examinations had been conducted since the last meeting of Senate and NOTED degrees awarded by Senate at its (Special) meeting on 29 June 2005.

05/51   Programme Proposals

05/51.1  New Programmes

Faculty Board NOTED that proposals for the following new programmes had been circulated to members for approval.  No comments had been received. 

i             MScs in Occupational Health

ii           MRes Human Biology/Ergonomics/Psychology

05/51.2  Transfer of Programme

Faculty Board APPROVED the transfer of BSc Sport Science and Mathematics from the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences to the School of Mathematics and the associated change of title to BSc Mathematics and Sport Science, with effect from 2007 entry.

05/52  Membership of Ethical Advisory Committee

Faculty Board NOTED that the Chair had taken Chair’s Action to appoint V Haines to the Ethical Advisory Committee.

05/53   ADT Business

Faculty Board NOTED that the AD(T) had taken action to approve:

-          appointment of programme boards

-          appointment of module boards

-          appointment of University Examiners

05/54   Staff-Student Committees

Faculty Board NOTED that reports of Staff-Student Committee meetings had been deposited with the Secretary as follows:



Human Sciences

Information Science

Mathematical Sciences


Science & Engineering Foundation

27 April 2005

3 March 2005

13 May 2005

18 May 2005

23 February 2005, 4 May 2005

25 November 2004, 8 March 2005

05/55   Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 25 May 2006



Miranda Routledge

November 2005
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.