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Resources and Planning Committee

Terms of Reference

1. To advise Senate on the future academic developments of the University, having particular regard to the financial and physical implications of such developments.

2. To divide the financial resources available to the University between various heads of account and to be responsible for the general monitoring of the consumption of those resources.

3. To regulate, as appropriate and within the HEFCE rules, the use of resources within those heads of account.

4. Within the context of business plans approved by the Committee and Council, to be responsible to Council and Senate for staffing levels in academic departments and other sections of the University, and to delegate as appropriate to subsidiary bodies or officers the day to day responsibility for staffing decisions in line with strategy.

5. To control the allocation of physical resources such as space and equipment and to identify priorities for building and minor works projects in the context of the University's corporate planning.

6. To advise on student population targets, having taken into account all relevant factors.

7. To consider, and make recommendations to Council concerning, the level of fees for tuition and research supervision for all registered students of the University and for the validation of academic courses in other institutions.