Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:      Report of Curriculum Sub-Committee – Matters for Information


Origin         Unconfirmed Minutes of the Meeting on 6 October 2011


Learning and Teaching Committee is invited to note the following items from the meeting of Curriculum Sub-Committee on 6 October 2011:


1.       Categories of Postgraduate Taught Programmes

Arising from Minute 10/45.3, it was noted that the University’s categories of PGT programmes were to be redefined. A paper providing details of the new categories would be made available in coming months. CSC may wish to note the paper at its next meeting and consider requiring proposers of new PGT programmes to indicate which category their programmes fell into when completing proposal forms.

It was also noted that the new categories of programme would be used to allow prospective students to carry out more sophisticated web searches of the University’s PGT offering. 


2.       Academic Quality Procedures Handbook

Members considered a revised entry for section 3.1 of the Academic Quality Procedures Handbook, Programmes of Study: Approval for New or Revised Programmes and Modules. AD(T)s had been asked to comment on the proposed changes. Some had been content with the changes whilst others had sought further detail for some aspects of the handbook or clarification of the role of AD(T) in relation to the process.

The Sub-Committee considered who should take responsibility for approving proposals under the new school structure, It was agreed that, for strategic stage proposals, approval should be sought from the head of department in federated schools, then from the AD(T) acting on behalf of the School and finally from the Dean, with the Secretary to Operations Committee signing the form once the Committee’s approval had been granted. In non-federated schools, the head of department would be omitted from the process. Approval for operational stage proposals would first be sought from the head of department in federated schools and then from the AD(T) acting in an independent capacity on behalf of the PVC(T), with the Secretary to CSC signing the form once the Sub-Committee’s approval had been granted. In non-federated schools, approval would be sought from the Dean and then from the AD(T). The other proposal forms would be altered to follow suit. Should there be a difference of opinion between the AD(T) and the proposer when considering the proposal, the AD(T) should feel able to refer the matter to the relevant head of department in a federated school or to the Dean in a non-federated school.

The Head of PQTP would make tracked changes to the handbook in response to the AD(T)s comments and would amend the forms to take account of the Sub-Committee’s proposed changes. He would circulate both to members for comment with a view to the Learning and Teaching Committee being asked to approve the new forms at its meeting at the end of October.


It was noted that the handbook should make it clear that strategic phase approval for a new proposal should only remain valid for one year after it had been granted. After this time, Schools would be required to reapply for this level of approval.

A member noted that offering postgraduate taught programmes on a part-time basis only could severely restrict intake to the programmes, as Tier 4 rules did not permit international students to study part-time in the UK on a student visa. The PVC(T) would raise the matter with the Student Recruitment and Admissions Office.


The Director of the Teaching Centre highlighted the importance of e-learning being considered at an early stage in curriculum development. It was noted that the Secretary and the Head of E-Learning had met to discuss ways in which proposers could be prompted to consider e-learning when preparing programme and module proposals.


3.       Annual Update Process

It was agreed that the Secretary should meet with relevant staff within Loughborough Design School to brief them on the annual update process.




Author – Martine Ashby

Date – October 2011

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