ELAG: E-learning Advisory Group


3rd February 2011, Library Training Room 1


Present:        Simon Austin (SW), Adam Crawford (AC), Tony Croft (TC), Ray Dawson (RD), Mike Earl (ME), Martin Hamilton (MH), Jane Horner (JH), Ruth Jenkins (RJ), Ruth Kinna (RK), Keith Pond (KP), Charles Shields (CS), Alice Swinscoe (AS), Jan Tennant (JT)


By Invitation:           Richard Blanchard (RB)

Chair:                         Morag Bell (MB)
Minutes:                    Farzana Khandia (FK)


1.    Apologies

Ray Dawson, Caroline Pepper


2.    Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting were approved.


3.    Matters arising

MB took the DL Evaluation paper to Ops Committee. Received positive responses from the committee, but they requested feedback on student numbers that were supported by the DL funded projects and the views of students themselves.


ELT discussed the Web 2.0 Policy and OER and concluded that this would be better dealt with by the Copyright group.


4.    E-learning Strategy

An update on ''Efficiency and Effectiveness'' project was received from CS. The eLearning Showcase 2011 was explicitly linked to this project and case study presentations focussed on this area.  For the actual report a template for case study interviews had been created and some interviews had already taken place.


MB commented that PQT wanted the findings and case studies to be effectively disseminated. CS mentioned that this will be achieved via web pages on the eLearning Blog and the deadline for the project completion was the end of March.


5.    HEFCE Online Learning Taskforce (OLTF)

The OLTF final report was circulated to the group.


The group viewed the recommendations made by the taskforce timely and important in informing Lboro’s eLearning strategy. Some of the recommendations were already in hand by the Library whilst others were being worked on. OER recommendation raised questions of quality. CS inputted into the March paper so Lboro’s voice was taken into account before the final report was published.


6.    Feedback from E-learning Showcase event

CS updated the group on the recent eLearning Showcase event. Although feedback from external attendees was extremely positive, CS had been disappointed on the low number of internal staff. Some members commented that this may have been down to the lack of publicity and timing however the general consensus was that it was difficult to encourage staff to attend these sorts of events and more should be done by the HoD to encourage their staff to attend and support such events.


7.    ReVIEW Strategy and Sustainability

RB gave the group an update on his use of ReVIEW for an MSC fulltime and Distance Learning course. For DL courses ReVIEW proved to be very cost effective and time saving. Very little time was taken for administration, in fact lectures are made available almost as soon as they have been recorded whereas in the past there would be a delay of at least a few days.


Students were making good use of the captured lectures (approximately 5000 views to date). The captures work on mobile devices with no extra intervention from the lecturer. RB has not seen a reduction in attendance at lectures since the introduction of ReVIEW.


The group discussed the merits or otherwise of lecture capture, in particular cost versus learning benefit. CS pointed the group to Martin Whites presentation on lecture capture durability which was available from the eLearning Blog.


KP asked if there was any research on the learning benefits of lecture capture. CS pointed out that the Coventry ELTAC Project would be doing this. AC mentioned that studies into this had taken place in the US too.


ME added that if lecture captures meant less students at physical lectures then this would have an impact on timetabling.


The group then turned to the paper distributed by CS on lecture capture strategy and sustainability, and in particular to the recommendations made in this paper. MH mentioned that an open source alternative (Matterhorn) to echo360 was in the process of being tested. MB asked about timescales and costs of possibly moving over to this.

ACTION: MH/CS to update the group on timescales / costs of moving to Matterhorn (open source lecture capture system).


CS added that in the meantime consideration needs to be given urgently as to who will bear the costs of renewing the Echo 360 (and Elluminate) licences.


MB suggested that at the end of academic year it would be useful to review the benefits to students and lecturers and where and how lecture capture can add value. ACTION: CS and others to take this forward


RJ mentioned that at a meeting with Neil Halliwell, it was suggested that lecture capture may be a way of reducing the need for separate notetakers for DANS students.


JH suggested that it might be appropriate to equip postgrad rooms in Stuart Mason with fixed installations as this is the area where we would see high usage.

ACTION: CS to obtain costs of doing this from Echo360


CS added that Echo360 are aware of the current open source competition and their revised costs on licensing reflected this.


8.    Institutional Web 2.0 Guidelines

CS updated the group on Web 2.0 Guidelines which had been ongoing for 1 ½ years and had been to IT Committee and ELAG.


MH and CS have been working jointly to create guidelines to take back to IT Committee and ELAG. They had decided to make this available as a web resource (wordpress blog) as this would mean it could be a dynamic list which would allow multiple authors to add/edit it. Each Web 2.0 service would be listed individually with some default information (name and description of service, link to the service and a case study of use at Lboro). The ‘Things you should know’ section would contain any important advice on the service (e.g. upcoming takeover) and a rating on the service which would be given by ELOG.


The group were happy with the progress and MB recommended that any further revisions should now be taken to the Executive group and that it should link in with the copyright document.

ACTION: RJ/CS/MH to ensure appropriate references to Web 2.0 services are made in the Copyright document


9.    Any Other Business



10. Date of next meeting

5 May 2011, 10.00am