Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        Examination Timetable


Origin:           Unconfirmed Minute of Senate of 1 July 2009



Senate was invited to consider proposed dates for Semester 2 examinations in 2009/10 and a proposal for a review of Semester dates in subsequent years. Saturday exams had been reintroduced in 2007-08 and 2008-09, partly as a result of increasing student numbers, and consultations on holding Saturday exams in 2009-10 had recently been conducted. The outcome of this process was that Senate was required to agree on one of two options for 2009-10, one of which would involve scheduling exams on Saturdays in weeks 12, 13, and 14 of Semester 2, and the other which would avoid exams being scheduled on Saturday, but instead would require the scheduling of exams on three dates during week 12 of Semester 2.


The following points were noted in discussion:


(i)                  Some members raised concerns about academic staff being required to be available to respond to queries in relation to examination papers on a Saturday. It was emphasised, however, that only administrative staff would be required to be physically present on campus, and that Senate was only being asked to approve arrangements for 2009-10.

(ii)                Some members were opposed to the scheduling of exams in week 12 of Semester 2. It was felt that valuable time for research, and for activities involving non-finalist students would be lost, and that students with important coursework submission deadlines in week 12 would be disadvantaged.


Senate AGREED that exams should continue to be scheduled on Saturdays in Semester 2 2009-10, and RESOLVED to approve the recommendation that a review of the timing of semesters be undertaken in time for alternative proposals for examination dates in 2010-11 to be brought forward. Some initial support was expressed for reducing the length of the Easter vacation as a means of reducing the time pressure between the exam period and programme boards/graduation, and therefore allowing a long-term move away from Saturday exams. However, reservations were expressed about the adoption of an asymmetrical semester structure, which might reduce flexibility in moving modules from one semester to another.


Senate RECEIVED a consultation paper on the Semester 2 2009/10 examination period from UCU.

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