Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        Report of Curriculum Sub-Committee – Matters for Information


Origin             Unconfirmed Minutes of the Meeting on 7 May 2009


Learning and Teaching Committee is invited to note the following items from the meeting of Curriculum Sub-Committee held 7 May 2009.


1.         Matters Arising from the Minutes

.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved.  The relevant minute of Senate was noted.


.2         Minute 09/2.4 – BSc (DPS) Web Development and Design: New Programme Proposals 

It was noted that the Student Recruitment Team had recommended that when a new programme proposal came forward to the relevant Directorate, the other two Directorates would be notified by means of an agenda item and link to a web address for further details. This procedure had been put in place and an intranet site established for programme proposal forms.


.3         Minute 09/3 – Credit Values of Loughborough University Awards

It was noted that Learning and Teaching Committee had felt it difficult for the Sub-Committee to formulate guidance to departments without sight of actual cases and had agreed to establish a sub-group to consider departmental submissions and make recommendations through PQ Team to Learning and Teaching Committee.  The sub-group had met on 30 April 2009. A small number of programmes from four departments had been submitted for consideration, mostly joint honours programmes. Account was taken of external recognition requirements and the margin of shortfall against expectations. With one exception, the shortfall was limited to 10 credits in Part B or C. All proposals had been approved, though Physics had been requested to pursue suggestions for decreasing the shortfall for the BSc in Sports Science and Physics. Compliance with the University’s credit framework was therefore not seen as a major problem.


.4         Minute 09/4.2 – BA History and Politics/History and International Relations/ History and Geography/ History and English: New Programme Proposals

The AD(T)s reported on the extent of modules having versions of different credit value. There were examples in SSH, substantially in PIRES and Social Sciences, in Engineering, relating to 10 credit D modules and 15-credit P modules, but none had been reported in Science. It was understood that credit variants provided a means of maximising choice to students and the merit in this approach was appreciated. It would be expected, however, that these variants would have different ILOs and that this would be reflected in the module assessment. Where assessment was by examination it would be expected that this would be different for the module variants. AD(T)s would check the ILOs and assessment for credit variants during the annual update process.


.5         Minute 09/5.3 – BA English and Drama: New Programme Proposals

(a)               The Sub-Committee noted extracts from national QAA guidelines on ILOs. These were felt to be open to interpretation but did suggest that there should be ILOs for each exit level of a programme. The Sub-Committee was comfortable that it was able to determine when ILOs were being met via the Curriculum Map for a programme.


(b)               Of greater concern was paragraph 77 of the QAA Framework for Higher Education Qualifications that:

‘Higher education providers ensure that:

·         the outcomes required for each of their qualifications are specified clearly

·         achievement of those outcomes is demonstrated before a qualification is awarded

·         assessment procedures that permit compensation or condonation are not applied in a way that might allow a qualification to be awarded without achievement of the full

outcomes being demonstrated.’


University regulations did not require credit in every module in order for a degree to be awarded and there was no systematic check that students whose failure had been condoned had achieved all ILOs for their programme. It was possible in cases where ILOs were only being assessed in one module (or maybe more than one) that students could graduate without achieving all the ILOs for the programme. It was necessary for the University to formulate a clear view of whether this was acceptable and whether it would be prepared to defend its position to the QAA, or whether a system should be put in place to ensure that ILOs were achieved before an award was made. If ILOs were well crafted it might be sufficient to expect them to be assessed by a minimum of two modules, which could be monitored via Curriculum Maps, though the University might still be vulnerable in this respect. Good curriculum design and the crafting of ILOs was paramount, so that students could still achieve all ILOs in spite of module failure, and departments should be made aware of this through the guidance on Programme Specifications (see minute 09/19). It was felt to be unworkable that Programme Boards could track the achievements of individual students considered for condonement. It was AGREED that this matter be forwarded to Programme Quality Team for further discussion and that the approaches taken by comparator institutions be explored.


.6         Minute 09/10.3 – Low Carbon Building Design and Modelling: New programme Proposals

            It was agreed that the following Availability Code should remain the same, but that departments   should be advised that they could be disadvantaging their students if they do not list optional             modules in Programme Regulations:

            ‘Module is available to any student meeting pre-requisites, but numbers will be restricted and       priority will be given to students for whom the module is listed in their Programme Regulations’.


2.         Programme Specifications

.1         Further to Minute 09/2.3, the Sub-Committee considered draft revised guidance and template for Programme Specifications, to be adopted for new programmes submitted to the Sub-Committee from October 2009. Members were supportive of the proposal that Faculty Quality Enhancement Officers provide advice to programme proposers when writing programme specifications, with a set of exemplars being drawn from these new specifications in due course. The QEOs would provide a time-frame of when their input would be available. It would be voluntary but advisable for proposers to take advantage of this advice. In the first instance existing Programme Specifications with exemplary sections would need to be pulled together by the Secretary so that agreed criteria could be determined for use by the QEOs. The Director of the Teaching Centre would convene a meeting with the QEOs, ADTs and the Chair (if possible) to agree the criteria, once the exemplary sections had been provided.


.2         PQ Team had requested that the Sub-Committee consider whether the value of the proposed tabular format for section 3 of the template was sufficient to justify the efforts involved. Whilst members could see benefits in this format there was concern that there may be repetition of information and that benefits in the current format might be lost. It was AGREED that the proposed format should be tested on programmes from each Faculty during the process of devising criteria for QEOs to work to.


.3         Subject to a decision on the format of section 3, it was AGREED to approve the proposed template for adoption for new programmes with effect from the October 2009 meeting of the Sub-Committee, subject to the following revisions:


(a)               Guidance notes on Programme Learning Outcomes

(i)         The need for programme learning outcomes to be well crafted to help ensure that they can be met by students receiving an award without full module credit should be incorporated in the notes.

(ii)        ‘To ensure that students have sufficient opportunity to be able to demonstrate programme learning outcomes, it is recommended that these outcomes are assessed by at least two modules’ to be added to the paragraph about the Curriculum Map (and also as a footnote to the Curriculum Map template).

(iii)       Reference to be made to the relevant FHEQ statements for Master’s programmes.


(b)               Programme Specification template

(i)                  Information in the initial box to include length of programme.

(ii)        Section 4: Revert to first sentence in current template ‘You may wish to include an overview of programme structure’.


Once the format of section 3 has been decided, the situations when departments would be required to update their specifications to the new format would need to be determined. It was suggested that this could be when major programme changes were submitted and when Programme Specifications were submitted for Periodic Programme Review.


3.         MSc Road and Vehicle Safety: New Programme Proposals

.1         The Sub-Committee considered proposals from the Ergonomics & Safety Research Institute (ESRI) and Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering for a new part-time programme with effect from October 2010. It was advised that the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering had raised concerns that the programme would not be appropriately placed within that department. Informal discussions were underway about a possible alternative parent department for the programme. The Sub-Committee agreed that these matters were outside its remit and would need to be resolved elsewhere. It would nevertheless consider the operational proposals at this point so that it would be possible for the programme to be taken forward once the strategic issues had been resolved. The Sub-Committee was clear, however, that the parent department would need to have a sense of ownership of the programme and discuss the proposals within the department as it would any other programme proposal.


.2         It was AGREED to recommend the proposals to Learning and Teaching Committee once the strategic issues had been resolved and there had been the opportunity for the proposal to be discussed within the parent department. The Sub-Committee’s recommendation was subject to the following matters being resolved to the satisfaction of the AD(T) prior to the meeting of Learning and Teaching Committee:


(a)               Programme Regulations

Para 3.5: Delete ‘where suitable modules are available’.


(b)               Programme Specification

(i)         Para 2: Remove ‘The research interests…disciplines’ as this was inappropriate.

(ii)        Para 3.1: The first sentence was not useful to prospective students. A clearer statement was needed about the remote support and whether there would be access to tutor support.

(iii)       Para 3.2b: ‘set up real world studies’ should be more clearly explained.

(iv)       Para 4: The link to the correct programme regulations would need to be inserted in due course.

(v)        Para 5: A hyperlink to the prospectus would need to be inserted in due course.

(vi)       Para 6:  Information replicated in Regulation XXI should be removed.


(c)        Module Specifications

(i)                  These would need to be provided from the LUSI system once a parent department had been determined.

(ii)                The length of written assignments should be included. Aims and ILOs required further development. ‘Flexible private study sessions’ required further explanation as to whether or not they involved a tutor. 

(iii)               TTP702: The weight of the two assignments should be presented.


(d)        Curriculum Map

The proposers should be aware that outcomes C4 and P1 were only being assessed by one module each.


(e)        Assessment Matrix

Continuous assessment was entirely by report. If the outcome T1 was intended to include oral presentation, this was not being assessed.


(f)         Clarification was required as to whether ESRI staff were subject to teaching observation/training.


4.         Major Changes to Programme Regulations

The Sub-Committee approved the following procedure for the approval of major changes to Programme Regulations for the period to October 2009.  Proposals would receive Curriculum Sub-Committee consideration by post at the discretion of the Chair.  Where concerns were raised a second circulation would summarise these and invite a formal decision.  The Chair would be empowered to determine whether the replies constituted a consensus.


5.         Annual Update of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/Specifications

            The Sub-Committee noted:

.1         The memorandum circulated to departments on 24 February 2009 (without Annexes).


.2         The proposal forms for Module Specification and Programme Regulation/Specification changes for 2009/10.


.3         Validated Programmes: The procedure and timetable for revision and approval of Module Specifications and Programme Regulations/Specifications for 2009/10.


Author – Jennie Elliott

Date – May 2009

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