Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        Report of Curriculum Sub-Committee – Matters for Information


Origin             Unconfirmed Minutes of the Meeting on 22 January 2009


Learning and Teaching Committee is invited to note the following items from the meeting of Curriculum Sub-Committee held on 22 January 2009.


1.       Matters Arising from the Minutes

.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently   to Senate where appropriate, had been approved. The relevant minute of        Senate was noted.


.2         Minute 08/27.2 - FdEng Foundation Degree Programme in Fundamentals of Powertrain    Engineering: New Programme Proposals

It was noted that HEFCE would not be funding the proposed programme and the proposal had therefore been withdrawn.


.3         Minute 08/27.3 – MSc Information Management and Business Technology:
            New Programme Proposals

            It was noted that revised guidance on producing Programme Specifications, together with            UG and PG exemplars, was under development.


.4         Minute 08/29.1 – BSc (DPS) Web Development and Design: New Programme Proposals

Members received the minute of Learning and Teaching Committee in response to the Sub-Committee’s request to provide guidance on the issue of inter-departmental collaboration in module/programme provision. It was commented that if consultation between departments was not encouraged then creative opportunities were likely to be missed. Whilst consultation was required in certain instances, there were other instances, such as that for the proposal on the agenda for the MSc Digital Imaging, Computer Graphics and Vision, where an approach to a department such as LUSAD with relevant interests could have been beneficial. It was felt, however, that more collaboration was likely to develop from knowledge sharing generally and before programme developments reached CSC. Other departments within a Faculty were made aware of proposals during the strategic approval process, but transfer of that information to departments in other faculties relied on Deans and ADTs. It was AGREED that the PVC(T) would ask Student Recruitment Team / Programme Quality Team to consider how informal exploratory discussions between departments during programme development could be encouraged, particularly cross-Faculty.


2.       Credit Values of Loughborough University Awards


.1         The Sub-Committee noted the memo sent to Departments following the approval by Senate on 19 November 2008 of Credit Values of Loughborough University awards, with which all departments would be required to comply by 2009/10.


.2         Members identified some circumstances where problems with compliance were likely to arise:

Joint programmes; Masters conversion programmes; modules at the Part C/D interface; modules with different credit levels as shown by module code but the same content and which were likely to be taught together. It was AGREED that brief guidance notes be provided for departments.


2.       BSc Mathematics and Computing: Administrative Responsibility

The Sub-Committee noted that a change in administrative responsibility for the BSc in Mathematics and Computing from the School of Mathematics to the Department of Computer Science had been approved by the Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Senate, with effect from 2009/10.


Author – Jennie Elliott

Date – January 2009

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