Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        Report of Curriculum Sub-Committee – Matters for Information


Origin             Unconfirmed Minutes of the Meeting on 17 October 2008


Learning and Teaching Committee is invited to note the following items from the meeting of Curriculum Sub-Committee held on 17 October 2008.


1.       Matters Arising from the Minutes

.1         It was noted that all recommendations to Learning and Teaching Committee, and subsequently to Senate where appropriate, had been approved. The relevant minute of Senate was noted.


.2         Minute 08/02.2 (17 January 2008) - FdEng Foundation Degree programme in Fundamentals of Powertrain Engineering: New Programme Proposals

            It was noted that discussions with HEFCE were still ongoing and the programme had therefore not yet started.  A definitive answer from HEFCE was needed.


.3         Minute 08/14.3 – MSc Information Management and Business Technology: New Programme Proposals

            It was noted that revised guidance on producing Programme Specifications, together with UG and PG exemplars, was under development and would come forward to the next meeting.


2.       Terms of Reference and Membership

.1         Members considered the Terms of Reference of Curriculum Sub-Committee and AGREED:


- that they remained fit for purpose

- members’ responsibilities.


.2         The Sub-Committee’s membership for 2008-09 was noted. The Sub-Committee was alerted to the possibility that a meeting could be quorate without one of the Faculties being represented, though this would be unlikely in view of the Sub-Committee’s policy of having nominated alternates for Faculty Board representatives. It was considered that should such a situation arise, the meeting should take place and the Faculty representatives consulted as necessary after the meeting.


3.       BA History and Politics/ History and International Relations/ History and Geography/ History and English: New Programme Proposals

Strategic approval for these new programmes had been granted in June 2007.  The Sub-Committee AGREED that its requirement for operational approval to be sought within a year of strategic approval be waived in this instance.  The Chair of History was now in post and a lecturer would be appointed shortly.  Operational proposals were expected to come forward to the January 2009 meeting of the Sub-Committee.

Author – Jennie Elliott

Date – October 2008

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