Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        International Mobility Team


Origin:           Programme Quality Team

Programme Quality Team at its meeting on 12 May considered a proposal from the Director of Internationalisation Strategy to establish an International Mobility Team.


Chris Backhouse reported that his proposal was to transform the Departmental Exchange Coordinators Meeting to become the International Mobility Team.  This had been discussed at the Exchange Coordinators’ meeting in March.  Draft terms of reference were tabled.  The intention was to promote inward and outward mobility of students and staff, not just in Europe but globally.  The terms of reference acknowledged LTC’s responsibility for academic quality assurance aspects where applicable.  It was felt the group would need to meet once a quarter.  It was suggested that the reporting line be PQT and LTC, and that Chris Backhouse should be listed as Chair of the group.


It was the intention that changes in the International Office would enable it to put impetus into sorting out non-academic aspects of mobility arrangements that sometimes hampered take-up and extension of activity. 


It was suggested that to help the group drive the strategy forward at departmental level, it would be helpful to provide examples of current activity in this area, that were often not widely known or well documented; for example, exchange or study abroad arrangements of short duration. 


Sophie Driscoll drew attention to the setting up of an ERASMUS Society within LSU, which would like to contribute these developments, and it was suggested she encourage the Society to get in touch with the International Office.


It was agreed to endorse the establishment of the International Mobility Group and to invite LTC to approve the arrangements proposed.  It was also suggested that Chris Backhouse attend the next meeting of Senate to provide an update on the Internationalisation Strategy in general.

The proposed terms of reference are attached.


International Mobility Team


·  To coordinate initiatives to encourage outward and inward mobility of students and staff in line with University strategy

·  To ensure - as far as is possible and desirable - a balance between outward and inward mobility at Departmental level.

·  To support Academic Departments in identifying resource to implement mobility strategies

·  To promote the benefits of student and staff mobility

·  To monitor, and act where appropriate, in relation to the non-academic aspects of mobility agreements

·  To liaise with Learning and Teaching Committee in relation to any relevant academic aspects of mobility agreements – noting that LTC has lead responsibility for this issue.

·  To ensure – as far as is practicable – that common, user-friendly University procedures are adopted for all mobility agreements



·   Chair – Professor Chris Backhouse

·   Departmental Exchange Coordinators

·   Representative of International Office

·   Secretary (Registry)


Reporting line

To Programme Quality Team and LTC


May 2008