Learning and Teaching Committee


Subject:        Use of calculators in examinations


Origin:           PDQ Team; Academic Registry

The PDQ Team at its meeting on 29 January 2007 considered issues arising from the implementation of the ‘approved list’ of calculators for University examinations.  A note of its discussion is included below for the information of LTC.


(i)         That confusion had arisen, for both students and staff, from the following statement:

            Students who wish to know whether any calculator that is not on the approved list will be allowed in a particular examination should seek advice from their module lecturers.’

and before the start of the S.1 examinations, it had been replaced with the following:

‘The only situation where a calculator not on the approved list will be permitted in the examination hall is where it is explicitly specified in the examination rubric and included in the relevant module specification.’

(ii)        That there were students who felt it unreasonable they could not continue using a calculator they had been using in previous years, and others uncertain of the implications of having an old model that was listed as ‘now superseded’.

(iii)               That there were difficulties over keeping the list up to date and in step with manufacturers’ changes.

(iv)       That students who were using ‘unapproved’ calculators at the current S.1 examinations were being allowed to continue using them, but students were being notified that if they used a calculator not on the approved list at the S.2 examinations it would be confiscated during the examination. 

(v)                That invigilators were collecting data on the number of people who were using unapproved calculators in S.1: over the first twelve examination sessions, there had been 205 instances.

(vi)              That there was a request outstanding that the Examinations Office explore the feasibility of purchasing a stock of calculators for use in University examinations; some members of PDQ were of the view that this would be the best solution.


(viii)      That sufficient warnings had been given of the policy and the approved list should be enforced in S.2.

(ix)       To ask the Examinations Office to explore the possibility of adopting a list of approved models from one of the A-level examining boards as a means of addressing the updating issue.

Author – Robert Bowyer

Date – January 2007

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