Learning and Teaching Committee



A meeting of the Committee will take place on Thursday 3 June 2010 at 9.30 am in the Council Chamber, Administration Building 2.


Robert Bowyer, Secretary


1.         Apologies for absence

2.         Business of the Agenda

Any member wishing to unstar an item is asked to notify the Secretary by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 1 June 2010. Starred items will otherwise be taken without discussion.


Please note that the papers for this Agenda can be found on the web site linked to the following URL > Meetings:




Normally, papers for Section A only will be circulated in hard copy.


3.         Minutes



To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 11 Feburary 2010.


4.         Matters Arising from the Minutes not otherwise appearing on the Agenda


*4.1      Senate actions

To note that Senate approved the recommendations of the Committee in the following matters:

(i)                  Assessment flexibility/stretched degrees for elite athletes (M.10/08)

(ii)                Regulation changes – Regulations XI, XXI (M.10/14)

(iii)               New programme proposals and strategic changes (M.10/13) and notes reported on

(iv)              British University in Egypt (M.10/11) – with approval for the BUE Validation SC to begin detailed planning for the formal revalidation process, which would consist of a series of exercises over a period of several months

(v)                Review of condonement in 2008/09 (M.10/07)



4.2      Approved list of calculators for use in University examinations

4.3      Any other matters arising ont appearing elsewhere on the agenda




5.         Annual Programme Reviews

To consider reports from the AD(T)s on the Annual Programme Reviews in their respective Faculties:


5.1       Engineering

                        LTC10-P20A, P20B, P20C, P20D


5.2       Science



5.3       Social Sciences and Humanities



6.         British University in Egypt

LTC10-P23 – to follow

To receive a report on developments.


7.         Master in Science (MSci) degree


On the recommendation of Programme Quality Team, to consider for recommendation to Senate the introduction of the degree of Master in Science (MSci), necessitating an amendment to Ordinance IV.


8.         Change in minimum requirements for passing an UG Programme Part


On the advice of Programme Quality Team, to consider for recommendation to Senate an increase in the minimum requirements, involving an amendment to Regulation XX.


9.         Reassessment of UG project/dissertation modules


On the advice of Programme Quality Team, to consider for recommendation to Senate an amendment to Regulation XX to allow UG students who narrowly fail a project/dissertation module the possibility of revising and resubmitting the original piece of work for the purpose of reassessment. 


10.       Leave of absence/termination of studies

LTC10-P27A, P27B

On the recommendation of Programme Quality Team, on the receipt of a Working Group report, to recommend to Senate changes in procedures for handling leave of absence and termination of studies, and associated changes to Regulation IX.


11.       Points Based Immigration System


To consider a report on progress made in response to the new system and recommendations for action as endorsed by Programme Quality Team.


12.       University Admissions Policy for High Performance Student Athletes


On the recommendation of the Student Recruitment Team, to consider for recommendation to Senate a University Admissions Policy for High Performance Student Athletes.


13.       Code of Practice on Placement Learning

LTC10-P30A, 30B

On the recommendation of Programme Quality Team, to consider a revised Code of Practice on Placement Learning and associated Health and Safety documentation.


14.       Learning Spaces


14.1     Learning Landscapes Conference


To receive a summary report on the Conference.


14.2     Recent developments


To receive a report from the Director of Change Projects.


15.       Loughborough College Validation Sub-Committee


To consider the establishment of a Sub-Committee to monitor the arrangements for the validation of HE programmes at Loughborough College.


16.       Learning and Teaching Implementation Planning

            LTC10-P34A, P34B

To consider progress on learning and teaching implementation plans for 2009/10 and planning priorities for 2010/11.


17.       University Risk Schedule


To review the ratings assigned to the various risks identified in the Learning and Teaching section of the University Risk Schedule.


18.       Effectiveness of the Committee


At the request of the Audit Committee, to consider the effectiveness of the Committee.




*19.     Curriculum Sub-Committee – 6 May 2010 (A)


19.1     New programme proposals


To recommend new programme proposals and other strategic changes to Senate on the advice of Curriculum Sub-Committee. 


19.2     Programme specifications


To approve a recommendation from CSC on the presentation of programme specifications.



*20.     Curriculum Sub-Committee – 6 May 2010 (B)


To note further discussions of the Sub-Committee.


*21.     Annual report 2009 on student appeals under Regulation XIV


To receive a report.


*22.     Annual report on cases of academic misconduct 2008/09

LTC10-P41 – to follow

To receive a report.


*23.     Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

            To consider evaluation reports from the CETLs.

23.1     sigma CETL



            23.2     engCETL



*24.     E-Learning Advisory Group

            LTC10-P44 – to follow

            To note the minutes of the meeting held on 26 May 2010.


*25.     Student Recruitment Team

            LTC10-P45A, P45B

            To note the minutes of the meetings held on 15 March and 26 April 2010.


*26.     Responses to HEFCE and QAA consultations on quality matters

To note responses submitted on behalf of the University to the following:

26.1     Future arrangements for quality assurance in England and Northern Ireland



            26.2     Evaluation of the Academic Infrastructure



*27.     National Student Survey

To note that the ‘final’ University response rate was 75.97% compared with a final figure of 73.75% in 2009.  (National response rate 63% compared with 62% in 2009.)


28.       Dates of Meetings 2010/11

Provisional dates will be announced at the meeting.



29.       Any Other Business

Author – Robert Bowyer

Date – May 2010

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