Information Services Committee


Minutes of the eleventh Meeting of the Committee held on 15 October 2004

Membership:        Professor P Roberts (chair), Professor C J Backhouse (abs),
Mr T C Baseley, Mr P S Blake, Dr J H Chandler (abs), Mr P Davenport, Professor T Kavanagh, Professor C Oppenheim, Professor K C Parsons (abs), Mr H M Pearson (abs), Dr S J Rothberg, Mr J M Town (abs), Ms M T Whyte (abs)

In attendance:      Ms V Blackett, Mr N Cope (on behalf of Dr Chandler), Mrs M Morley,
Dr A M Mumford, Dr B Negus, Mr C Spendlove (secretary),
Mr D M Temple

Apologies were received from Professor Backhouse, Dr Chandler, Professor Parsons,
Mr Pearson, Mr Town, Ms Whyte.

04/40  Report of the Previous Meeting


The minutes of the ninth Meeting of the Committee held on 13 February 2004 were confirmed.

04/41  Matters Arising

i.          Email Archiving (ISC04-M1-4)
This had been referred to the Freedom of Information and Records Management Advisory Group (scheduled to meet 17 November 2004) for consideration.

ii.         Wireless Networking (ISC04-M1-5)
This had been referred to the Faculty IT Group (scheduled to meet late January 2005) for consideration.

iii.        Student Information Vision Statement (ISC03-M2-11)
This revised vision statement had been circulated.

iv.        Information Security Policy (ISC04-M1-7.2/7.3)
This would be circulated with the minutes.

v.         Information Service Committee Membership & Terms of Reference (ISC04-M2-4.)
The proposed changes had been recommended to the Resources and Planning Committee (scheduled to meet 29 October 2004) for consideration.

vi.        E-Print Repository Proposal (ISC04-M2-3.)
The Library Users Committee had considered the proposal and was supportive.

The Social Sciences and Humanities Directorate had considered the proposal and was broadly supportive. It was noted that LUSAD and English & Drama had expressed an interest in a repository to hold ephemeral work. The proposal was to be considered at the Science and Engineering Directorates in November. Assuming support was received from all three faculties, a bid would be made to Operations Sub-Committee to cover the staffing cost for 0.5fte ALC2 post and £3k capital. A progress report would be made at the next meeting.

vii.       CIS Procurement and Purchasing Policy (ISC04-M2-5.)
This had been recommended to the Resources and Planning Committee (scheduled to meet 29 October 2004) for consideration. The proposed policy had also been circulated to academic departments and support services. No comments had been received.

viii.      Web Action Group (ISC04-M2-6.)
The Registrar was not present to report on this item. It was AGREED that this should be carried forward to the next meeting of the committee.

04/42  Report from Corporate Information Services

The report was received. No further clarification was requested.

04/43  Report from Computing Services

The report was received. Further clarification was received as follows:

.1   Networking Planning
The FITCs would be contacted within the next week to arrange for further consultation on the planning cycle.

.2   Holywell Park Machine Room Air Conditioning
The air conditioning work was now complete, but some security concerns remained to be addressed before servers could be relocated. The Security Office was looking into the problems. A further update would be provided for the next meeting.

.3   Information Security Strategy
It was hoped that framework policy to be launched at the Network Strategy Conference to be held in November 2005 would be suitable for adoption by Loughborough University. A further report would be made at the next meeting.

04/44  Report from Library

The report was received. Further clarification was received as follows:

.1   Dictionary of National Biography
The committee was pleased to note that this had been purchased and was informed that on-line access would be free for one year.

04/45  Report from Media Services

The report was received. Further clarification was received as follows:

.1   Availability of Teaching Rooms
Curriculum Sub-Committee had noted that limited teaching room availability was causing problems for module delivery. A paper was to be submitted to Operations Sub-Committee in early November 2004 detailing the issues surrounding teaching room availability and complexity of delivery.

04/46  Corporate Information Services User Group - Minutes

The confirmed minutes of the meeting held on 13 August 2004 were received and noted.

04/47  Computing Services Service Level Agreement 2004/5

The paper was received and noted.

04/48  Data Protection Advisory Group – Revised Membership

The revised membership was received and noted.

04/49  Faculty Information Technology Group - Minutes

The confirmed minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2004 were received and noted.

04/50  Library Annual Report 2003-4

The report was received and noted.

04/51. Library Users Committee - Minutes

The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2004 were received and noted.

04/52  Library Service Level Agreement 2004-5

The paper was received and noted.

04/53  Library Operational Plan 2004-5

The paper was received and noted.

04/54. Media Services User Group

The unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 29 June 2004 were received and noted.

04/55  Web Action Group

ISC04-P46, ISC04-P47, ISC04-P48
The confirmed minutes of the meetings held on 28 October 2003 and 16 January 2004 and the unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 2 July 2004 were received and noted.

04/56  Any Other Business

.1   Provision of Information to Alumni via the Web
Mr Davenport reported that he had recently had occasion to visit Toronto and New York and, whilst there, had taken the opportunity to meet with Alumni groups. Comments about the contents of the Alumni magazine had indicated that more information was needed on institutional development and current departmental activities. It was generally felt that there was a lot of information available on the Loughborough University website, but it was not necessarily very well focussed for the casual alumnus reader. The use of web links could ensure that information was easily accessible to alumni, but would not be duplicated. It was AGREED that the issue should be raised with the Director of External Relations.

04/57  Date of Next Meeting

Friday 11 February 2004 09:30 in the Council Chamber

Author – Chris Spendlove
Date – November 2004
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