Web Action Group:
Notes of the Meeting held on 2nd July 2004


Steve Ashurst (SA), Hannah Baldwin (HB), Tim Baseley (TB),
Chris Garrod (CG), Julian Highfield (JH), Anne Mumford (AM),
Amanda Pearce (AP - Chair), Arif Syed (AS), Carys Thomas (CT)

1          Apologies

These were received from Phil Blake, Nick Cope, Alison Freer, Tim Rodgers, John Town

2          Minutes of the Previous Meeting

These were accepted.

3          Matters Arising

3.1          Broken links – code of practice on link changes

Action JH to follow this one up

3.2          Foreign Language Pages

CG reported that he has discussed this with the International Office. They are using translation services provided by the British Council to provide information about the University on the BC website and intend to replicate this on the International Office pages. This may be of interest to web providers at LU in the future but more experience should be gained first.

Action: CG to let CT and TB have information about this service and the languages being used.

3.3     HEIST Report

CG presented a summary of the recommendations and actions. This is appended to these minutes. The following actions were agreed:

Action: CG, SA

3.4     Video Footage

JH reported on a trawl of videos currently on the site – about 800 in various formats. Technical standards which work on the standard desktop and work externally need to be agreed and promulgated.

Action: JH, CG, SA to propose technical standards

SA reported on the materials developed for the Admissions Tutors Resources Pack – new versions to be in flash.

Action: SA to ensure that old versions are removed

3.5     Web Questionnaire Actions

AM reported that the wheelchair access map was still being developed

The “purple problem” to be solved by redesign (see below)

Action: CG and JH to make survey report and HEIST report available to web providers.

3.6          Alumni Office screen saver

This has been produced but has been reduced in number of pictures and size. Some concerns were expressed about the draft site (e.g. concern re accessibility) and these comments are to be passed on.

Action: SA to change name of screensaver file

3.7     LSU Representative

Action: AP to invite LSU Rep to next meeting.

4          Outcome of the Budget Bid

AM reported that the design resource had been supported and SA was likely to be allocated to University level web activities with additional staffing covering Steve’s current work. The editorial resource had not been supported. It was agreed that priorities should be the redesign work and the making available of imagebank resources at web resolution in a straightforward manner and free of charge (also addresses the issue raised by Phil Blake in an input to the meeting).

Action: SA to work on the development of concepts to be made available to WAG electronically for comment.


These then to be refined at the October meeting and wider consultation to be undertaken. New designs need to complement current templates to ensure that recent work is not undermined. There was general agreement that the structure of information is acceptable and should be used as the basis for development of designs.

5        Mac Support

Issue raised by Phil Blake

Action: AP to add to next agenda.

6        Links from Home Page

Agreed that Cultural and Arts Events could be suitably linked from the home page (similar to grouping for Lboro Sports).

Action: HB to talk further with Terrence Kavanagh to establish the requirement.

Consultancy – this is appropriately linked from the Business Page off the home page.

Imago – this will have a front page button in rotation when one is free and will be linked from other appropriate points.

Action: AP to feedback and to collect requests for WAG, bringing to meetings where appropriate and handling them in between meetings as needed.

7          Resources for Web Providers

This includes a range of resources including Social Life Pages which can best be developed centrally.

Action: AP to undertake works during the summer on the “About the University” pages.

Action: All to let AP have comments on these pages.

8          University Map

Web version will have information on building names, their map number reference and the room number codes used as well as photographs of buildings. There was some debate surrounding the confusion caused by the new map as it did not relate to the building codes used (e.g. A, JJ etc). The new map has the approval of the VC and Estates Management Committee and should encourage use of building names.

9          Duplication of University Policies

Action: CG to resolve and clean up and report to next meeting

10      Any Other Business

Personnel Web Site

Still some concern. Departments are being asked to provide job descriptions in their own areas which may not be the best and most consistent method of proivision.

Action: All to look at this and comment to AP


JH reported that this could be used for the top level pages but that Computing Services were not resourced to offer wide support.

Action: CT to investigate resource issues and report back

Information Flows

Web providers need to advise AP when they have changed things. WAG need to let web providers know when central changes are planned.


AM noted that it was essential that actions were undertaken between meetings, especially as meetings are being held less frequently.

Prospective Students Information

CG reported that work was being undertaken to provide improved web resources based on the prospectus and make this distinctly different from the paper prospectuses.

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 10.00 on 12th October. Further meetings will be held in March and June – dates to be agreed.


Heist web site research – identified issues and actions to be taken.



Action/Reason for no action

A link in the form of a heading or icon should provide an easy and quick route back to the home page from all other pages. Although the University’s web site has a link back to the home page, many students did not notice it.


Difficult to enforce on departments due to variation in design, one suggestion to consider would be making the Loughborough Logo always link back to the homepage.

More photographs of the buildings and to have photographs interspersed in the course descriptions.


The prospective student section of the web page is to be re-developed in the near future; proposals are currently being discussed within the Academic Registry.


Use of Language – ‘Prospective Students’, Bath uses ‘Welcome Future Students’



Terminology – Programmes, some students prefer Courses.


WAG recommends using the terminology ‘courses’, as this is what UCAS use.

Lack of social life information




Information about the town and social life should be made available in the prospective student section.

Request a prospectus not available on the home page.






It is not available on the home page but does feature in 3 areas.


  1. UG Prospectus Home
  2. PG Prospectus Home
  3. Prospective Student Home

Link to Open Day information directly from the home page.



The Open Days banner is published on the homepage when open days are a few months away.

Open Day – No link to printable map




Links to getting here have now been provided from the Open Day information. A link will be provided to the new campus map when it has been completed.


Students disliked the intrusive pop-up box when they visited the accommodation web site.

This has now been moved from the front page of the accommodation web site to the letting section, where it might be more relevant to the audience.


Consider the use of sub menus, so people can check where they are heading.


This could be considered in future versions of the home page.

Provide a direct link to course information from the home page.


Prospective Students section offers this, in addition when the PG/UG prospectus buttons offer this.

Indicate the location of departments and amenities on the campus map.

This is currently being addressed in the new version of the Campus Map.