WAG Minutes 16th January 2004




Steve Ashurst

Tim Baseley

Phil Blake

Chris Garrod

Julian Highfield

Anne Mumford

Amanda Pearce (Sec)

Tim Rodgers 

Arif Syed

John Town (Chair)



Apologies for absence

Nick Cope

Alison Freer

Carys Thomas


1.          Minutes of Previous meeting 28.10.03

         These were accepted.


2.          Matters arising


Search Engine

It was agreed that Google was preferred to the current search facility. 

Notes: The use of the Google logo is compulsory.  We will follow the practice adopted by Sheffield Hallam and Nottingham universities.

Action: JCH to implement and give explanation on the search page that this is a response to customer feedback; all to monitor performance.30-30-20-50-50



Web Questionnaire

This has attracted approximately 200 responses, largely from within the campus community.  Results will be discussed at the next meeting but preliminary reports show nothing worse than a general dissatisfaction with the search engine.

Action: CG to report on results at next meeting.



Use of .pdf files on the LU web site.

Advice to web providers is to publish important information as web pages and use a .pdf file only when there is a clear advantage in doing so, e.g. pre-printed material such as flyers.

When a .pdf is used, the link should be clearly identified as actioning a download.

Additionally, if a link is going to open a new window, this should be indicated.


It was noted that this issue highlights a training need for web providers, secretarial and clerical staff.

Action: CT to note in context of continuing investigation of support and training for Web.



Terms of Reference for WAG

These were drafted (as attached document, WAG _TOR.doc)

Action:  WAG members to confirm; AP to send to ISC; WAG minutes from last two meetings to be sent to ISC.


3.          Broken Links

Following complaints, the issue of broken links resulting when one web provider changes an URL .  Changes are inevitable and continual but there is a need for a proactive policy to ensure the professionalism of the web site is not inadvertently compromised. The meeting was reminded that it is not just internal links which suffer in this way.

Action: JCH, CG and Simon Mee ( Business School, co-opted) to outline possible mechanisms and procedures at the next meeting and to prepare a short policy document clarifying responsibilities.



4.          Currency of the Home Page

Ways to make the home page more vibrant and to ensure currency were discussed. Ideally the temporary section should change daily, including the newsflash and it was noted that taking out-dated items off was just as important. Response times to an urgent need for public information ( e.g.meningitis) are good but a university policy is needed to fix and ensure procedure

The key issue is the editorial role of examining the home page daily and it was proposed that Publicity Office be given total responsibility for the temporary section i.e. to include the mini-banners.  Templates and guidance for the design and production of new mini-banners would given.

Action: JT and AP to discuss with Head of Publicity; membership of WAG to be extended to Publicity Office


5.      Any other business



Resourcing of web-related work continues to be a problem.  It was agreed to resubmit a bid to Resources and Planning Committee for central funding.

Action: All to alert JT and AM of all design and technical resources currently missing or stretched.

Action: CG to consult International Office on the provision of foreign language versions.

Action: JT and AM to prepare a paper for ISC outlining the requirements in order to gain support for a bid.



The university’s Community Liaison Officer has requested a  home page link for the web site currently under construction. The importance of a community information and feedback facility was agreed and it will be possible to add in as a mini banner, pending the redesign of the home page.



The University commissioned HEIST to review our web site in comparison t-wth the University of Bath’s.

Action: CG to summarise main findings and recommendations at next meeting.



Annual meeting schedule: It was agreed to settle meeting dates for the next academic year at the July meeting when Committee dates are known.



6.         Dates of the next two meetings


Friday 23rd April – 10:00

Friday 2nd July – 10:00


Venues to be advised.