Terms of Reference

The terms of reference of the University Health, Safety and Environment Committee are:

  1. To act as a consultative forum for the consideration and discussion of draft health, safety and environment policies and procedures;

  2. To act on behalf of and to advise Council and senior management on matters of health, safety and environmental policy, structure and communications; and to recommend any action necessary to ensure the health and safety of staff, students and members of the public (including contractors and visitors to University premises);

  3. To keep under review the University’s legal obligations with regard to health, safety and environmental statutory requirements and to identify through regular monitoring and bring to the attention of senior management and/or Council areas where this basic standard is not being achieved.

  4. To receive reports on health and safety audits, accident statistics, communications with enforcing authorities, and from relevant sub-groups and to make recommendations to relevant University management of any corrective action required;

  5. To receive updates on changing legislation and to review and assist in the development of policies and procedures to enable the University to meet all statutory requirements;

  6. To ensure all levels of University management are aware of their safety obligations and through the receipt of regular monitoring reports to ensure these obligations are being discharged appropriately.

  7. To set up and oversee sub-groups of the Committee and to commission reports from these sub-groups as is necessary to assist the Committee in the development of policy and procedure.

  8. To monitor staff training and development programmes as they relate to health, safety and environmental issues to ensure appropriate training is provided to enable all managers to safely discharge their duties.

  9. To receive reports and review personal safety for staff, students and visitors on University premises, particularly where it could impinge on health and safety;

  10. To produce an annual report for Council which covers health, safety and environmental activities and provides Council with the information required to discharge their duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1997.
  11. To produce terms of reference for environmental management and sustainability sub-group(s) of the Health Safety and Environment committee