Health, Safety & Environment Office


Subject:    Update On The New University Fire Incident Form and Fining Guidance

Origin:      Health, Safety and Environment Manager



Purpose of the report


To update the HSE committee on minute SAF08-P12 


Action required


The recommendation of this report is to trial the revised fire incident report form and Warden guidance on fining for a period of time – suggest until the June meeting of the HSE committee. Any problems with the form should become apparent within this period and Wardens’ concerns can be addressed by the committee.


The HSE committee is asked to consider the progress made so far and to endorse this recommendation.




See minute SAF08-P12


Misuse of Fire Equipment in Halls of Residence


The Committee  noted the actions taken by imago Services  to reduce the number of incidents of misuse of  fire equipment in Halls of Residence, the incidence of which had declined until very recently.  The Committee considered a proposal from imago that the fines imposed by Wardens for misuse of equipment should be standardised and reflect the seriousness of the offence.  It was reported that there was a standard list of fines , but the Wardens used this as a starting point and would wish to exercise discretion relating to the damage done or where the culprit owned up.  All fines were reported to the Student Disciplinary Committee and they could comment on the level.

It was agreed that Julian Mackenzie, Malcolm Brown and Rod Harrison should meet to review the position and report to the next meeting of the Committee.


A revised fire incident report form and warden guidance – attached as appendices 1 and 2. have been produced by the Fire Office, imago and a representative of the Warden Service. The Wardens team were consulted on these documents and an agreement was initially reached to implement the changes.   


It was believed that these revisions addressed the concerns raised by imago and the Fire Officer i.e. a lack of consistency between halls; a background of a growing number of fire offences and difficulty in monitoring action taken by Wardens, whilst preserving the autonomy of Wardens and their ability to apply their discretion where appropriate.


These changes have recently been challenged by a member of the Warden’s team who raised specific concerns. This challenge has been discussed with the Senior Warden and the conclusion of the HSE office, acceptable to the Senior Warden, is to trial the  revised system for an agreed period of time. A further report can be made to the HSE committee in June 2009.