Audit Committee


Extracts from AUD07-M1

Extracts of Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2007

07/6. Risk Management


6.1     Matters Arising


(i)     Minute 06/29.4, Health and Safety Governance




The Health, Safety and Environmental Officer attended for this item.


It was noted that, at its meeting on 19 December 2006, Council had approved, subject to minor revisions being made, a University Health and Safety Policy, together with subsidiary Policies concerning the control of ‘Noise at Work’ and ‘Hand Arm Vibration at Work’.  Revisions to the Vice-Chancellor’s Introduction had yet to be finalised, but would refer to the devolution of health and safety related responsibilities.


The revised policy would be disseminated through a series of mandatory training events for HoDs, and, with the assistance of the Health and Safety Manager, subsequently to staff in departments.  Students would be introduced to sections of the Policy that were relevant to their particular area of study and situation, on a mandatory basis.


The Committee welcomed the improvements that had taken place in respect of HSE governance arrangements and the development of the Health and Safety Policy.


(ii)     Minute 06/30 (ii), Risk Register and Risk Schedules




The Committee NOTED the revised Risk Register, together with revised Risk Schedules for: Information Services; Advancing the University; Finance; and Health and Safety.  It was further noted that EMG had confirmed that Risk Schedules and the Risk Register would continue to be reviewed annually.


The Financial Accountant was requested to make minor revisions (replace Director of Business Partnerships, Information and Knowledge Transfer  by PVC(E), and Bursar and Finance Officer by Director of Finance.  Also correct presentation of Likelihood and Impact gradings for risk)


Action: Financial Accountant


6.2     New Risk Items


 (i)     EMG Reports




Reports of discussions in EMG in respect of the following risks were NOTED:


(i) Health and Safety

(ii) IT/IS risks

(ii)        Cycle of Meetings with Risk Holders




The Health and Safety Manager discussed risk issues with the Committee.


(a) Risk Schedule for Health and Safety.


Having at one point been non-compliant with its obligations in respect fire safety inspections,  the University had embarked on an urgent and ambitious programme of fire safety reviews.  These had been completed well ahead of the initial target completion date set as acceptable by the Health and Safety Officer, demonstrating the University’s commitment to tackling fire safety issues. Fire safety remained, however, a matter of concern, because a significant number of buildings were not protected by automatic fire detection systems.  A two-year programme of work was in place, with the objective of reducing the likelihood of a serious fire from ‘possible’ to ‘low’.   The Committee welcomed that and requested that it receive annual progress  reports in 2008 and 2009.


Action: Health and Safety Officer


(b) Internal audit report 07/2006, Health and Safety


Good progress had been made in enhancing the health and safety environment following the appointment of Tom Fleming as Health and Safety Manager, and a particular element of the present review had been to examine operational HSE arrangements and systems in departments.  Information had been collected from departments using a questionnaire and seven departments had been visited by the external auditors.


Areas of good practice were noted.  The HSE Office was found to have a good level of visibility and departments were aware of key contacts.  In those departments facing the highest risks by the nature of their discipline, there was generally a good level of awareness and risk control processes were satisfactory, with policies and procedures exceeding the University’s minimum requirements.  This was not however the case in all departments, and some confusion appeared to exist as to Heads of Departments’ responsibilities, suggesting that communication was not fully effective and that, in some instances,  there might be an unwillingness by departments to accept the responsibilities devolved to them.


The audit conclusion had been that the system of internal control, risk management and governance was weak, that opinion being a recognition of the University’s reliance on departments to fulfil their delegated responsibilities in order for it to meet its statutory obligations.  The auditors had commented however that their opinion did not negate the progress made in improving the health and safety environment since the appointment of the Mr Fleming as Health and Safety Manager.  It was accepted that new processes introduced would require time to take full effect.


The Committee noted that of six recommendations made, two were of high priority.  The Health and Safety Manager would be taking up a post elsewhere shortly and had felt it to be inappropriate to commit the University to future actions without there being further discussion with senior staff.  For this reason, the Report was still a draft, awaiting the inclusion of management responses. The Committee requested that it receive the final report for consideration at its next meeting.    


Action: Internal auditors and HSE Office


The Committee noted that reports on health and safety audits of departments and sections undertaken by the Health and Safety Office were received by HSE Committee.  There was not however an Annual Health and Safety Plan, approved and monitored by HSE Committee, and it was suggested that HSE should consider the merits of developing one.


Action: HSE Committee


It was in the Committee’s view essential that the progress being made in developing health and safety awareness, systems and procedures should not be interrupted by the present Health and Safety Manager’s move to another post, and the Committee urged the University to give the highest priority to filling the resulting vacancy.


Action: Registrar