Health, Safety and Environment Committee




Minutes of the meeting of Health, Safety and Environment Committee held on 29 October 2009   


Dr Jo Aldridge (ab)

Mr J Blackwell (ab)

Mr M Brown

Mr A Burgess

Mr H Chambers (ab)

Mr M Clarson

Prof P Conway (ab)

Dr S Dann

Prof N A Halliwell

Mr R Harrison

Dr R Haskins (ab)

Mr A Hodgson

Dr S Horner

Mrs W Jones

Mr A Kowalski

Dr J Mackenzie (ab)

Mrs C Moore

Mr F Narty

Mr T Neale

Prof R Parkin

Prof S Pearce (ab)

Mrs L Sands

Dr S Shirreffs

Mr Julian Sulley (ab)

Mr W Spinks

Mr M Stringfellow 

Mr J Thomas

Prof P Warwick (ab)

Ms L Young

Mr Rob Pearson  


In attendance:  Dr Brigette Vale

09/35  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from: Jo Aldridge, John Blackwell, Henry Chambers, Paul Conway, Bob Haskins, Julian Mackenzie, Shirley Pearce, Julian Sulley and Peter Warwick.


09/36  Business of the Agenda

No items were unstarred


09/37  Minutes


The Minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2009 were confirmed subject to the addition of Nigel Thomas to the list of those present


09/38  Matters Arising from Previous Meetings not Mentioned Elsewhere on

the Agenda

.1         Further to Minute 09/25 it was noted that at the Grove all electrical circuits

had been removed and remounted. Since June to date there had been 27 fire

signal activations , 22 of unknown cause leading to 2 evacuations.  Investigations

were continuing into this matter.

.2         It was noted that there remained aspects of the revised Smoking at Work policy

to be implemented by Facilities Management.  These concerned signage and the

provision of bins.  It was felt that it would be appropriate in the first instance to amend

the existing No Smoking signs to reflect the new exclusion areas and to ensure that

the bins were correctly located, where they were required. It was suggested that

entrances to  buildings such as the EHB and the Library be addressed first

Action: AB


09/39  Membership and Terms of Reference of Health, Safety and Environment Committee


The membership and terms of reference of Health, Safety and Environment Committee for 2009/10 were noted. The Committee noted that the vacancy for a second lay member of the Committee remained unfilled despite efforts to fill the position .  Members were invited to suggest possible individuals to undertake this role  and to contact the Committee Secretary.

It was felt that if the vacancy remained unfilled for much longer it would lapse.

It was agreed that the vacancy for a Pro Vice Chancellor on the Committee was now unnecessary because there were already members of the Executive Leadership Team included as members.  It was agreed to recommend to Senate and Council that the membership be amended to remove this vacancy.


09/40  Two Yearly Review of the University’s Health and Safety Policy Statement


The Committee considered and reviewed  the University’s Health and Safety Policy

Statement. It was noted that there had been a number of minor editorial changes made to the

Policy to reflect changes in staff and their titles. The page with the Vice Chancellor’s signature

would need to be dated in line with the review.  The Committee was satisfied with the policy

statement subject to some additional editorial changes.


09/41  Annual Health and Safety Plan

            SAF09-P23a and SAF09-P23b

.1         The Committee  considered a  progress report from the Health and Safety Manager on the implementation of the Health and Safety Plan for 2008/09  and the new Health and Safety Plan for 2009/10 which would be reported to Council.

It was noted that this was the third annual Health and Safety Plan received by the Committee. Section A of the Plan reported on progress against targets set previously and section B reported on the new targets for the current session.  The Committee confirmed that they found this format helpful.  The HSEM reported that considerable progress had been achieved against the Plan for 08/09.  A number of achievements were highlighted including the completion of the second round of fire risk assessments, the checking of fire hydrant flows, the installation of AFD systems in all significant buildings,. the update of the HSE Office website, and  the HAV assessments in Occupational Health.  The Committee commended the HSEM on the very considerable achievements made against the targets set and thanked her and her Team.


.2         The Committee noted that the Health and Safety Plan for 2009/10 represented an ambitious set of targets.  Radiation Protection was an area of particular consideration for the next session and the Radiation Protection Officer would be adopting a more visible role with more frequent monitoring of systems in place.   The audit programme would continue using the HASMAP process in one case and more targeted audits in other areas.  There would be further guidance to be considered in relation to laser safety.  A training matrix was presented which identifies what training was available and what was mandatory. 


09/42  University Fire Officer’s Report


The Committee  received a report from the University Fire Officer. It was noted that there   were no fire incidents to report on this occasion.  It was pleasing to report that the second roll out of the AFD systems had been completed and that most building stock was now covered.  The rolling programme of fire marshal training was well underway.  There had been a number of fire signal activations at Holywell Park, and the Fire Officer and Security were policing this area.  It was confirmed that there was no data on the LSU building in terms of fire signal activations because this was not a University owned building.


09/43 Audit reports

SAF09-P25a, SAF09-P25b and SAF09-P25c

The Committee  received and considered audit reports in relation to the following areas

.1         Display Screen Equipment

.2         Pregnancy

.3         Manual Handling


It was noted that with respect to the DSE audit, the arrangements were found to be generally

satisfactory and mainly compliant with the current policy.  The audit of manual handling

procedures had detected an issue following a site visit. This had rapidly been followed up and

addressed and compliance was confirmed. The audit of the Pregnancy policy had identified

that staff returning to work within 6 months of having a baby were not being risk assessed

but this was being addressed.



09/44  Environment Agency Inspection


The Committee  received a report from the Radiation Protection Officer on the recent inspection from the Environment Agency. It was noted that a previous inspection had identified the need to replace wooden benches in the Graham Oldham Building in the Chemistry Department. The facilities had been refurbished to a high standard and this was acknowledged in the visit. Facilities Management were acknowledged with thanks for their work on this. The inspection visit had audited all the systems in place and had not found any compliancy issues.  There was some concern over succession planning and this was currently being addressed to ensure a smooth transition in due course.


09/45  Pandemic Flu Planning

The HSEM reported that the Pandemic Flu Working Group was meeting regularly and that planning for this eventuality had been thoroughly undertaken.  All Heads of Departments had been required to produce contingency plans in the event of a major outbreak of flu.  Hygiene precautions had been implemented with the widespread installation of hand gel dispensers throughout campus.

With respect to communications a dedicated phone line for reporting illness had been established and a University website had been developed which was currently receiving about 50 hits per day. There had not been a significant number of reported cases of flu among staff or students to date, although one student had required hospital treatment. The Committee noted that a further flu episode was expected and that this might continue into early 2010.


09/46  Blood Borne Virus Policy


The Committee considered  a revised policy on Blood Borne Viruses. The policy, which , was

first considered 5 years ago required some updating in the light of changing and current

practice. The Committee approved the revised policy.


09/47  Lone Working Policy


            The Committee considered a policy on Lone Working.. It was noted that this had derived from

a previous code of practice.  The key to managing safety in these circumstances was the risk

assessment, and activities which required seeing clients individually or visiting premises

off campus should be  also be covered by such assessments. The policy also emphasised that the use of departmental out of hours log books or registers is not considered an effective means of ensuring safety and were instead seen as a means of monitoring the extent of out  of hours activity. The Committee approved the policy.


09/48  Manual Handling Policy


The Committee considered a policy on Manual Handling. The Committee noted that the policy addressed the legislative requirements in this area. The policy was approved by the Committee.


09/49  Small Works Policy

The Committee received a verbal report on the operation of the Small Works policy from the HSEM. It was noted that it was a requirement that Heads of Departments should, if there was scope for minor works to be undertaken within their Department, appoint a Small Works Co-Ordinator and their appointment should be notified to the HSEM.  If the work was of a significant nature then FM should be contacted and a contractor appointed where appropriate.

It was felt that Departments were not adhering to this policy as no Small Works Co-ordinators

had been identified to date, despite such work being undertaken in departments.

It was agreed that the HSEM should contact all Heads of Departments to remind them of this requirement. In the event that such work was undertaken and no such co-ordinator appointed then this would be reported by FM as a ‘near miss’.  It was further agreed that the HSEM should add to the annual action plan a task to produce a booklet to alert HoDs to the key health and Safety policies, given their number and complexity.


Action: HSEM


09/50  Accident Statistics

SAF09-P30a and SAF09-P30b

The Committee received an analysis of accident statistics for the period 1 April-30 June 2009 and 1 July-30 September 2009. It was noted that there had only been 1 fall from height rather than the 7 in the data.

There had been one insurance claim relating to use of gym equipment which would be defended by the University.


09/51  Laser Safety


.1         The Committee received the Minutes of the Laser Safety Technical Group meeting of 7         October 2009.



.2         The Committee noted plans to standardise laser safety guidance for departments with class 3b and class 4 lasers.


09/52  Any Other Business

.1         The Committee noted that there appeared to be a significant number of cyclists on

campus who were not using lights.  The Security Office reported that it would be mounting a

campaign to address this in the immediate future. Cyclists failing to display lights would be

subject to a disciplinary penalty which would be discharged on production of cycle  lights

and a supporting receipt for them.     


.2         It was noted that there were  some lighting on the central park which was not operational,. It

was requested that this be reported to Facilities Management.


09/53  Dates of  Meetings 2009/10

17 February 2010

9 June 2010

Author: Brigette Vale

Date October 2009

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