Health, Safety and Environment Committee



Minutes of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee held on 30 October 2008



Prof Neil Halliwell (Chair)


Mr M Brown

Mr T Burgess (ab)

Mr M Clarson

Prof P Conway (ab)

Mr J Blackwell

Mr R Harrison

Dr R Haskins

Mr A Hodgson 

Mrs W Jones (item 9)

Mr D Jordan (ab)

Mr A Kowalski

Dr J Dearnley (ab)

Dr J Mckenzie

Mrs C Moore

Mr T Neale

Prof R Parkin

Prof S Pearce (ab)

Mrs L Sands

Dr S Shirreffs (ab)

Mr M Stringfellow 

Mr J Thomas

Mr J Bernstein (ab)

Prof P Warwick (ab)

Ms S Ettinger

Ms L Young (ab)

Mr J Kirby

Mr W Spinks (ab)


In attendance : Dr B P Vale

By Invitation   : Mr D Fulford, Mr H Weaver



08/20  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Andrew Burgess, Dave Jordan, Susan Shirreffs, Will Spinks and Peter Warwick.


08/21  Business of the Agenda

No items were unstarred.


08/22  Minutes

            (SAF08–M2 attached)

The Minutes of the meeting held on 11 June 2008 were confirmed.


08/23  Matters Arising from Previous Meetings not Mentioned Elsewhere on

the Agenda (SAF08-P20)


   Misuse of Fire Equipment

Further to Minute 08/8 of the previous meeting the Committee received an update on action taken to reduce the number of incidents of misuse of fire equipment. A meeting had been convened to review the issue and an incident report form plus guidelines on the penalties to be imposed by Wardens had been introduced. It was proposed that this system be trialled and reviewed at the June 2009 HSE meeting and this was agreed by the Committee.


08/24  Terms of Reference, Constitution and Membership of Health, Safety and Environment Committee 2008/09 (SAF08-P21)

The Committee  noted the Terms of Reference, constitution and membership of Health, Safety and Environment Committee for 2008/09 and  noted that the University Health and Safety policy will need to be amended to incorporate changes to the terms of reference and membership. The membership included a vacancy for a Pro Vice Chancellor and it was felt that with the Provost in the chair and the Chief Operating Officer as an ex officio member, there was no requirement for a PVC as well, particularly since this vacancy had not been filled for some time, and it was recommended that the membership be amended to remove this position.


The Committee noted that attendance by academic members of staff of the Committee had been sporadic in the past and noted that it had received apologies from one Head of Department. It was felt that this should be kept under review  but was not an immediate cause for concern.  Concern was expressed about the vacancy for a second  lay member of Council. It was reported that this was expected to be addressed at the next meeting of Nominations Committee.


08/25  Annual Health and Safety Plan (SAF08-P22)

The HSEM presented her report to the Committee on the implementation of the Health and Safety Plan for 07/08  and the new  Plan for 08/09 which would be reported  to Senate and Council.  The HSEM reminded members that the implementation of the plan represented only part of the workload of the HSE Office. Two areas were particularly highlighted, the improvement in communications with Departments via the training of Departmental Safety Officers and the newsletter and the implementation of the Health and Safety audits.

Audits of the two largest Departments, imago and Estates had been undertaken, and an audit of the Wolfson School  was underway. In Departments with a range of hazards the full HASMAP audit would be undertaken, however smaller departments with fewer risks would be subject to audit on a reduced scale. A schedule of audits would be produced for the next meeting of HSE and continuation of the audit process was incorporated in the 08/09 plan.


The plan for next year highlighted the need for the  identification and recording of the training requirements at the University. A matrix of the mandatory training requirements would be produced and the emphasis in the first instance would be on fire safety training.  A series of courses had been developed and would be repeated throughout the year. 


It was noted that there had been several recent developments in research activity in the Bio-Engineering area and that it was important that there should be a specialist sub committee which addressed issues of Biological safety and that there should be expert advice at operational level.


The Committee received the report of the  Annual HSE plan for 07/08 and the plan for 08/09 and recommended them to Senate and Council for their consideration.


08/26  University Fire Officer’s Report (SAF08-P23)

The Committee  received a report from the University Fire Officer. There had been a fire in the Purple Onion which had been contained very rapidly largely due to the availability of the AFD system which can be monitored by Security permanently. New AFD Systems had been fitted in several buildings on campus. Refuge Communication Systems had also been fitted in several new locations. The fire alarm activations statistics revealed a decrease in activity, however the period under consideration included the summer vacation.


08/27  Imago Services Health and Safety Audit Report (SAF08-P24)

The Committee considered the imago Services Health and Safety Audit Report. It was  noted that the key findings had been listed and imago had responded with an action plan.  The audit had found many strengths and examples of innovative practice. The importance of liaising with Halls not managed and owned by the University on health and safety issues was raised.


It was felt that in future the full audit report should be made available online with the Committee receiving an executive summary which addressed strengths, weaknesses and recommendations.


08/28  Display Screen Equipment (DSE) (SAF08-P25)

The Committee considered a discussion paper on matters relating to Display Screen Equipment. The policy had been updated previously in 2005 and had introduced the concept of self assessment of computer users’ workstations. It was proposed to update this policy to ensure that all new members of staff were contacted by means of a standard letter to advise them of the need to carry out the assessment , to remind existing staff of the need to carry out self assessment and advise them where to seek help if they required it and to update existing information and advice. It was agreed that further guidance should be sought on the advice offered to those with additional needs who needed to conduct self assessment.


The Committee approved the proposed amendments to  the DSE policy.


08/29  Policy on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEP) (SAF08-P26)

The Committee considered a policy on Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans.  The policy presented to the Committee identified what the policy was and who was responsible for its implementation. It was confirmed that the HSE office worked closely with DANS in identifying students with additional needs who were contacted regarding the drafting of an individual PEEP. It was noted that the Director of HR should also provide information regarding staff who might require such a plan. Since there were potentially 150-200 students who might require a PEEP the process was time consuming. It was suggested that consideration might be given to a generic PEEP for each building. It was felt that although this might be a long term objective it would mean anticipating all possible needs and this might be difficult to achieve.


It was agreed that the Director of Facilities Management should be consulted at the stage where recommendations were made in connection with a PEEP.


The Committee approved the policy on PEEPs.


08/30   Leading Health and Safety at Work – UCEA Guidance Document (SAF08-P27)

The Committee considered  a summary  prepared by the HSEM of a briefing paper on    Health and Safety Management at work  issued by UCEA. It was confirmed that the University’s governing body was Council. The summary document was divided into policy areas with core actions and good practice. With respect to the policy area ‘Planning the Direction of Health and Safety ‘ and its core actions, it was noted that the University had in place a Health and Safety policy document which was regularly reviewed by HSE Committee and Council. The policy document had recently been updated following changes in organisational structure and did set out the individual responsibilities of University members. In terms of good practice it was noted that HSE Committee reported to Senate and Council after each meeting and Council approval was required for new policies. The Chair of Health and Safety Committee, who was the Provost,  was a member of Council and lay members of Council sat on HSE Committee who could act as Health and Safety champions. The Chief Operating Officer was also an ex-officio member of HSE Committee. It was felt that this gave sufficient visibility to health and safety issues. Health and safety targets were set via an annual Health and Safety plan which was reviewed by HSE Committee.


In the policy area ‘Delivering Health and Safety ‘ it was felt that the core actions were met by the provision of a Health and Safety Office with its own budget and  with departmental budgets managed by Heads of Departments. Risk assessments were regularly conducted via Departmental audits. Staff were represented by their Trades Unions on HSE Committee and Departments had their own Health and Safety Committees. In terms of good practice  it was not clear whether Health and Safety responsibilities were raised when senior managers were appointed and this should be verified with HR. Health and Safety training was provided to staff but not to members of Council.


The arrangements for monitoring the health and safety standards of external contractors were in place. 


In the policy area ‘Monitoring Health and Safety’ in terms of core actions accident statistics were reported to Health and Safety Committee and sickness monitoring is undertaken by Personnel Services.  Departmental audits were conducted, training was provided for Heads of Departments, Departmental Safety Officers provide regular reports to the HSE Office, and regular reports were provided for the Executive Leadership Team. It was felt that it would be useful for the HSEM to report to Council in person on an annual basis to provide a further link to the governing body and that the most appropriate time would be when the annual report on Health and Safety was considered.


In the policy area ‘ Review of Health and Safety’ in terms of core actions it was felt that the presentation of the annual review of the Health and Safety plan provided an opportunity for Council to review health and safety performance. In terms of good practice HSE Committee was monitoring performance via audits and feedback e.g. from the Leicestershire Fire Service, but there may be further opportunities to report on the University’s achievements in this area.


08/31  Draft HSE Newsletter (SAF08-P28)

The Committee considered the draft HSE newsletter for publication in December 2008. It was suggested that the presentation be standardised to make it more accessible,    nevertheless the newsletter was welcomed by the Committee.


08/32  Accident Statistics (SAF08-P29a and SAF08-P29b)

The Committee  received an analysis of accident statistics for the period 1 April - 30 June 2008 and 1 July – 30 September 2008. It was reported that this would be last time data was received in this format. In future it would be presented alongside national USHA date for comparison. It was acknowledged that the number of reported accidents was not high.

It was felt that it would be useful to provide a definition of accidents and whether it included stress related conditions or manual handling incidents.


It was noted that incidents relating to personal safety which might give rise to an insurance claim against the University were not necessarily recorded as accidents. It was reported, however, that there were monthly meetings between the HSE office and staff dealing with insurance claims to keep this under review.


08/33  Matters Raised by Departmental Safety Officers

It was noted that no matters had been raised for discussion by Departmental Safety Officers.


08/34 Small Works Policy (SAF08-P30)

            The Committee considered and approved amendments to  the Small Works Policy


08/35  Dates of Meetings 2008/09


            18 February 2009

            10 June 2009

Author: Brigette Vale

Date October 2008

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