Health, Safety and Environment Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee held on 31 October 2007.


Mr S Black

Mr J Blackwell

Dr E Brown (ab)

Mr M Brown

Mr M Clarson

Dr S Dann (ab)

Prof N Halliwell

Mr R Harrison

Dr R Haskins

Mr R Hill

Mr A Hodgson

Mrs W Jones

Mr D Jordan

Mr A Kowalski

Mrs W Llewellyn (ab)

Dr J Mckenzie

Mrs C Moore

Mr T Neale

Prof R Parkin (ab)

Prof S Pearce (ab)

Mrs L Sands

Dr S Shirreffs

Mr W Spinks

Mr M Stringfellow

Mr J Thomas

Mr J Tidy  (ab)

Prof P Warwick

Dr C Woodruff (ab)

Ms L Young



In attendance: Mr A Burgess, Dr B vale, Mr H Weaver


07/34  Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Rob Parkin, Cyril Woodruff, Wendy Llewellyn and Sandie Dann.


07/35  Business of the Agenda

No items were unstarred.


07/36  Minutes


The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2007 were confirmed.


07/37  Matters Arising from Previous Meetings not Mentioned elsewhere on the Agenda


.1         Fumes From the Jet Nozzle Rig( Aeronautical Engineering

The Director of Estates reported that the project to re house the Jet Nozzle rig had been completed.  There remained the issue of noise in the pilot lab associated with the wind tunnels in Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, but a solution to this was anticipated.


07/38  Report on S Building Air Quality


It was noted that work was underway to improve the air quality in S Building and the importance of co-operation between departments in shared buildings was emphasised.


07/39  Report from the Health, Safety and Environment Manager

The HSEM reported that a number of actions had been initiated following the KPMG audit report.  Training for Heads of Departments had been undertaken and all Departments had been asked to produce a health and safety policy.  The need to improve communication with Departmental Safety Officers was recognised and training provision was part of the annual plan.  A revised Health and Safety policy for the University  had been put in place and an annual Health and Safety Plan had been produced. 


The KPMG audit report had recognised that there were a number of different units located on campus where staff were not necessarily University employees and this raised the issue of responsibility for health and safety matters.  HSEM will be addressing this matter and it was proposed that some minimum standards would be established.


07/40  Annual Health and Safety Plan


The Committee received the first annual Health and Safety Plan.  The HSEM explained that the plan was intended to be the vehicle to drive forward Health and Safety provision at the University and set a standard against which achievements could be measured..

It was noted that the Plan made no mention of the work of the Radiological Protection Committee. It was explained that it was felt that the serious safety issues in this area were already being addressed and did not require further identification in the Plan. 

It was further noted that the implementation of the DSEAR requirements should be expanded on as the risk assessments involved would be a very substantial task.

The training in the area of occupational health appeared to be highly ambitious and it was questioned as to whether it would be achievable.  It was agreed that this was a major task but it was essential, some of it would coincide with the DSO training , eg in the area of manual handling.


It was felt that the plan should identify priority areas of HSE activity and that other matters should not be included.  The Committee welcomed the plan and asked the HSEM to provide a report on its implementation at each Committee meeting.


07/41  Fire Strategy


The Committee considered a fire strategy document which was the outcome of discussions between the HSE Office and the Estates Organisation. It represented a formalisation of existing current  arrangements.  It was noted than an exact standard for disabled evacuation and refuges would be written in but that this would add costs to the project.  The provision of telephone communication in the refuges was discussed and it was noted that there was  a wireless system would meet the required BS  standard.


It was noted that there was proposal that all fire alarms should have a common tone so that it was instantly recognisable across campus.


There was an issue over the need to secure buildings after a fire evacuation which might then prevent the Fire Marshals gaining access to the buildings, it was agreed that this issue should be discussed outside the meeting.


07/42  University Fire Officer’s Report


The Committee  received a report from the University Fire Officer.  It was noted that there were three reportable incidents in the period under review. The most serious was the fire in the Purple Onion. The report on the incident was with the University’s insurers and the cause was not yet known. The incident had highlighted the need for AFD systems to be made available.   Many buildings remained without it and Estates would be taking this issue forward.  The Director of the Estates Organisation undertook to provide a report on the AFD provision to be circulated with the Minutes.

The incident in Falkner Eggington occurred due to unattended cooking.  The were 60 units, 600 beds in total  in this residential accommodation which all had independent fire alarms. The situation in this accommodation was well known to the University and £120k had been spent on improving safety.   This accommodation was usually occupied by international students.  It was noted that there was usually a sub warden on site and it was expected that this accommodation would be replaced within 3 years.


It was reported that there was now a fire evacuation chair, a C Max c stair climber,  available and that this would be stored in the University gatehouse.


07/43  Referral to Occupational Health - Guidance for Managers, Individuals and Academic Staff


The committee received a report from the Occupational Health Adviser who invited comments.  It was confirmed that the document would be made available via the HSE website.

07/44  Accident Statistics

            SAF07-P26a and SAF07-P26b

The Committee received an analysis of accidents for the period 1 April – 31 June 2007 and 1 July - 30 September.


07/45  Asset Risk Improvement Task Group


The Committee  approved revised membership, terms of reference and constitution of Asset Risk Improvement Task Group.


07/46  Environmental Review


The Committee noted a paper from the HSEM.

07/47  Membership


The membership and terms of reference of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee for 2007/08 were noted


07/48  Any Other Business

.1         A member of the Committee asked that, following discussion at the Science Directorate, there be a further review of the recent policy regarding the withdrawal of the honoraria for First Aiders.  The Deputy Vice Chancellor agreed that the matter should be raised again through the Human Resources Working Group.


.2         The Chair noted that this would be the final meeting for Roy Hill who was soon to retire from the University.  The Chair on behalf of the Committee thanked Roy for his outstanding service and wished him well for the future


07/49  Date of  next Meeting       

            Wednesday  20 February  2008, 2pm

Author: Brigette Vale

Date: November 2007

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