Health, Safety and Environment Committee



Minutes of the meeting of the Health, Safety and Environmental Committee held on 13 June 2007 at 2.00pm


Professor J V Beaverstock (ab)

Dr E D Brown (ab)

Mrs K Bedwell

Mr M C Brown (ab)

Mr S Black (ab)

Miss S Carter (ab)

Mr M Clarson

Dr S E Dann (ab)

Mr A R Eyre

Mr R A Hill

Prof N Halliwell

Mr A Kawalski (ab)

Mr T M Neale

Professor R C Thomson (ab)

Dr C Woodruff

Mr R Harrison

Mrs W Jones

Mrs W E Llewellyn

Mrs L Sands

Ms R Wiggans (ab)

Dr R A Haskins

Dr D Jordan

Mrs C Moore

Mr M Stringfellow

D Wilson


In attendance:Dr B Vale, Committee Secretary, Ms F Cooper,Mr J Swaffer.



07/14 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from: Professor J Beaverstock, Mr E D Brown,  Mr M Brown, Ms S Carter, Mr M Clarson, ,  Professor R C Thomson, Dr S E Dann.



07/15. Business of the Agenda

No items were unstarred.


07/16. Minutes


The Minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2007 were confirmed subject to an amendment to Minute 3.4 to reflect that due to increased awareness of the issue  the number of reported incidents of staff with psychological problems had increased  rather than the number of staff themselves.


07/17. Matters Arising from Previous Meetings not Mentioned Elsewhere on the Agenda


.1         Fumes from Jet Nozzle Rig (Aeronautical Engineering)

It was reported that the project on the Jet Nozzle Rig would be completed by the end of     June 2007.   The issue of noise from the wind tunnel in Pilot Lab 1 remained to be addressed.

07/18. University Health , Safety and Environment Policy  including Terms of Reference and Membership of the Committee

The Chair welcomed Ms Cathy Moore as the newly appointed Health and Safety Manager.  The post of Deputy Manager was now vacant and this would soon be addressed.   Following recent changes to the  management structure,  Health and Safety matters fell within the remit of the DVC who had ex officio membership of the Committee.   The Director of Finance, Ms R Wiggans would now attend the Committee following the retirement of the Bursar.  Folowing changes to the HSE Committee membership several members would be leaving the Committee . The Chair thanked them for their contributions.   The HSE policy document had been approve by Council and had been disseminated via the HSE website.


07/19. Report from the Acting Health, Safety and Environment Manager


The HSEM reported that she had a number of initiatives underway for the next 3 months.  These included reviewing and updating the content of the HSE website; auditing support services;reviewing fire alarm test times and reviewing various occupational health policies.


07/20.  KPMG Health and Safety Audit


A draft audit report was available and a management response was being prepared.  While the scope and depth of the audit might be criticised there had been a number of key findings which had been accepted.  The main feature of the report was the need to improve links with Departments.  The need for training for Heads of Departments was accepted. The DVC undertook to take this aspect forward with the Deans of Faculties.  It was agreed however that while the training was essential it must be fit for purpose and should not overburden staff.


07/21.  Annual Health and  Safety Plan and Annual Report from Health and Safety     Committee


The Committee received a Minute from Audit Committee requesting the provision of an annual Health and Safety Plan and the provision of an Annual report from HSE Committee.  It was agreed that this request was a valuable proposal which moved HE management forward in a proactive manner . The HSEM would present an action plan to the first HSE Committee meeting of each year and then report against it at the end of the year.  It was agreed that this would commence in the next academic session.


07/22. Moving to Recycled Copier  Paper


The Committee  received a progress report from the Director of Media Services and noted the progress made in this area.


07/23. Fitness and Health Surveillance


The Committee received a report from the Occupational Health Adviser. The report   presented an overview of recently formalised procedures and was being circulated partly for comment and partly for awareness raising.  It was noted that it was a Manager’s responsibility to identify where a fitness assessment was required and it was agreed that HoDs  should be notified of this.


07/24. Enhancing Our Working Environment


The  Committee received a report from the Occupational Health Adviser on the outcomes of the stress survey.  The paper had been submitted to EMG.  It was noted that a considerable amount of work had gone into this.  There were many examples of good working practices cited in the paper and it was hoped that these could be widely shared..


07/25. Smoking Policy


The Committee received a report from the Occupational Health Adviser on the introduction   of the ban on smoking in any indoor place from 1 July 2007.  It was noted that this was a legal requirement and enhanced the University’s existing policy..


07/26. University Fire Officer’s Report


The University Fire Officer reported on a range of activity in many areas, including a fire in the Chemistry building, fire alarm testing, fire marshal representation and training, fire assembly points and signage.  It was noted that it was planned that  there should be a fire safety eye monitoring system in place , but that many buildings would take 2-3 years to be connected. 

There remained a number of fire alarm activations in Halls of Residence, and there had      been 23 malicious call point activations.  The University was however managing this and preventing Fire service call outs in these circumstances.


07/27. University Health and Safety Policy, Ionising Radiation; University Health
and safety Policy Non Ionising Radiation (Excluding Lasers)


It was resolved to recommend to Council HS policies on Ionising and Non Ionising Radiation.


07/28.Annual report from Ethical Advisory Committee


The Annual report from Ethical Advisory Committee was received .


07/29.Accident Statistics


An analysis of accidents for the period was received.


07/30.Asset Risk Improvement Task Group

            SAF07-P18  (to follow)

The Minutes of the Asset Risk Improvement Task Group meeting held on 29 May 2007 were noted.


07/31.Sustainable Development Action Group(SDAG)


The Minutes of the SDAG meeting of 1 May 2007 were noted



07/32 Any Other Business


Water Supply in Hazlerigg/Rutland


It was noted that follow up testing on the water supply at Hazelrigg and Rutland Hall had been carried out and that results were expected imminently.  Informal discussion with the testing laboratories strongly indicated that there would be no problem with lead contamination but that confirmation of this would be forwarded by the testing laboratory in a few days.  The health concerns raised by the student initially had proved unrelated to lead in the water.  It was confirmed that lead water pipes were present in Rutland Hall.


07/33. Dates of  Meetings for 2007/08  

            Wednesday 31 October 2007

            Wednesday 20 February 2007

            Wednesday 11 June 2007

Author: Brigette Vale

Date: May 2007

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