Health, Safety and Environment Committee



Minutes of the Ninety Third meeting of the Health, Safety and Environment Committee held on 22 February 2006.


Dr JBC Blood (Chair)

Mr S Alsbury

Mr M Harris (ab)

Professor I Reid

Mrs K Bedwell (ab)

Dr R A Haskins

Mrs L Sands

Dr E D Brown

Mr R A Hill (ab)

Dr B L Sharp (ab)

Mr M C Brown (ab)

Mrs W Jones

Mr M Stringfellow

Mr M Clarson (ab)

Mr D Jordan

Mr D M Wilson

Dr S Dann (ab)

Mr R Kirkwood

Mr R Wilson

Mr AR Eyre (ab)

Mrs W Llewellyn (ab)


Mr T Fleming

Mr T M Neale


Mr O Folkerd (ab)

Mr H M Pearson



In attendance: Mr R Harrison, Mr J M Town, Mr N Elkington, Dr B P Vale.



06/1.    Apologies for Absence

            Apologies for absence were received from K Bedwell, M Brown, B Sharp, W         Llewellyn, M Harris, A Eyre, R Hill, S Dann, M Clarson, O Folkerd.


06/2.    Business of the Agenda

Agenda item 13 was unstarred.


06/3.    Minutes


The Minutes of the Ninety Second meeting held on 16 November 2005 were confirmed subject to noting further to minute 05/22 that the Chair of the Committee’s appointment had been approved by Council.


06/4.    Matters Arising from Previous Meetings


.1         Fumes from the Combustion Rig

The Committee was advised that Operations Sub-Committee had authorised Estates to begin negotiations with Advantica with a view to relocating the rig to the Chemical Technology Building.  This building has an exhaust stack in it and was not normally occupied.  The Committee was encouraged that a potential solution to the current problem appeared to have been identified, and hoped that sufficient preliminary analysis could now be undertaken to ensure that this was a suitable location prior to embarking on substantial expenditure.  Relocation of the facility to a site off campus was raised for consideration, but it was felt that Estates had now identified an appropriate solution. 


.2         Terms of Reference of the Committee

A review of the terms of reference of the Committee had previously been adjourned pending a possible review to be undertaken by KPMG.  Preliminary contact with KPMG has been made and the extent of their further involvement remains to be determined.  Meanwhile the review of the terms of reference of the Committee remains adjourned.  However it was agreed that consideration of a revised Health and Safety policy would be brought forward to the next meeting of the Committee.


.3         Access of Contractors on site

The Health, Safety and Environment Manager (HSEM) reported that procedures had been updated and that unless Security are advised in advance, contractors will not be permitted access onto campus.


.4         Blood Borne Viruses/Pathogens

It was noted that Council had approved the policies on Blood Borne Viruses/Pathogens.



.5         Display Screen Equipment

It was noted that Council had approved the policy on Display Screen Equipment.


.6         Lighting on Campus

The HSEM had undertaken an inspection of external lighting on campus.  He had found a small number of faulty lights and they had subsequently been repaired by Estates.  He did not consider that this represented a major problem.

It was confirmed that Estates had a programme for checking lighting on a monthly basis, but also relied on individuals reporting faults.  Occasionally delays to repairs might occur where specialist equipment was required to repair particular light fittings.



06/5.    Asbestos Update


The Committee received a report from the Deputy Health, Safety and Environmental Officer.


06/6.    Radiological Protection


The Committee received the annual report for 2005 from the Radiation Protection Officer.  The Committee was advised that the use of radiation on campus had not changed.  There had been a regulatory visit to the University in August 2005 by three inspectors.  It was a very thorough audit which the University passed successfully.  Only minor recommendations were made such as an alternative use of signage.

More redundant seal sources had left the Campus thereby reducing the University’s liability.  The Committee acknowledged the excellent work undertaken in this respect.  New legislation effective from 1 January 2008 for existing high activity sealed sources would lead to a further review.  Particular thanks were extended to Radiation Protection Supervisors.

The Committee noted that the University’s liability for waste products ended only when they reached the repository.  The University was careful therefore to select approved removal contactors.


06/7.    Report on Stress Survey

Members were advised that an analysis was underway of the Stress Survey questionnaires.  There had been a response rate of 55%.  This was felt to be a good response rate.  In itself this was not felt to be indicative of a problem but reflected the effectiveness of the dual approach enabling on line and paper-based responses.  The Committee was asked to endorse proposals regarding the progression of this matter at University and Departmental level.  It was proposed that a Sub Group of the HSE Committee be established which would develop strategy and report its findings and recommendations to the main HSE Committee.  It was felt that HSE office should assume overall responsibility for promoting the stress risk assessment process since the statutory obligations associated with stress risk assessments arose primarily out of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

It was proposed that the Sub Group membership would be HSE Manager (Chair), Mary Thomas (Personnel), Wendy Jones (Occupational Health Adviser), a member of staff from a non academic Department, a Head of an Academic Department, a member of staff with expertise in this area from the Business School.  It was envisaged that the staff representatives would engage with issues arising through the HSE Committee.

At Departmental level Heads of Departments and sections would receive information on their areas, together with comparative information and Wendy Jones would be arranging meetings with them over the next six months.

The Committee endorsed the proposals as presented.


06/8.    First Aid Provision

The HSEM reported that further investigation of payments to First Aiders on campus has revealed a polarisation of opinion on this issue.  For many First Aiders training is a requirement for their appointment and no further payment should be necessary.  It was the volunteer staff who should be recompensed.  Job descriptions, however, were still not entirely consistent regarding First Aid requirements.

A member of the Committee reported that Unison’s view was that a payment of £250 per annum was a reasonable payment for First Aiders, although the average payment in the Higher Education sector appeared to be £143.  Unison was opposed to ending existing payments to staff.  It was requested that any information on this be referred to the HSEM.  The HSEM agreed to set up a meeting with the Campus Unions on this matter.  It was noted that Estates Services had a large number of First Aiders and it was requested that they be involved in any review.



06/9.    Health, Safety and Environment Manager’s Report

The HSEM reported on two incidents involving students which had highlighted the need for future action.

In one incident a student with a severe nut allergy resident in University Accommodation was exposed to food containing nuts and was hospitalised.  Investigation of the incident had revealed a number of actions to be undertaken.  In particular a Food Allergy policy needed to be implemented and would be brought to the next meeting of the HSE Committee. 

In a further incident a serious injury requiring hospital treatment had been inflicted on a student during a Rag Week event in February.  The incident had occurred during an event, ‘Message to Garcia’, which was a regular feature of Rag Week.  The HSEM was currently investigating the risk assessment process for this incident and the current University procedures regarding the planning and arrangements of such events.  The HSEM will report his findings and bring forward recommendations to the next meeting of the Committee.

It was noted that, although many LSU events were well organised, there were concerns about this particular event.  LSU were aware of the severity of this incident and were reviewing all its procedures.


06/10.  Fire Officer’s Report


The Committee noted that there had been no fire incidents in the current reporting period.  Approximately 40% of the building stock had received a fire risk assessment.  There had been 5 attendances by the Fire Service which was a considerable reduction.  There had been a number of fire alarm activations, mainly due to unattended cooking.

It was noted that there were a number of buildings where risk to life and property would be reduced by installation of AFD equipment.  A list of the buildings had been forwarded to the Estates Department for inclusion in the Estates Strategy Programme.  It was not felt, however, that there was a case for suspending out of hours working in these buildings.  The University was not operating illegally, but it was felt that the Fire Officers Report should be considered by the Estates Management Committee. In order to minimise risk it was felt to be important that staff were aware of internal safety procedures such as the importance of fire doors.

It was noted that the Fire Officer’s inspections of Departments would be completed by August/September.


06/11.  Accident Statistics

SAF06-P7a and SAF06-P7b

An analysis of accidents during 2005 was received by the Committee.


06/12.  Asset Risk Improvement Task Group


The Minutes of the Asset Risk Improvement Task Group meeting held on 8 February 2006 were received by the Committee.


06/13.  Sustainable Development Action Group


The Minutes of the Sustainable Development Action Group meeting held on the 2 February 2006 were received by the Committee.  It was agreed that the Minutes of the Sustainable Development Action Group should be circulated electronically to Departmental contacts.

It was agreed to recommend to Council in principle that the University move towards the use of recycled paper whenever possible both for in-house printing and for outsourced work.  It is envisaged that this recommendation will be made formally once costings have been ascertained  It was noted that the Director of Media Services would present the business case for implementation and any financial implications to the Operations Sub-Committee.  It was suggested that the report to HSE Committee from Sustainable Development Action Group could take the form of bullet points extracted from the Minutes.






06/15.  Date of Next meeting

            Wednesday 14 June 2006




Author: Brigette Vale

Date: February 2006

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