General Assembly



The sixty first (extraordinary) meeting of General Assembly will take place on WEDNESDAY 15 NOVEMBER 2000 at 4.30 pm in J.00.1 Edward Herbert Building.

Wendy Clarke, Secretary


1. Minutes

To confirm and sign, subject to any correction, the Minutes of the sixtieth meeting of General Assembly on 15 March 2000

2. Matters Arising from the Minutes not appearing elsewhere on the Agenda

3. Proposed Changes to Statute


To receive and consider proposed changes to the Statutes detailed in the document from the Registrar and Secretary entitled 'Proposed Changes to Statute, November 2000', relating to:

  1. the size and composition of Council.
  2. the replacement of Schools by Faculties (to accord with the changes in practice introduced in 1996).
  3. replacement of title of Senior Pro Vice-Chancellor with Deputy Vice Chancellor (in accordance with changes to Charter and Ordinances agreed by Council in April 2000).
  4. appointment of Pro Vice-Chancellors by Joint Committee of Senate and Council, rather than by Council on the recommendation of Senate.

4. Any Other Business

Any items of Any Other Business should be notified to the Secretary by midday on Tuesday 14 November 2000.

5. Date of Next Meeting

To be arranged.

Author - Wendy Clarke
Date - November 2000
Copyright (c) Loughborough University. All rights reserved.