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General Assembly 1996

HEFCE and TTA grants for 1996/7

			 1994/5		 1995/6		 1996/7		% 95/6 to 96/7
Teaching funds		20,694,743	19,731,078	19,706,304	 -0.13%
Research funds		 8,742,287	 8,644,100	 8,764,421	  1.39%	
Non-consolidated	   317,734	   507,096	   215,639	-57.48%
Non-formula		   358,248	   229,676	   211,667	 -7.84%
Total recurrent		30,113,012	29,111,950	28,898,031	 -0.73%
Capital			 2,943,072	 2,985,009	 1,926,151	-35.47%
Total HEFCE		33,056,084	32,096,959	30,824,182	 -3.97%

Teacher Training			 1,647,062	 1,624,397	 -1.38%

Grand Total		33,056,084	33,744,021	32,448,579	 -3.84%

A joint meeting supported by the University, the campus unions and Loughborough Students' Union will be held in LSU at 6.15 pm on Monday 20 May, to discuss and publicise the impact of cuts in Government funding.

The University's budget for 1996/7

Research Assessment: preparations for the next RAE in 1996

The University's reputation in research is vital for the recruitment and retention of high quality academic staff, and the quality of research which we 'deliver to the customer' (our peers, the Research Councils, the British Academy, Industry etc) is what that reputation is founded on.

Nevertheless, the University receives c. £8.3M from HEFCE for Research, and RAE grades are one of the key indicators used externally. It is important that we increase the number of departments at grades 4 and 5, reflecting strong national and international significance, with all departments achieving a minimum of grade 3a or 3b. We have been making a series of strategic Chair appointments to help us achieve that.

We must therefore prepare thoroughly for the RAE, and the pilot exercise which is now largely competed will be a great help for that. The rules of the Subject Panels will be known in December this year, and the returns are required by the 1st of April 1996.

Buildings Plan: an update

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